Digital Media Marketing (DMMK1-CE)

DMMK1-CE 1001  Campaign Effectiveness Measurement  (2 Credits)  
<meta charset="utf-8" /><br><br><p dir="ltr">A critical component of any advertising campaign is the ability to evaluate its success through specific metrics that need to be impacted (ex., awareness, attitudes &amp; perceptions, sales &amp; business units, etc.).&nbsp; This course examines the value of campaign effectiveness measurement and how it has evolved with the advertising ecosystem, and the role of campaign measurement for companies and the marketing industry as a whole.&nbsp; Students will measure the difference between key performance indicators, engagement metrics, and outcome metrics.&nbsp; This course will also provide a detailed overview of the main measurement tools used in marketing today: &nbsp; Marketing mix modeling, Multi-touch attribution, Experiments/AB/RCT, Trackers, Social listening tools and sentiment analysis.</p><br><br><br><br><p dir="ltr">There are 7 live remote 60-minute sessions.&nbsp; Students must attend 4 of the 7 sessions. In the Fall 2024 academic semester, this course&#39;s live sessions will be held on Wednesdays from 6PM-7PM.</p>
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 1002  Media Assessment and Tactical Planning  (2 Credits)  
<p>This course will cover how media are evaluated, planned and bought for marketing campaigns.&nbsp; It will introduce the methodologies and approaches used in media planning (e.g. panel vs. census, syndicated media planning, programmatic buying, etc.). Students will learn to define media objectives vs. goals vs. strategies, and to connect media objectives to marketing and advertising objectives. This course will examine planning and measurement for television, including national (broadcast/cable), local, and syndication; satellite/cable; video on demand; streaming TV, and Digital Media. Planning for radio, print, and out of home will also be covered in this course.&nbsp; Students will examine the types of owned media (e.g., sponsorship, content integration) versus earned media (e.g., word of mouth, influencers), trends in media consumption and how each type is planned, utilized, and measured.&nbsp;</p><br><br><br><br><p>There are 7 live remote 60-minute sessions.&nbsp; Students must attend 4 of the 7 sessions. In the Summer 2024 academic semester, this course&#39;s live sessions will be held on Mondays from 7PM-8PM.</p>
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 1003  Informing Creative Development  (2 Credits)  
<p><meta charset="utf-8" />While much of the research and analysis to this stage in the advertising campaign development process is about understanding consumer behaviors, needs, wants and motivations, understanding how to inspire and inform the creative process requires a different and additional set of data tools, sources, and approaches.&nbsp; This course will introduce these tools and give students hands-on experience using them to deliver impactful, business-building creative-driving assets.&nbsp; Students will learn the research approaches to inform the balance between rational vs. emotional messaging.&nbsp; They will learn the research tools required to develop the messaging language to ensure clarity and brand consistency across audiences and segments, as well as the key tools used to develop an impactful creative brief.&nbsp; This course will teach students about the research tools used to test creative campaigns and measure campaigns across channels.<br /><br><br><br /><br><br>There are 7 live remote 60-minute sessions.&nbsp; Students must attend 4 of the 7 sessions. In the Fall 2024 academic semester, this course&#39;s live sessions will be held on Tuesdays from 7PM-8PM.</p>
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 1004  Foundations of Advertising Research  (2.5 Credits)  
<p>This foundational course introduces students to the use of research and insights in developing the marketing and advertising journey. Students will understand the steps in developing an advertising campaign, establish campaign objectives and strategy, and discuss media planning and campaign evaluation. Students will examine why quantitative and qualitative research is important, and its role in the marketing and advertising journey. Because data is a basic foundation in marketing and advertising, students will learn how First-, Second-, and Third-Party data are used. This course will cover analyzing behavioral data to offer deep understanding about the customer, how it can be useful to set campaign goals, and to measure impact. Students will learn why and when experimentation is used in advertising research, how to develop a Design of Experiment, and to create and test hypotheses. Finally, students will learn to evaluate the impact of different media and the media-mix on achieving specific organizational and communications goals.</p><br><br><br><br><p>There are 7 live remote 60-minute sessions.&nbsp; Students must attend 4 of the 7 sessions. In the Summer 2024 academic semester, this course&#39;s live sessions will be held on Tuesdays from 7 - 8 PM.</p><br><br><br><br><p>&nbsp;</p><br><br><br><br><p><br><br><style type="text/css"><br><br></style><br><br></p>
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 1005  Discovering and Testing the Key Consumer Insight  (2 Credits)  
<p><meta charset="utf-8" />Nowadays, marketers have a lot of data, information, findings, and observations about their customers and target audience.&nbsp; Synthesizing all that information into insights, and then deciding on the most powerful and motivating insight is critical to marketing success.&nbsp; This course will cover the process and tools used to determine deep consumer insights and how marketers decide on the most appropriate insights for a marketing campaign. Students will examine case studies of how consumer insight is leveraged in organizations for strategic decision-making for ad campaigns. They will determine the target audience for brand and portfolio positioning, segmentation, and business strategy for competitive context.&nbsp; This course will examine ways to approach research to generate the foundational insight about the target consumer, the psychological/motivational construct that will be the foundation of a campaign, and how it will connect with consumer desires/needs and feelings.</p><br><br><br><br><p>There are 7 live remote 60-minute sessions.&nbsp; Students must attend 4 of the 7 sessions. In the Summer 2024 academic semester, this course&#39;s live sessions will be held on Wednesdays from 6 - 7 PM.<br /><br><br>&nbsp;</p><br><br><br><br><p>&nbsp;</p><br><br><br><br><p>&nbsp;</p>
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 1006  Campaign Objectives and Strategy  (2 Credits)  
<p><meta charset="utf-8" />Every effective advertising campaign begins with understanding the objectives and developing a strategy for the campaign.&nbsp; This course will prepare students to build an integrated campaign plan, which includes identifying the objectives that a particular marketing campaign is meant to achieve, understanding the audience for the campaign and their specific needs and wants, and developing the right messages that speak to the target audience&rsquo;s needs.&nbsp; Students will assess the competitive landscape and develop a campaign which addresses the gaps in the market that have been identified.&nbsp; This course also examines the success metrics that will be used to evaluate the campaign&rsquo;s effectiveness and the associated measurement tools that will be needed.</p><br><br><br><br><p>There are 7 live remote 60-minute sessions.&nbsp; Students must attend 4 of the 7 sessions. In the Fall 2023 academic semester, this course&#39;s live sessions will be held on Wednesdays from 7PM-8PM.</p>
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 1007  Achieving Customer Centricity  (2 Credits)  
<p dir="ltr">Some marketers still take an inside-out approach to their marketing, that starts with what their products are all about and what they can offer. This course will focus on the critical importance of placing the consumer at the center of all aspects of the market research and data analysis process, and thus driving marketing decisions that focus on the consumer and increase the likelihood of positive business outcomes. Students will develop an understanding of how the brand fits within the competitive landscape, who the core consumers are, and the value a brand brings to its consumers.&nbsp; This course also covers how to identify current cultural and environmental trends impacting how customers operate and how a brand should be positioned relative to consumer needs.&nbsp; Students will also understand how to adjust the marketing/ advertising as needs of the customers change, and learn how to create and cultivate an organization culture of consumer centricity.</p><br><br><br><br><p dir="ltr">There are 7 live remote 60-minute sessions. &nbsp;Students must attend 4 of the 7 sessions. In the Summer 2024 academic semester, this course&#39;s live sessions will be held on Tuesdays from 7 - 8 PM.<br /><br><br>&nbsp;</p>
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 8102  Internet Market Research  (2 Credits)  
Targeting marketing managers, researchers, and analysts, this advanced course offers an overview of online market research methodology and application. Examine how qualitative and quantitative data is collected, analyzed, and used. Topics include data collection tools, such as e-mail surveys, online focus groups, and downloadable interactive surveys; Internet panels; feedback banners; newsgroups; bulletin boards; website activity research and analysis; questionnaire design; customer and demographic segmentation; concept testing; and analysis of results.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 8108  Digital Marketing Intensive  (4 Credits)  
Digital marketing is not about designing a website; it is about effectively managing a business and increasing a brand&rsquo;s relevance with consumers and determining when, how, why, and where they want to engage. This intensive program takes a holistic view of digital marketing, matching a convergent media strategy with the overall ethos of a company or organization. Learn how to plan and implement successful digital marketing strategies through varying platforms, such as social media, word of mouth, and mobile. Examine the role of digital marketing within the integrated marketing communications (IMC) process. Explore market research and competitive analysis. Evaluate the impact of digital marketing plans on business goals, timelines, and budgets. Topics include digital marketing strategies, planning, and implementation; strategies and tactical tools required to develop and to deliver a successful digital marketing plan; an examination of the IMC planning process and digital marketing&rsquo;s increasing share of consumer spending and marketing dollars; and primary consumer, competitive, and market research.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 8110  Social Media Communication I  (2 Credits)  
Social media is crucial for today&rsquo;s communicators and marketers to understand. Explore how to build strategic opportunities across a variety of social media channels that allow marketers to engage in authentic conversation with prospective clients and current consumers. Investigate the role of social networking channels as valuable marketing spaces, through a combination of theoretical grounding, practical application, and especially, strategic thinking and management. Learn how best to interact with customers through user-generated platforms, to align social media with business objectives and overall communication strategies, and to incorporate social media within various departmental functions across an organization.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 8119  Content Development Strategies for Digital Marketing  (2 Credits)  
In today&rsquo;s digital age, marketing plans must have an innovative content strategy in order to succeed. An enticing pitch is absolutely essential for making digital content engaging and viral. Gain an understanding of how best to utilize video, text, audio, photography, and design to foster brand loyalty and to build trust in the digital realm. Hands-on exercises help you to develop innovative strategies, best practices, and content solutions for using the web, wireless apps, widgets, and mobile technology to achieve strategic goals.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 8125  Search Engine Optimization (SEO)  (1 Credit)  
This hands-on course is designed for website developers, online marketers, content managers, and entrepreneurs who want to be more visible in search engine results. In class, learn about the relationship between search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM); keyword selection, placement, and frequency; and algorithm and meta tag research. Examine what to avoid in an online marketing campaign and how to optimize campaign results and rankings for a website.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 8130  Social Media Community Management  (1 Credit)  
Social media community management is the most visible element of social media engagement. Community management involves monitoring conversations across platforms, acting as the active voice to the community, and implementing content and strategy across platforms. This course will provide insight into how community management works and how it differs from social media participation. Also, learn best practices for maintaining a strong social media presence.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 8131  Social Media Content Creation  (2.5 Credits)  
The evolution of social media content into visually compelling images, video, and live broadcasting requires a strong visual media presence to achieve success. Content creation requires an understanding of media, design, story, and platform-specific best practices. This course will teach you how to translate a strategic vision into social media content, from conceptualizing to creating, editing, and executing content on social media platforms.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 8221  Introduction to Interactive Marketing  (2 Credits)  
Network with leading interactive marketing professionals as they share experiences from their respective fields of expertise. Advance your knowledge of interactive marketing, and acquire an overview of e-mail messaging, search engine marketing, network advertising, mobile marketing, social media, Internet creative, and media planning and buying. Through debate, discussion, and case analysis, be challenged to make decisions on behalf of an organization&#8217;s brand based on the perspectives of consumers and advertisers.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 8223  From Blogs to Buzz: How to Use New Media and Influence-Based Marketing  (2 Credits)  
The popularity of interactive media has transformed traditional marketing techniques: blogs are revamping the news and public relations industries, and traditional advertising spending is declining as product placement on TV, on cable, and in movies is increasing. In this course, designed for experienced marketers, learn how to use influence-based marketing strategies to build brands, to evaluate methodologies, and to incorporate marketing strategies into existing marketing plans. Topics include public relations; endorsements and product placements; viral, buzz, and word-of-mouth marketing; blogs and podcasts; and online ads, web videos, and other promotional models.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 8224  Social Media Policy and Governance  (1 Credit)  
<p>Social media teams cannot achieve long-term engagement and success without clear expectations and guidelines from their organizations. Gain an understanding of the fundamental aspects of creating a comprehensive social media policy. Learn about the differences between policy and governance user privacy, security, and liability. Examine strategic response time, delivery, and content; onboard training for new team members; approval processes; continuity planning; and a social media exit strategy.</p>
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 8225  Startups in a Digital Ecosystem  (2.5 Credits)  
Are you interested in growing your startup or new business idea but have no idea where to begin? Hear from successful New York City startup founders and network with classmates as you learn how to take advantage of digital marketing channels to test your product and to grow your business. Gone are the days when being present in the digital ecosystem was enough. Today, startups must marry intelligent digital marketing strategies with well-designed product, brand identity, and user experience to gain a competitive advantage. In this intensive program, hear from experts who work in different verticals and industries as they share their war stories.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 8226  Web 3.0-What's Next: Strategies to Attract, Retain, and Monetize Web Traffic  (2 Credits)  
Explore the latest strategies for providing compelling content and improved functionality to online customers. Web 3.0 enables customers to have greater usability and flexibility. Expand your customer base by designing an addictive community experience. Learn to monetize traffic by using effective advertising and e-commerce strategies that analyze responses, search for options, and organize results across multiple platforms. Review case studies that highlight best practices for determining the content type and functionality that your audiences really want; for designing a viral user experience to maximize reach and engagement; for driving traffic through online advertising, search engine, and social media marketing; and more.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 8227  Social Media Crisis Management  (1 Credit)  
When the public perception of an organization&#8217;s reputation quickly changes due to an unexpected and negative situation, the communications team must react quickly and strategically to course-correct. Learn the appropriate tenets of public response (timing, delivery, and content); the difference between dialogue and messaging; the importance of transparency; the monitoring and follow-up of online sentiment; and ways to develop a crisis management plan.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 8300  Social Media Intensive  (2.5 Credits)  
In this four-day immersion course, examine how brands, audiences, and professionals utilize social media to engage with the world around them. Discuss content and engagement best practices, with a focus on strategic planning, real-time engagement, content optimization, and social analytics. By approaching social media as an integral tool for every integrated marketing strategy, this course identifies how everyone can meet marketing objectives and contribute favorably to the bottom line.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 8400  Online Reputation Management  (2.5 Credits)  
Reputation management is the influence and/or control of an individual&rsquo;s or a business&rsquo;s reputation. The Internet is rapidly changing the way we think of each other and the companies we do business with. The digital world determines how much credence we give to reviews and what we think of corporations. Personal and corporate reputation is more important than ever. This course focuses on managing the customer review process, learning to use software for reviewing and responding to social media, managing and tracking information about you or your company online, and using online feedback to influence product development. Learn to utilize search and search ranking to mitigate negative information and to develop social profiles and content that extend a company&rsquo;s brand identity. Also, gain an understanding of the legal and ethical complexities of negative reviews and online slander and libel.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 9035  Writing Across Media  (2.5 Credits)  
Get your voice heard above the noise through eye-catching content which captivates your audience. Today&rsquo;s PR professional needs to be a Swiss army knife. Possessing sharp skills to cut through the communications clutter across a wide range of media. In this class you will first learn to focus your message by creating a planning sheet. Then, you&rsquo;ll master the art of writing for the eye (press releases, social posts, website copy) for the ear (speechwriting) and for both the eye and ear (video scriptwriting and video news releases). Delivered partly in workshop format, this class enables you to join a supportive writing community where each student offers constructive criticism to classmates. Along the way you will build your confidence as a writer and develop a professional writing portfolio; a tangible asset for use in job interviews and further academic pursuits to showcase your PR and writing expertise.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 9130  Digital Out-of-Home Marketing  (2 Credits)  
Digital signs take advantage of rapidly developing technologies for networking, scheduling, content management, and electronic displays. When integrated effectively, these technologies can deliver advertising that can be sold in "day parts," (like radio and television) or complement or displace traditional signs in stores and buildings, along highways, or in other public places. Get an overview of the digital signage medium; available technologies; and approaches to implementation, management, and content creation.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 9132  New Leadership Lessons for a Digital World  (2 Credits)  
While Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are the current trends in social media, many more are likely to be developed. Successful marketing plans must incorporate these and other digital tools to better lead companies to sustained entities that connect with internal and external audiences. But how do those in leadership positions understand the broader implications of today's digital age for day-to-day management in the workplace? Examine five key areas that leaders should focus on: the work climate, managing communications, setting priorities, building authentic relationships, and measuring results. This course is highly interactive, combining group discussion, case study, and multimedia.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 9221  Social Media Campaign II  (2 Credits)  
Email marketing is a proven, cost-effective way to generate sales, increase customer spending, acquire new customers, and drive traffic. Explore the power of email marketing from strategic, creative, segmentation, and measurement perspectives. Discover how to integrate social media, mobile marketing, user-generated content, and video into your email marketing mix. Learn how and why email should be a core component of your overall marketing plan and what you need to know to create and manage successful email marketing campaigns, including how to assess and refine your marketing strategy and how to employ sophisticated techniques to improve campaign results.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 9228  Crowdsourcing for Social Collaboration  (1 Credit)  
<p>The use of crowdsourcing has become a prevalent aspect of social collaboration and problem-solving, ranging from education (Wikipedia), to retail (Threadless), to fundraising (Kickstarter), to medical research (FoldIt), to humanitarian and NGO work (USAID). Understanding how to strategically utilize crowdsourcing to cultivate, engage, and sustain your audience may potentially have a positive impact on the growth and development of your business and its mission. Learn the history, development, and trends within the field of crowdsourcing; concepts of idea generation; utilization of gaming theory; problem-solving; creating audience engagement; and building external and internal collaboration.</p>
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 9229  Internet Marketing Strategies  (2 Credits)  
The Internet is no longer a niche channel for specialty marketers. All marketers need to understand how online consumers impact their business. This class is an introduction to several online marketing tools and strategies, including display advertising, e-mail marketing, affiliate marketing, social media, web design, website usability, copywriting for the web, search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), and web analytics. There is a particular emphasis on e-commerce and direct marketing techniques.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 9402  Principles of Agile Marketing  (1 Credit)  
"Agile" describes a process of managing projects and teams that has migrated from trading floors and IT to other verticals, like marketing. The agile methodology is based on leveraging small, highly collaborative, multifunctional teams working in short cycles to deliver incremental&#8211;&#8211;and measurable&#8211;&#8211;value.&nbsp;Agile marketing can help brands and agencies respond better to a dynamically changing marketing landscape and deliver the value expected by shareholders and clients.&nbsp;Through instructor and peer-led discussions, guest speakers, and workshops, students will learn how to develop and use an agile marketing framework within an agency or brand setting, as well as new ways to prioritize and execute priorities while staying aligned with marketing objectives.&nbsp;
