Investor Relations (INVR1-CE)

INVR1-CE 9376  The Investor Relations Project Plan  (2 Credits)  
Effectively communicating with investors about growth initiatives that drive long-term value is key to successful investor relations. Explore a range of topics, including what drives shareholder value, what the role of the investor relations professional should be, and how to structure an effective investor relations program. Discuss how technological advances and regulatory changes affect information gathering, analysis, and communication. Complete an integrative project that you decide upon through consultation with the instructor.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
INVR1-CE 9392  Investor Relations: The Investment Process  (2 Credits)  
Understand the investment process at the institutional investor level—and the interaction of the institutional investor community with corporations. This in-depth exploration of the investment process benefits professionals new to investor relations careers, those with public relations and corporate communication backgrounds but little formal exposure to finance, and individuals with a financial background eager to know about investor communications. Topics include equity markets and the investment process, the role of the IR professional, valuation and financial analysis, decision-making, media relations and crisis management, corporate governance and shareholder activism, market research and IR technology, IPOs, and small-cap challenges.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
INVR1-CE 9393  Investor Relations: Issues in Corporate Disclosure  (2 Credits)  
Designed for investor relations (IR) practitioners, this in-depth presentation of corporate disclosure and the corporate environment it supports focuses on the key disclosure issues relevant to the investment community. Using a case-study approach, examine structured and unstructured disclosure in light of current Securities and Exchange Commission regulations and precedent-setting court cases. Through discussion, assignments, simulations, and conversations with senior IR practitioners, develop the skills to guide company management on critical disclosure issues. Topics include definitions of materiality, forward-looking statements and the associated risks, review and distribution of analyst reports, and IR on the Internet.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
INVR1-CE 9395  Advanced Topics: Investor Relations  (2 Credits)  
This advanced course is designed for those who desire specialized skills in public relations and investor relations. Emphasis is placed on financial market essentials, including financial institutions, information flow, disclosure requirements, communication practices, and the financial press. Explore the significance of shareholder publications, annual meetings, mergers and acquisitions, and overseas programs. Design and develop a comprehensive investor relations program from start to finish.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
INVR1-CE 9399  Investor Relations: Capital Markets  (2 Credits)  
Listen to industry insiders from both the NYSE and NASDAQ, as well as representative buy-side analysts and their sell-side counterparts, and get a thorough understanding of capital markets. Examine the process of capital formation through equity and debt markets, the knowledge of which is key to effective investor relations. With more than 40 percent of all trades taking place electronically, the Internet’s influence is examined in detail. Apply this information to specific companies and develop a targeting plan.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes