Producing (PENT1-CE)

PENT1-CE 8000  Producing Comedy Videos  (0 Credits)  
Are you a comedy fan? Do you watch <em>Saturday Night Live,</em> Comedy Central, or Funny or Die, and want to learn more about the nuts and bolts of comedy? If you&rsquo;re dreaming about making the next hilarious comedy video, film, or web series, then you&rsquo;ve arrived at the right place. In this course, you will make a short comedy video. Be immersed in all the essentials needed to make your own three- to five-minute comedy video that you then can post on social media. We will go over everything: generating ideas, working with scripts and storyboards, balancing scripting with improvising, casting, directing, shooting, editing, and producing. And you will get exposure to each of these important steps in the preproduction and production processes. Gain an overview of the comedic digital landscape, and learn how to distribute your video once you produce it. While making your own comedic projects, hear from guest speakers in the comedy industry so you can combine real-world exposure with practical know-how.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
PENT1-CE 9001  Film and TV Collateral: The Pitch Package  (0 Credits)  
Learn how to build the packaging collateral elements in a &#8220;pitch bible&#8221; used to promote film/TV series projects. Understand how to produce and oversee the gathering of all elements in the creative development process, from treatment to sizzle reel. Topics include building production crews; assigning vendors; and acquiring written material, graphics, filming, sound, and promotion.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
PENT1-CE 9002  Advanced Audience Analytics  (3 Credits)  
Businesses in all sectors face an avalanche of new marketing data and sophisticated tools with which to extract knowledge and generate insights. Creative talent with these skills, however, is in short supply. This problem is especially acute in the advertising and media sectors, as consumer behavior undergoes rapid changes with the availability of new technologies like social media and mobile platforms, return path data, and programmatic buying. This course is designed to enhance the knowledge and understanding of media professionals who are used to working with traditional research tools (such as survey ratings, Nielsen NPower, and MRI) but are less familiar with such techniques as time series, multiple regression, stochastic processes, and machine learning. Class sessions are a mix of lecture topics, expert guests, and review of industry developments. This course will make professionals more proficient consumers of data science offerings while helping to identify paths toward cultivating ongoing analytic expertise.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
PENT1-CE 9007  Entertainment Industry  (0 Credits)  
Gain an overview of the entertainment media industries and the platforms they dominate (film, television, radio, satellite, music, and the Internet) from economic, creative, and usage perspectives. Learn how these entertainment sectors have developed, how they are structured, and how they navigate changes in technology and consumer behavior. After identifying the significant milestones, important innovations, and major players, explore successful entertainment products within the context of marketing, revenue streams, and participatory audiences. Finally, focus on emerging entertainment paradigms and business models, and examine how they are shaping the future of entertainment.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
PENT1-CE 9008  Become a Power Networker/Power Pitcher  (0 Credits)  
Build your confidence, communicate with conviction, and become a more powerful networker and pitcher. This two-part career development workshop gives you the tools and the skills to translate your career passion into powerful connections. Learn the art of networking and pitching yourself and your projects with maximum results. Gain insights into communicating effectively to make a lasting impression and to create solid relationships within the media industry. Leave this workshop with a finely tuned, personalized pitch and an effective networking action plan.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
PENT1-CE 9057  Television: Networks to New Media  (0 Credits)  
Are you thinking of a career in the television industry? In this course, develop a well-rounded understanding of jobs, trends, and technological innovations, as well as the business models and strategies that make up this exiting industry. We cover media history, marketing and sales, programming, broadcast operations, and creative services. Study the growth of new technologies and the competitive distribution systems employed by all the major media companies, such as cable, Internet services, and direct broadcast satellite.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
PENT1-CE 9075  Producing and Writing Your Film  (0 Credits)  
Develop practical experience in producing and scriptwriting&#8212;crucial skills for aspiring producers. Prepare story lines and write treatments/outlines along with short scenarios. Explore fundamental writing techniques, emphasizing dramatic and narrative forms. Each phase of the production process&#8212;preproduction, production, and postproduction&#8212;is examined, with a concentration on preproduction, as well as the overall role and responsibilities of the producer.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
PENT1-CE 9088  Marketing and Distribution  (0 Credits)  
Marketing and distribution strategies have changed markedly over the past two decades. Learn about the distribution of films into theatres; and the advantages and disadvantages of self-distribution; and cable, home video, and ancillary rights. Examine how major studios institute national campaigns, the differences between national circuits and local independents, and the specialized marketing campaigns for independent and foreign films. Become familiar with how theatres decide which films to play, and explore the interdependent relationships among production, marketing, distribution, and exhibition.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
PENT1-CE 9122  Multimedia Production Management  (0 Credits)  
Explore multimedia producing for film, TV, animation, visual effects, and interactive and gaming projects. Learn the roles and responsibilities for varying levels of producers, such as executive producer, associate assistant producer, visual effects producer, production manager, coordinator, and more. Fundamentals of budgeting, scheduling, pipelines, contracts, SOWs, and definition and management of a project&#8217;s scope and resources are key aspects throughout the course. Case studies, guest lecturers, and in-depth discussions are used throughout the course to immerse you in the world of production management.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
PENT1-CE 9123  The Art of Developing, Pitching, and Negotiating  (0 Credits)  
Discover how a television/digital project is packaged from creation to sale. Learn the dos and don&rsquo;ts of pitching/negotiating, including what makes the strongest pitch package according to the agents, how to assemble the most compelling elements, and how to gain access to the buyers. Explore the roles of producer, agent, manager, and lawyer&mdash;how they interact and how to put together the best team. Examine what goes into creating the best creative collaboration of producers, writers, and talent for your project. Understand how deals are structured, what you need to know about intellectual property and copyrights, and what makes an effective negotiator. Industry professionals from production companies and cable/digital networks provide their expertise and screen sizzle reels. Each student has the option to develop and to create a pitch package for a project over the course of the semester and then receive feedback on it from fellow students and guest professionals.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
PENT1-CE 9125  Media Production Cost Management  (2 Credits)  
With changes in technology, increasingly more companies&mdash;whether media companies, independent filmmakers, nonprofits, or advertising agencies&mdash;are creating branded content, commercials, films, TV shows, and web shorts, and the demand for media and content production continues to grow. But the truth is, even in this climate, the quality of the script and the story is only as good as the budget behind it. From the moment an idea becomes a script or a storyboard, cost planning and cost management are essential. Whether you&rsquo;re writing your first script, working on the production-side of a studio/media company, or new to the industry, this course will take you through the entire cost management process, beginning with the creative idea or script to budgeting and finally cost reporting. Learn how to research components of production budgets, such as labor costs, union rules, and production incentives in the content production landscape. Explore best practices, industry standards, and current trends for controlling costs, managing budgets, and reporting financials. Topics are covered through the use of case studies, real-world tools and techniques, and hands-on practice.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
PENT1-CE 9126  Entertainment Media Business Plans  (0 Credits)  
Do you have a brilliant idea but you&rsquo;re not sure how to get it off the ground? Getting a concept into production starts with a well-researched business plan. While creating business plans and presentations in class, get inside strategies on how to raise capital, gain strategic partners, find distribution, and impress potential board members. Develop a concrete process for creating a business plan, and learn how to generate a document that gets your project noticed.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
PENT1-CE 9136  Law for Producers  (0 Credits)  
As an established or aspiring film or television producer, develop familiarity with entertainment law&rsquo;s contracts and legal principles, and learn how to find and to work effectively with an attorney to safeguard interests. Understand the basics of contract law and intellectual property law, including copyrights and trademarks. Topics include common provisions, litigation and arbitration, acquisition of rights, best practices in negotiation, dealmaking, shopping, and protecting the project. Finally, review financing, distribution agreements, development deals, production contracts, merchandising, and retainer and agency agreements.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
PENT1-CE 9138  Production Company Management  (0 Credits)  
Acquire a working knowledge of how to form a company that develops and produces products for film and television. Understand the business structure for developing, producing, and distributing films. Discover how to acquire properties, to develop a business, and to prepare successful pitches. Learn about financing, corporate structure (advisory team, sales, advertising, business affairs, and finance), and discover how to work with lawyers, accountants, agents, and talent. Industry professionals often visit to share their insight and expertise. Past guest speakers have included Academy Award nominee Peter LeDonne and executives from the DeWitt Stern Group, one of the nation&#8217;s oldest and most prominent insurers of films.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
PENT1-CE 9139  Media Research and Audience Measurement Analytics Intensive  (0 Credits)  
<p>From YouTube to Vimeo, Netflix to Seeso, and Roku to Apple TV, changes in the media landscape have made the need to understand media audiences more important than ever. Programming decisions and advertising dollars all depend on the accurate measurement and interpretation of audience behavior. This course explores how data about audience exposure and engagement are collected, analyzed, and used, preparing students for positions in media and advertising. Students work directly with data produced by Nielsen and other research companies to develop core skills in the business, science, and practice of audience measurement. Learn to recognize audience usage patterns across various platforms and understand how this data is used for content development, audience evaluations, and advertising planning and buying. Practice is emphasized over theory and current marketplace developments are closely tracked. Leading industry representatives regularly visit the class to share their experience and points of view. During the course students prepare a portfolio, appropriate for use in applying for full-time employment and internship opportunities. Course graduates have gone on to careers at NBC, Turner, Viacom, Univision, Hulu, Nielsen, and elsewhere.</p>
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
PENT1-CE 9146  Business Law for Design Professionals  (3 Credits)  
Whatever you design&mdash;apps or architecture, fashion or furniture, graphics or games&mdash;and, whether you are an interior designer or an industrial designer or artist, this course can help you start to run your own business and to protect your creations. Topics include contracts, copyrights, trademarks, design patents, corporations, and limited liability companies. Learn how to work with a lawyer, what you can protect, and how. Explore how the world of digital creation has altered the law. If your career is in the creative arts, then you need to know what your rights are and how to protect yourself&mdash;this course shows you how.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
PENT1-CE 9147  Web Producing  (0 Credits)  
Build upon your knowledge of producing traditional media through this exploration of producing for the Web, such as webcasts, commercials, or series. In this intermediate course, consider challenges unique to the Web, including technical specifications, formats, and delivery. Discuss how pre-production, production, and post-production workflow align with, and differ from, standard processes. Consider marketing and distribution, both on- and off-line. Understand how story arc factors into almost every project. Explore the Web producer's core creative, technical, and executive responsibilities.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
PENT1-CE 9149  Producing Fundamentals Intensive  (0 Credits)  
As a beginning or prospective producer, chart your career path in this intensive course. Understand producers&rsquo; core responsibilities through an overview of the creative, executive, and technical (line producing and production management) aspects of production and distribution. Gain insights into determining a story&rsquo;s artistic and financial worth, defining the target audience, and accurately projecting production and marketing costs. Learn to analyze scripts and stories to gauge expenses; to develop budgets; to structure and solicit funding; and to enter into contracts with actors, executive producers, distributors, and others. Identify opportunities and get started as a producer.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
PENT1-CE 9153  Being Creative Is a Business  (0 Credits)  
As a trained filmmaker, animator, or designer, you are exposed to advertising, online content, gaming, and visual effects for films, but do you know how to get a job? Learn how to brand yourself, and determine if you should go freelance or look for a staff job. If you are looking to create new opportunities&#8212;whether you are in the business or just starting out&#8212;explore what types of jobs are hot right now and who is hiring. This course features guest speakers from all aspects of the industry, from ad agencies to VFX post-houses, to share their insights. Hear from production companies creating content for both TV and digital media. Assignments build your networking and community-building skills between sessions.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
PENT1-CE 9154  Entertainment Media Colloquium  (0 Credits)  
Examine how technological developments and evolving economic conditions impact the entertainment media industry. As business structures and organizational models that have dominated the field for decades undergo paradigm shifts and new distribution models emerge, challenges and opportunities for many entertainment businesses change every quarter. Course topics change each semester to reflect up-to-the-minute changes impacting the industry.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
PENT1-CE 9157  Content Management Strategies for Digital Media  (0 Credits)  
Leverage your organization&rsquo;s digital strategy to maximize market opportunities and consumer preferences. Confront the challenges of media landscapes as they shift with the evolution of broadcast technology and new media. Learn how to analyze and to implement workflow processes, from content origination to publishing. Examine the impact of strategic and operational decisions across multiple media platforms. Develop the skills required to function within the fluid parameters of media management while factoring legal, financial, social, and industry perspectives into your managerial decisions.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
PENT1-CE 9167  Producing for TV and New Media  (3 Credits)  