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 9500  Mobile App Development and Marketing for the Non-Developer  (0 Credits)  
Learn how to plan, create, publish, and market a mobile app for any phone to support your business, nonprofit, and/or special interest&#8212;all on a minimal budget with no programming/development skills and few resources and little time. This one-day, cutting-edge intensive session takes a holistic view of mobile app development and marketing, one in which participants learn about the value of mobile apps to support communication/marketing efforts among key stakeholders (i.e., customers, employees, fans, friends, others). Specific attention is given to mobile marketing landscape, planning, content strategy, discoverability, and monetization. Students learn how to create a cross-platform app/web application and establish a mobile marketing strategy.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 9501  Word-of-Mouth Marketing Strategies and Techniques  (1 Credit)  
Companies recognize the power of word-of-mouth marketing as an effective and inexpensive way to promote their brand and to attract new customers. Learn strategies to create powerful self-propagating communications, marketing messages, and branded content. The power is in the hands of customers today--and companies that seize this opportunity succeed with new generations of consumers. Topics include buzz marketing practices and techniques in the digital age, development and implementation of creative strategies, and goal-oriented campaigns that can exponentially increase the reach and impact of your marketing dollars and efforts.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 9502  Developing Online Promotions That Get Results  (1 Credit)  
Companies of all kinds use simple Internet promotions to drive traffic to their websites. In this course, acquire the tools you need to launch effective online promotions. Learn how to create a database, to build a loyalty program, and to sell more products through the Internet. Develop opt-in e-mail strategies that deliver targeted offers and increase sales through specialized incentives.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 9503  Analyzing the Digital Consumer  (2 Credits)  
The world of communication has changed. Today, the primary driver of communication is the digital ecosystem. This is true in all arenas, particularly commerce and marketing. Someone is taking action digitally or talking about your brand on social media. You may or may not be part of this conversation, but content is being developed and decisions are being made about whether to research and purchase your product. Stay ahead of the competition by learning how to research and grow market share through social and digital media. Learn how the digital ecosystem is changing the way consumers buy and are influenced to buy, and how brands can research and market their products via digital outlets. Business is only experiencing the early stages of the impact that digital communications and technology, particularly mobile shopping and social media, will have on commerce. Learn about the current state of social media, content marketing, and influencer marketing. Gain the skills to develop objectives, strategies, and campaigns to execute social media marketing plans and to analyze the results. Become familiar with earned media, paid media, and owned media; social media best practices; and the reasons and the ways to drive customer and influencer reviews and recommendations. Learn how to develop and execute content that drives brand advocacy, positive reviews, and empowering recommendations among your brand&rsquo;s loyal fans&mdash;getting the attention of your best prospects.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 9504  Digital Analytics  (2 Credits)  
Effectively measuring digital marketing campaigns requires an excellent understanding of web analytics and email profile data, allowing you to track and analyze the behavior of customers, browsers, and nonresponders. Explore topics such as recency, frequency, and monetary (RFM) analysis; site usage; domains and URLs; keywords; search engine placement; and analytics software. Also, learn how to extract conclusions from abandoned shopping carts and how data is passed between applications.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 9505  Digital Marketing  (2 Credits)  
This course introduces the use of digital channels for inbound marketing and provides a foundation in various acquisition tactics. Gain an in-depth understanding of digital marketing concepts while exploring how to select, use, and implement the latest developments in digital marketing vehicles. Delve into the fundamentals of digital marketing and its impact on business and communications. Also, discuss the development and use of digital marketing as a core strategy in the marketing plan.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 9506  Mobile Marketing  (2.5 Credits)  
Expectations of where and how brands interact with our mobile and tech-savvy culture consistently evolve. Learn how marketers meet and forecast consumer expectations by focusing on current and upcoming technologies and platforms, on underlying behaviors and trends in device and platform usage, and on content and context that brands must provide for success. Examine how this approach affects all aspects of marketing&mdash;from product development to CRM to public and internal relations. Write a mobile marketing plan and learn how to measure and analyze its success. Leave this course with a transferable method and the mindset to improve your role within any organization or department. Relevant case studies and guest speakers provide additional insight.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 9507  Digital Entertainment, Marketing, and Advertising  (1.5 Credits)  
Examine the competition among traditional and digital pipelines to the consumer (Internet, broadcast, cable, satellite, and wireless/mobile) that have led to unprecedented consumer control over entertainment and advertising. Discover how those technologies are reshaping the film, music, television, gaming, and advertising industries. By the end of this course, understand how technology impacts content, appreciate the options new electronic media holds for programmers and advertisers, and get a sense of the best career opportunities.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 9508  Search Marketing  (2 Credits)  
Search marketing is one of the most important marketing skills you can acquire. Develop and implement effective search engine marketing and search engine optimization tactics (including organic/PPC search, paid/sponsored listings, and contextual listing). Learn to optimize site content, develop a strategy, and integrate search into your overall marketing plan.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 9509  Mobile Marketing II  (2 Credits)  
Today&rsquo;s consumers carry wireless devices everywhere. Success in this highly personal medium requires the evolution to a marketing and advertising approach that seeks consumers&rsquo; permission to deliver to them the information they want, when they want it. In this intermediate course, examine how wireless technology fits into the advertising and marketing landscape. Discuss text messaging, mobile applications, hardware, streaming content, contextual advertising, and permission-based alerts. Write a detailed wireless marketing plan, and learn how to measure its success. Case studies and guest speakers provide additional insight.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 9511  Digital Analytics III  (2 Credits)  
In this seminar, identify, analyze, and apply advanced emerging topics that are pertinent to the digital analytics sphere. The specific titles and content of the seminar change each semester to reflect the current topic areas of interest, which can only be determined at the time of offering.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 9512  Data-Driven Insights  (2 Credits)  
<p>&#8220;Big data&#8221; is changing the way that organizations assess the marketplace. Understand how analytical techniques and statistical models can help to enhance marketing efforts. Learn how to convert data into information and insights for decision making that allow you to take a more customer-centric approach to impact the bottom line. Explore the latest trends in data, discuss case studies, and create your own data-driven marketing analysis to conclude the course. Also, receive an overview of the industry, and learn to effectively measure and present concepts such as proposed marketing budgets, ROI, predictive marketing impact, optimal digital channel use, and best practices for retaining and attracting new customers.</p>
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 9690  Social Media Communication III  (2 Credits)  
This seminar enhances Marketing offerings by providing identification, analysis, and application of advanced emerging topics pertinent to the marketing sphere and social media communication. The specific titles and content of each seminar change to reflect the emerging areas of interest, which can only be determined at the time of offering.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 9700  Mobile App Marketing  (1 Credit)  
Mobile app marketing is about more than just getting downloads. Marketing helps you to better understand your current and potential users, giving you the insight needed to focus your product on user needs. The better you understand your users, the better your app becomes. In this course, discover how to engage strategically with your target audience on various platforms in order to increase you app user base and monetization. Beyond those goals, we will discuss the technical requirements needed to analyze key indicators of campaign success and user engagement. Mobile app marketing also helps to retain users you already have acquired. A recent <em>TechCrunch</em> article revealed that nearly one in four people abandon mobile apps after only one use. This means that it is absolutely vital to provide a reason for users to continue engaging with your app. We also will discuss best practices for mobile app engagement campaigns and best times for offering incentives for referrals.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 9701  Marketing for Facebook and Instagram  (1 Credit)  
With more than 1.8 billion users worldwide, Facebook is by far the most popular social media platform in existence today. This course examines how to leverage Facebook marketing for maximum impact by targeting individuals who are most likely to engage with your product or service. This course will give you an insider&rsquo;s look at how to leverage the platform to achieve business objectives, while focusing on the most efficient use of budget dollars. Dive deep into creating ads that convert viewers to customers, and discover ways to continually optimize social media campaigns based on desired outcomes. One of the biggest advantages of using Facebook and Instagram is the unrivaled targeting capability, which you can use to the benefit of your marketing campaign. Additionally, learn how to direct ads to consumers who are on a mailing list, who have visited your website, or who have interacted with your Facebook or Instagram pages.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 9801  Digital Marketing Technologies  (2 Credits)  
The emphasis on using technology to reach increasingly untethered consumers through multiple touch points has created unprecedented growth opportunities for all businesses. As organizations consider the often-complex intersection of technology and marketing, an increasing number are looking for professionals to fill a new role: the marketing technologist. The days of IT running marketing and brand initiatives are over. Today, it is the tech-savvy marketing department that leads initiatives, ranging from banner ads to blogs, social to search engine marketing, and mobile to measurement&mdash;and marketing technology is the engine that drives it all. Explore current and future marketing technologies from both agency and brand points of view, and gain the know-how to choose the right digital marketing tools to execute successful campaigns.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 9837  Developing Online Videos for Digital Marketing  (2 Credits)  
With YouTube and today's user-friendly video devices, anyone can create a Web-ready video. But is this an effective means to communicate your company's marketing message and does it reinforce your brand's image? Beginning with concept development and a well-thought-out script, learn how to make compelling visual marketing messages in the form of Web-based videos, vlogs, and videocasts. Gain an understanding of production, explore reasons to develop a video, and learn how to measure its ROI. Topics include using video as a marketing tool, incorporating testimonials, communicating with graphics, and producing a quality product. As the final project, students develop their own Web-ready video.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 9901  Graphic Design for Digital Advertising and Marketing  (1 Credit)  
In this workshop-style course, acquire practical experience and invaluable knowledge of design and advertising techniques for both mobile and desktop. Through hands-on application of these digital advertising design techniques, you will develop your own collateral. In class, you will create your own digital ads; learn social media tactics; and explore different versions of digital advertising, including native advertising, video advertising, interactive ads, landing pages, and more. This course introduces and employs a variety of user-friendly software tools for creating polished, effective ads. Learn how to do everything from selecting the image and the font to publishing the ad message in seconds.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 9942  Mobile Marketing III  (2 Credits)  
Explore the pros and cons of the iPhone, Android, iPad, Kindle, Nook, and other mobile devices, platforms, and apps and learn the best practices for marketing each to consumers. Course topics include mobile analytics; market considerations for developing an app; reasons to bring an app to market, including augmented reality; promotional strategies for driving traffic, free downloads, and sales; and pricing strategies based on business goals. In addition, learn how to effectively integrate mobile advertising, how marketing an app and creating an ad fit into an overall mobile marketing campaign, and how to analyze results for optimal ROI.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 9943  The Politics of Digital Advertising  (2 Credits)  
Advertising professionals, especially those responsible for planning and buying search, display, video, and mobile advertising, must be aware of the online privacy debate as it relates to digital media. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the politics of digital advertising, examine domestic policy issues that affect online advertising regulation, and analyze the impact these policies have on digital advertising media. Survey Internet access and usage globally, including the rise of social media as it relates to political uprisings, disaster relief, and human rights. Explore proposed digital advertising regulations, free speech, consumer privacy online, and how these issues can affect marketing practice and a business's bottom line.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 9944  Mobile Marketing Summer Intensive  (4 Credits)  
<p>Gain a comprehensive understanding of mobile marketing and learn how to construct a mobile marketing campaign in this Summer Intensive. This intensive course takes a holistic view of mobile marketing, one in which you examine best practices from production (how to set up a campaign), campaign development and promotion (how to get customers interested), and analysis (how to know if the campaign is working and reaching target audiences). Learn how to use the medium, and explore trends and regulations that may impact future campaigns. Guest speakers share their expertise.</p>
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 9945  Facebook Marketing  (1.5 Credits)  
Facebook, the world&#8217;s largest social network, has changed the landscape of online marketing, and it is fast becoming an essential element of any marketing campaign. Explore the most effective strategies in Facebook advertising and other forms of earned media, including using multiple pages and tabs strategically, segmenting users for relevant messaging and optimal feedback, designing app combos for various situations, and attaining benchmarks for desired results. In this hands-on course, create fan pages, install apps, run ads, create messaging, and more.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 9946  Social Media Campaign III  (2 Credits)  
Your organization has a Facebook page and a Twitter account&mdash;but now what? Learn social media management skills to help reach specific business or nonprofit goals. Maximize your social media impact by learning how to consistently post content that attracts a growing following of consumers. Topics include defining your audience; finding, listening to, and engaging your existing audience; creating a social media management plan; developing your organization&rsquo;s social media &ldquo;voice&rdquo;; keeping your social media efforts on track; and increasing your followers.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 9947  Social Media Marketing Analytics II  (2.5 Credits)  
<p>Explore the most effective strategies for evaluating and monetizing captured data that determines consumer insights. Learn how to answer the key questions that influence online corporate campaigns and that impact return on investment and other business decisions. Examine social media analytical tools, and discover how to monitor feeds to find out what consumers and bloggers are saying about your brand. This course analyzes today&rsquo;s most popular platforms and technologies.</p>
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 9950  Leading a Digital Enterprise  (4 Credits)  
<P><SPAN>Digital technology has transformed organizational hierarchies, creating internal community and team-oriented business cultures. Leaders must learn how to successfully cultivate and sustain this collaborative atmosphere to ensure long-term viability for their company. This immersive intensive program will provide details on topics such as synchronous and asynchronous communication; connecting internal teams with the consumer; organizational behavior and its effect on organizational needs analysis; virtual leadership; management theory for digital-related agencies; developing perception and influence; feedback and motivation skills for employee retention and project management; employee intrapreneurship; and creating internal, collaborative teams.&nbsp;</SPAN><SPAN>This intensive is designed for those new to digital leadership positions in addition to those currently in leadership positions (less than two years) who have never received proper training or education.</SPAN></P>
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 9978  Mobile Marketing for the Small to Medium-Sized Business: Planning, Execution, and Monetization  (2.5 Credits)  
Learn how to create, publish, and distribute mobile content to gain a competitive advantage for your small or medium-sized business&#8211;&#8211;all on a minimal budget and with limited skills, resources, and time. Develop, execute, and monetize a mobile marketing strategy that drives response and helps to achieve marketing and sales objectives. Understand how to effectively integrate mobile marketing as a part of your overall brand and business strategy. Specific attention is given to mobile marketing planning, content strategy, and discovery. Create a cross-platform app/web application, and establish a mobile marketing strategy for your own business.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 9979  The Digital Idea  (2.5 Credits)  
Digital media is transforming the way marketing and advertising professionals communicate with clients and consumers. But in this fast-paced digital era, one crucial element of communication is often overlooked--a lasting idea. Gain the knowledge and skills to recognize, develop, and edit an idea and then adapt it to the digital medium. Learn how to avoid being intrusive to consumers when marketing digitally, how to keep your message simple and informative when working on the Web, and how to reinforce a trusting relationship between the brand and the consumer when communicating digitally.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 9990  Digital Advertising to Grow Your Business  (1 Credit)  
Digital advertising is a multibillion-dollar industry. Whether you are a business owner who wants to market digitally, or a designer who seeks to improve digital skills, this class will provide you with well-rounded exposure to digital advertising and with the knowledge and skills required to design and implement successful advertising to promote products, services, or businesses. In a mix of one-on-one instruction and team-based exercises, practice creating a variety of digital advertising in an easy, accessible, affordable, and professional way. Learn why certain designs work, and acquire effective techniques for designing digital advertising, employing an array of user-friendly design and photo-editing programs. Upon completion of this two-day course, you will walk away with your own engaging digital advertising graphics, tactics for making ads easy to understand in seconds, and helpful tips for desktop and mobile website design.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 9991  Using Social Media to Engage Internal Collaborative Teams  (1 Credit)  
Successful social web engagement starts with internal collaboration between marketing, finance, legal, HR, and IT. Learn how to design and manage internal social media efforts and get broad internal involvement and support for integrated marketing campaigns that include input from key customers and partners. Gain an understanding of best industry practices&#8212;including their benefits and risks&#8212;and, through case analysis, explore how these practices advance innovation. Topics include structuring and connecting digital customer experience teams; using collaboration tools to set, communicate, and evolve social media guidelines while reducing risk; connecting product teams with consumers to develop and prioritize new ideas; testing IMC programs internally before launch; and the changing demands and skills required by successful marketers of the future.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 9992  Digital Marketing Campaign Planning and Optimization  (0.5 Credits)  
By definition, campaign optimization is the process of improving marketing efforts in order to maximize business outcomes. While it is a commonly used term, the actual process varies quite a bit depending on the goals and the marketing channels involved. Beyond that, it often is mentioned as a footnote after learning how to use a platform or it is passed on to a data science team who leverages complex algorithms. This workshop-style course teaches best-practice approaches to planning and measuring marketing campaign outcomes. We will take a granular approach to discovering how to optimize campaigns using platform-specific insights, Google Analytics, and MS Excel. Gain hands-on experience, while learning how best to allocate resources by identifying the most effective segments. This course also covers how best to employ A/B testing to continue improving the results and impact of campaigns.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
DMMK1-CE 9998  Big Brands, Small Start-Ups: Equal Partners?  (1.5 Credits)  
How do big brands move quickly to identify the right innovative start-up to partner with, craft and create that partnership, and ensure that the endeavor is successful? Designed for digital strategists, social media marketers, business development executives, and small-business owners, this course is taught from the perspective of the start-up business development executive&#8212;not the agency or brand marketing team. Explore brand marketing strategies, and learn how to leverage social media. Learn how to establish your company as the go-to team for innovation and new trends, to get the attention and loyalty of the most popular tech companies out there, and to align interests and structure partnerships to maximize the benefit for all parties involved. Be able to identify the latest trends, build relationships with the right start-ups, and create and execute innovative partnerships.
Grading: SPS Non-Credit Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes