Music Therapy (MPAMT-GE)

MPAMT-GE 2000  Music Therapy Colloqium  (0 Credits)  
Typically offered Fall and Spring  
The Collegium is designed for all music therapy majors to discuss broad issues of the music therapy profession, career opportunities, & other professional & department matters. Special events with music therapy professionals from the community & abroad are schedule during this gathering.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Pass/Fail  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
MPAMT-GE 2043  Music Therapy Practicum: Children & Adolescene  (3 Credits)  
Typically offered Fall  
Supervised music therapy clinical practice with children and adolescents with mental, physical and/or emotional problems in a variety of settings within the New York City area. A weekly seminar covers critical issues pertaining to assessment, treatment, and evaluation of music therapy with these populations.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
MPAMT-GE 2053  Music Therapy Practicum: Adults and Elderly  (3 Credits)  
Typically offered Spring  
Supervised music therapy practice with children and adolescents with mental, physical and/or emotional problems in a variety of settings within the New York City area. A weekly seminar covers critical issues pertaining to assessment, treatment and evaluation of music therapy with these populations.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
MPAMT-GE 2062  The Voice in Music Therapy  (2 Credits)  
Typically offered Spring  
This class focuses on the use of the voice and singing in music therapy practice. Students explore the importance of the voice in a person's development as well as the many ways to use the voice in music therapy. The students are introduced to a wide range of vocal uses and expression through improvisation and songs and are helped to increase their spontaneity and free their natural voice.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
MPAMT-GE 2093  Verbal Aspects of Music Therapy  (1.5 Credits)  
This course covers the common underlying linguistic components shared by various models of psychotherapy as they relate to music therapy. Students identify and explore issues concerning the relationship between nonverbal musical experiences and verbal exchanges, practice specific verbal interventions, and examine and discuss areas of verbal competency and the effects of culturally determined communication styles on verbal communication practices.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
MPAMT-GE 2094  Digital Technology in Advanced Music Therapy Practice  (3 Credits)  
This course covers the theoretical and clinical application of digital music in music therapy, focusing on imaginative listening, typologies and sociocultural history, and approaches to tele-health. Students create digital compositions related to the course material and clinical practice.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
MPAMT-GE 2300  Independent Study  (1-6 Credits)  
Typically offered Spring and Summer  
It should be noted that independent study requires a minimum of 45 hours of work per point. Independent study cannot be applied to the established professional education sequence in teaching curricula. Each departmental program has established its own maximum credit allowance for independent study. This information may be obtained from a student's department prior to registering for independent study, each student obtain an independent study approval from the adviser.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
MPAMT-GE 2930  Intro Music Therapy  (3 Credits)  
Typically offered Fall and Spring  
Survey of the scope and variety of practices in the music therapy profession. Current research and methodologies. Contrasting modalities of treatment. Relationship to arts therapies, music education, special education. Of special interest to educators, performers, and art professionals.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
MPAMT-GE 2931  Mus Therapy:Adv Methods  (3 Credits)  
Typically offered Fall  
Theoretical and methodological foundations for the use of music as therapy are explored in depth with an emphasis on work with children and adolescents. Psychological, philosophical, and sociological theories in music; underlying assumptions of pathology governing treatment of populations with disabilities; relevant therapy theories and research findings in music therapy are studied.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
MPAMT-GE 2932  Mus Therapy: Adv Methodo  (3 Credits)  
Typically offered Spring  
Theoretical and methodological foundations for the use of music as therapy are explored with an emphasis on work with adults and the elderly. Established and creative techniques of music therapy, group processes, and personal resources of the music therapist are explored.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
MPAMT-GE 2933  Music Therapy Research  (3 Credits)  
Typically offered Fall and Spring  
This course will provide an overview of qualitative, quantitative, & mixed-methods research in music therapy. It will focus on methodological issues such as philosophical foundations, design & implementation, & the functions of research reports specific to each type of research. Students will acquire the skills & knowledge required to critically evaluate research studies of all types.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
MPAMT-GE 2934  Clinical Improvisation in Music Therapy  (2 Credits)  
Typically offered Fall  
Students will explore, through improvisation, with a wide range of instruments and the voice, their personal relationship to music, music as self-expression, and music as a form of communication.Through this exploration students will develop a deeper understanding of how music is used with clients.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
MPAMT-GE 2935  Internship in Music Therapy I  (5 Credits)  
Typically offered Fall  
Supervised fieldwork in the student's clinical specialization area. The internship helps the student develop advanced skills in music therapy practice. Seminar and independent projects are included.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
MPAMT-GE 2936  Internship in Music Therapy II  (5 Credits)  
Typically offered Spring  
Supervised fieldwork in the student's clinical specialization area. The internship helps the student develop advanced skills in music therapy practice. Seminar and independent projects are included.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
MPAMT-GE 2938  Key Concepts in Music Therapy I  (3 Credits)  
Typically offered Fall  
This course examines applications of psychotherapy theory to music therapy practice. Topics include basic psychotherapy concepts; important practitioners in the history of music therapy; central ideas from psychodynamic, humanistic, and transpersonal perspectives; and contemporary progressive approaches considering cultural, resource-oriented, and empowerment viewpoints.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
MPAMT-GE 2939  Cultural Humility in Music Therapy Practice  (1.5 Credits)  
This course examines the importance of cultural considerations within music therapy practice through experientials, group discussions, and didactic learning. Students critically investigate how cultural humility and reflexivity can be implemented within clinical contexts. Students explore their sociocultural identity and consider how race, ethnicity, language, ability, age, religion, gender, sexual orientation, and culture intersect at the individual and collective-societal levels in therapeutic, supervisory, and professional relationships.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
MPAMT-GE 2940  Theory and Application of Improvisation in Music Therapy  (3 Credits)  
Typically offered Fall  
Students will develop a deeper understanding of music-centered approach to therapy and develop clinical improvisation skills for use in music therapy sessions. Students will learn new musical idioms and styles, how to utilize pre-composed songs and compose music for a variety of clinical populations.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
MPAMT-GE 2941  Advanced Practices of Improvisation in Music Therapy.  (3 Credits)  
Typically offered Spring  
The role of music and clinical improvisation in treatment will be explored for all clinical populations. Case material from each student's clinical internship will be examined and developed. Musical resources and strategies will be developed for us in individual and group therapy.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
MPAMT-GE 2942  Key Concepts in Music Therapy II  (3 Credits)  
Typically offered Fall  
This course covers theory in music therapy that derives from music-based sources and explores suitable research approaches for investigating this type of theory. Students will study music therapy theorists who base their theory on music philosophy, psychology, ethnomusicology and musicology.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
MPAMT-GE 2943  Theory Development in Music Therapy  (3 Credits)  
Typically offered Spring  
The historical development of theory and research in the field of music therapy will be examined. Students will each develop an individualized theoretical framework for the music therapy techniques and strategies that they have learned in their clinical internship.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
MPAMT-GE 2944  Contemporary Music Therapy Theory  (3 Credits)  
Typically offered occasionally  
This advanced course involves in-depth explorations of contemporary frameworks in music therapy such as community music therapy, feminist music therapy, & resource-oriented music therapy. The course uses a colloquium format with student-led discussions. Students will develop the ability to critically evaluate the arguments underlying these orientations and to apply the thinking that characterizes contemporary orientations to their own clinical approaches.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
MPAMT-GE 2945  Developing Presentations & Publications in Music Therapy  (3 Credits)  
Typically offered occasionally  
This course will help students gain the skills and knowledge required to develop effective professional communications in music therapy. This includes learning how to determine 1) the focus of the information to be shared with colleagues, 2) the form of communication best suited to delivering this information, and 3) the clinical, theoretical, and experiential elements that will best convey the writer’s/presenter’s message. During the course, students will develop a detailed outline for either a publication or an oral presentation.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
MPAMT-GE 2946  Music Improvisation for Artistic Growth  (3 Credits)  
Typically offered Fall  
This course provides an overview of music therapy theories & methods that use music improvisation for personal & artistic growth. The course is highly experiential & students participate in improvisational musical exercises in each class session. Students will enhance their musicianship & develop a stronger connection to their musical identity. Class experiences translate into skills relevant for all musical situations such as instruction, performing, & band leading and/or conducting.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
MPAMT-GE 2947  Group Music Therapy I  (2 Credits)  
Typically offered Fall  
In this course, students explore their relationship to self and others through words, sound, music and other arts. Through a “here-and-now” training music therapy group that focuses on the moment-to-moment feelings, thoughts, and experiences of the group members, students gain an understanding of music therapy group process. To supplement the experience, students are placed in clinical settings where they observe and lead music therapy groups with a music therapy supervisor.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
MPAMT-GE 2948  Group Music Therapy II  (2 Credits)  
Typically offered Spring  
In this course, students continue to explore their relationship to self and others through words, sound, music and other arts. Through a “here-and-now” training music therapy group that focuses on the moment-to-moment feelings, thoughts, and experiences of the group members, students gain an understanding of music therapy group process. To supplement the experience, students are placed in clinical settings where they observe and lead music therapy groups with a music therapy supervisor.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
MPAMT-GE 2949  Music Therapy Final Project  (2 Credits)  
Typically offered Fall, Spring, and Summer terms  
The culminating experience for all students in the Master of Arts program in music therapy. This final written document reflects each student's clinical specialization within the field of music psychotherapy. Students integrate what they have learned in all aspects of the program by presenting case material from their clinical experiences with supportive theory and research. After the final project/thesis is submitted and reviewed, students present their ideas to the community in a final program meeting.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
MPAMT-GE 2951  Current Issues in Music Therapy  (3 Credits)  
This course covers issues that arise from the diversity of music therapy theory and practice. It examines the clinical, theoretical, professional, and ethical concerns that constitute the contemporary debate over the nature of music therapy practice and the identity of the discipline and its practitioners. The NYU program is contextualized within the broader profession of music therapy and the profession as a whole is contextualized within a variety of social contexts.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No