This course offers a deep dive into the processes and procedures of producing content for TV and new media applications. Case studies, guest lectures, and in-depth discussions are used to immerse you in the world of production management. Build upon the theoretical discussions and various techniques learned in <em><a href="" target="_blank">Producing Fundamentals</a>,</em> and apply these concepts to real-world production. Individual classes focus on several aspects/techniques of production, including budgeting, wrapping, storyboard breakdowns, and business operations.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
PENT1-CE 9210  Movie Magic Budgeting and Scheduling  (0 Credits)  
Learn the premier budgeting software used by producers and production managers working in film and television. EP's budgeting and scheduling application makes production planning in these areas easy. Gain hands-on experience with this application and find out how to effectively manage film, television, documentary, and music video projects.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
PENT1-CE 9220  Narrowcasting: Broadband TV Channels and New Business Models  (0 Credits)  
Content creators and advertisers are expanding beyond traditional outlets and shifting to new digital outlets. Explore the ongoing movement in this lecture-based course. Designed for individuals interested in developing and monetizing new (or old) content via broadband distribution, the course covers channel creation, production, distribution technology, finding sponsors, and building audiences. Narrowcasting examines successful development examples and the early leaders in the new digital world, with an emphasis on creating measurable scale and revenue streams. Guests include producers, advertisers, technology providers, executives, and online talent.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
PENT1-CE 9509  Producing Fundamentals  (2.5 Credits)  
Explore many of the creative, executive, and technical (line producing and production management) responsibilities involved in each phase of production, development, preproduction, postproduction, and distribution to gain an overview of the producer&rsquo;s core responsibilities. Examine the nuts and bolts of production, such as raising money and securing permissions, finding a story and developing a script, choosing a director and hiring actors, and marketing your project. Learn how the underlying principles of film can be applied to, and adapted for, television and other entertainment media. Grapple with challenging questions about determining the worth of the story, defining target audiences, and projecting production and marketing costs. As a current or aspiring producer, learn how to chart the most promising path toward achieving your goals. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the business of entertainment, and learn to successfully engage in all related aspects of global production. Learn to create the relationships that the most successful producers have with the various participants in the motion picture industry and to direct relationships with domestic and foreign studios, agencies, attorneys, talent, completion guarantors, banks, and private investors. Chart opportunities to get started as a producer.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
PENT1-CE 9510  Digital Product Workshop  (2 Credits)  
<p>Walk through each phase of the creation process using an original idea, creating prototypes and business plans for your digital product. At the conclusion of the course, you have the opportunity to present your work to a panel of industry experts and receive valuable real-world feedback on the concept, execution, and marketability of the product.</p>
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
PENT1-CE 9511  Digital Product Design  (2 Credits)  
<p>Today, &ldquo;product design&rdquo; may entail websites, mobile applications, or entire digital worlds. Product design can be executed by individuals, startups, or large corporations, and they are responsible for far more than simply the look or outward design of the products. In this course, explore the various new tools that digital product creators need to be familiar with&mdash;including usability studies, strategic planning, delivery models, and schedules&mdash;as well as various modes of communication. This knowledge can mean the difference between a product&rsquo;s success and failure in the marketplace.</p>
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
PENT1-CE 9512  Commercial Producing in the Digital Space  (1.5 Credits)  
Learn the skills necessary to produce digital commercials, including useful approaches to working with budgets and tips for handling difficult clients. It is often said that commercial producing is the career path for film and TV professionals who actually want to make money. What&rsquo;s more, commercials are absolutely booming right now in the online arena. In this course, get an overview of the digital video industry and survey current trends. We will review the prep work necessary for an executive producer to pitch and bid for a project, and we&rsquo;ll finish by exploring the ins and outs of a line producer&rsquo;s role in preparing for a live-action digital commercial shoot through the use of his/her most important tool&mdash;a production budget. Special attention will be paid to the unique challenges faced by both EPs and LPs when dealing with clients&mdash;a defining component of commercial production.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
PENT1-CE 9600  Locations Breakdown: Deconstructing an Unknown Production Department  (0 Credits)  
Acting as liaison between production crews and the community at large, the locations department is an integral part of any successful film, TV, or commercial shoot. With so many productions currently shooting in NYC, there is an urgent need for more industry professionals to enter this field at all levels. What&rsquo;s more, moving up through locations is a common track toward production manager and line producer positions. In this class, get a crash course in the various responsibilities of the locations department. Lessons include collaboration with directors, community and police relationships, contracts and permits, tech scout prep, and much more. Also, gain hands-on experience in scouting. Guest speakers will share lessons learned on some of the biggest film shoots in NYC history. Between these exciting guests and the experienced instructor, you will be treated to an array of sometimes mortifying, sometimes hilarious stories aimed at augmenting the week&rsquo;s lessons.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
PENT1-CE 9700  Building a Career as a TV or Film Producer  (2 Credits)  
<p>This course offers an overview of the producer&rsquo;s role in the film and TV industries. In this hands-on workshop, explore the numerous facets of the producer&rsquo;s role by exploring the responsibilities and demands of producing a real or hypothetical film or TV project of your own. Gain experience in defining your project&rsquo;s target audience, analyzing scripts and stories to gauge expenses, developing budgets, making plans for structuring and soliciting funding, casting actors and extras, and exploring distribution opportunities. Learn how producers manage relationships with studios, financiers, talent, and agents throughout the entire production process. Complete a series of hands-on exercises to formulate a plan that will take your project from pre- to postproduction.<br /><br><br><br /><br><br><strong><em>This course may be used to fulfill the requirements of the <a href="">Certificate in Writing and Producing for Film and Television</a>. It may be taken to pursue the certificate, or as a standalone course. Questions? Contact us at The Center for Publishing and Applied Liberal Arts: Email or call 212-998-7289.</em></strong></p>
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
PENT1-CE 9701  Film and TV Development as a Producer  (2 Credits)  
<p>Before a film or TV series can be cast, financed, or filmed, producers and filmmakers manage a multidisciplinary process involving creative, legal, and market-based building blocks in order to get a project green-lit. Learn the mechanics involved in the development of new projects, either by creating a new work of your own or by optioning and acquiring existing intellectual property. This course provides an in-depth understanding of these steps by detailing the multiple disciplines required to develop or acquire a film or TV series. The production process can take months, or even years: a producer must secure and develop a story or idea, next receive project approval by a studio or independent funding, and then progress to preproduction. This course will demonstrate how producers effectively navigate this journey and execute effective development strategies.&nbsp;</p><br><br><br><br><p><em><strong>This course may be used to fulfill the requirements of the <a href="">Certificate in Writing and Producing for Film and Television</a>. It may be taken to pursue the certificate, or as a standalone course. Questions? Contact us at The Center for Publishing and Applied Liberal Arts: Email or call 212-998-7289.</strong></em></p>
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
PENT1-CE 9702  Budgeting, Financing, and Casting for Film and TV  (2 Credits)  
<p>Gain an understanding of film budgets and the casting process from a creative as well as a practical, boots-on-the-ground perspective. Learn the real-world implications that casting has on a project&rsquo;s financing, budgeting, scheduling, and sales outlook. Also, get an overview of how successfully to work with casting directors, agents, managers, and studios, as well as how to negotiate talent contracts with entertainment attorneys. Additionally, this course will introduce you to Movie Magic Scheduling and Movie Magic Budgeting, both industry-standard production software applications. You will learn to break down a script, in order to understand how budgets are determined and prepare a detailed budget for a non-union, low-budget independent feature film in order to move the film from development into pre-production. We will get into the nuts and bolts of building out the business side of a film, including how to build a film&rsquo;s business plan and attract investors to your project. We will look at the impact that casting choices have on sales estimates and a film&rsquo;s business plan, as well as explore methods of attaching cast to your project. You will learn about various methods of film financing, tax incentives, how films return on their investment, and how to work with lawyers and accountants for the duration of your film&rsquo;s financial life.&nbsp;</p><br><br><br><br><p><em><strong>This course may be used to fulfill the requirements of the <a href="">Certificate in Writing and Producing for Film and Television</a>. It may be taken to pursue the certificate, or as a standalone course. Questions? Contact us at The Center for Publishing and Applied Liberal Arts: Email or call 212-998-7289.</strong></em></p>
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
PENT1-CE 9703  The Producer on Set: Principal Photography and Production  (2 Credits)  
Gain a comprehensive overview and a detailed understanding of the role, practical requirements, and expectations of a producer when preparing for and embarking on a film or TV series shoot. Learn the steps needed to establish a production entity, plan an appropriate preproduction period, approve and monitor a production budget and shooting schedule, recruit heads of departments, and lead the production crew toward completing principal photography on time and within budget. As a prospective producer, you also will learn how to create a comprehensive workflow to enable a smooth transition into a project&rsquo;s postproduction and delivery phases.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
PENT1-CE 9704  Fix It, Sell It, Deliver It: A Producer's Survival Tactics for Postproduction, Distribution, Sales,  (2 Credits)  
<p>This course focuses on how film and TV producers can manage the often-overlooked and disregarded but intimidatingly technical and precise world of postproduction. It is an essential part of modern-day filmmaking given that more time, effort, and money are frequently spent in postproduction than in any other part of the filmmaking process. Yet there is so much that remains misunderstood or is downright wrong about how producers and storytellers engage with this critical part of the process. This course provides a complete understanding of postproduction&rsquo;s vital part in every stage of the creative process&mdash;from the early steps of scriptwriting to preproduction to principal photography&mdash;and across multiple genres.<br /><br><br><br /><br><br>This course aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of all the essential elements that make up the world of postproduction, elements such as editing, DI/color correction, sound design and effects (FX), visual effects (VFX), dialogue editing, original score composition, soundtrack licensing, and final mix and deliverables. It also spotlights the details of scheduling, budgeting, and workflow. This course also offers far-reaching discussion and in-depth breakdown of the final part of the filmmaking process that follows on the heels of postproduction: festivals, sales, distribution, and marketing a project&rsquo;s release. This process is a vital part of a producer&rsquo;s initial strategic thinking during the beginning stages of a project&rsquo;s creative and logistical DNA gestation. As a student in this course, gain practical knowledge through in-class instruction and demonstrations and exposure to award-winning professionals and industry-leading postproduction operations. You will discuss and develop several strategies for engagement with film festivals, the cultivation of relationships with sales agents, and positioning for success with distribution partners.</p>
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
PENT1-CE 9825  Packaging Original Programming for Television  (0 Credits)  
This hands-on course provides you with an insider&#8217;s take on the step-by-step process of developing and creating a pitch package&#8212;from concept to final treatment&#8212;for various original programming, whether for television or new media (reality, nonfiction, script, or animation). Learn how to assemble the key programming elements, to produce a compelling pitch tape, to gain network access, to explore alternative development avenues, to engage the right agent, and to pitch with results. Industry professionals&#8212;including production company representatives, show runners, casting directors, and network development executives&#8212;discuss their first-hand experiences with effective packaging. Key agreements involved with packaging are covered together with essential deal terms. By the end of the course, have a command of the packaging world, the key players, and the strategies for pulling all the elements together.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
PENT1-CE 9888  Introduction to Producing Films and TV  (0 Credits)  
This course offers an overview of the producer&rsquo;s role in the film and television industries. In this hands-on workshop, you will explore the numerous facets of the producer&rsquo;s role by producing a real or hypothetical film or TV project of your own. Gain experience in defining your project&rsquo;s target audience, analyzing scripts and stories to gauge expenses, developing budgets, making plans for structuring and soliciting funding, casting actors and extras, and discussing distribution opportunities. Learn how producers manage relationships with studios, financiers, talent, and agents through the entire production process. Complete a series of hands-on exercises to formulate a plan that will take your project from pre- to postproduction.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
PENT1-CE 9953  Broadcast Programming and Scheduling  (0 Credits)  
Scheduling is a key component in media programming. Study the most effective methods to plan and schedule broadcasts, cable and syndicated events, and webcasts. By considering audience preferences, competitor's offerings, and media content, learn how major content providers build their programming and strategize for the most effective scheduling options.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
PENT1-CE 9999  Motion Picture and Broadcast Industry Insiders Series  (2 Credits)  
Get the broadcast and motion picture industry insider&rsquo;s take on what makes for a strong pitch and what the dos and don&rsquo;ts are of pitching/negotiating. Discuss how to network powerfully, assemble the most compelling elements of a series, and gain the best access to buyers. Hear the real deal on how to put the best team of producers, agents, managers, and lawyers together and how to manage that team for maximum effect. What goes into forming the best creative collaboration of producers, writers, and talent? How are deals structured, what do you need to know about intellectual property/copyright, and what makes for an effective negotiator? At each session, panelists of professionals screen their most successful sizzle reels to give you a <em>real</em> sense of what it takes to make a sale.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes