Educational Administration Educational Leadership (EDLED-GE)

EDLED-GE 2005  Professional Seminar in Educational Leadership  (3 Credits)  
Typically offered Fall  
Introduces students to graduate study in educational leadership. Students develop habits of scholarship while exploring the lived realities of children & their school experiences. This dual focus deepens understanding of educational leadership & practice, e.g., student outcomes & the State learning standards, effects of testing, implications of reform policies.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDLED-GE 2010  Fundraising for Education Equity and Social Justice  (3 Credits)  
Typically offered Summer term  
Leaders of mission driven educational organizations & networks that collaborate with schools & communities face the challenge of both understanding & securing funds for educational equity & social change. Restrictive government grants & the ever-changing grant making cycles of philanthropic foundations make fundraising difficult for mission driven organizations to sustain &/or grow programming. This course helps leaders 1) learn about the challenges of fundraising for organizations focused on educational equity, 2) identify sources of funding aligned with mission, 3) engage school & community stakeholders on resource sharing & 4) write effective grants that will lead to sustainable initiatives.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDLED-GE 2012  Education Finance  (3 Credits)  
Typically offered Spring  
Policymakers allocate a considerable proportion of federal, state and local budgets to K-12 education yet questions remain about the equitable distribution of funding and the returns on the investment in public education. The focus of this course is the core concepts of K-12 education finance. Topics to be covered include but are not limited to: human capital and signaling theory, education production function, approaches to adequacy, the differences between adequacy and equity in school finance, and types of funding.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDLED-GE 2080  School Design: Issues and Challenges  (3 Credits)  
Typically offered Fall  
Deals with research & practice regarding leadership of school units, with emphasis on the knowledge & planning required of school leaders focused on the provision of high quality instruction. Emphasis is on the study & design of classroom & school processes that promote equity in educational opportunities across the school community, including design of learning environments, accountability systems, & assessment strategies. The legal & fiscal environments in which school function are introduced.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDLED-GE 2084  Transformational Leadership Through Mindful Practice  (3 Credits)  
Typically offered occasionally  
The best leaders inspire others through the power of their example. This course engages students in a practical research-based approach to transformational leadership practice. Students will: develop their own personal platforms as transformational leaders; deepen their sense of life purpose and professional commitments; increase their competencies for understanding and influencing others; learn how to cope with complexity in the workplace, and practice strategies for self-renewal and self-care as transformational leaders.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDLED-GE 2085  Supporting Teachers and Teaching  (3 Credits)  
Typically offered Spring  
Deals with research & practice regarding school leadership & teacher work, including analysis of current policies, practices, standards of ethical behavior, & trends in professional & student development. The conditions of teachers’ work, support for ongoing professional learning, engagement in planning & decision making are explored. Also focuses on workforce development (recruitment, staffing, tenure, promotion, & retirement); fiscal issues (salary, welfare, & fringe benefits); distributed power (academic freedom, teacher unionism, negotiations, grievance procedures); development of staff, board, & community relationships, collaboration with colleges & universities in teacher preparation.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDLED-GE 2159  Internship in Educational Leadership  (3 Credits)  
Each student is assigned to a selected superintendent, supervising principal, or official of an educational organization who serves as a supervising administrator. The student’s activities include field experiences in administration & community leadership.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Pass/Fail  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDLED-GE 2160  Internship: Educational Leadership, Politics, and Advocacy  (3 Credits)  
In this culminating experience students engage in fieldwork in a community-based or advocacy organization & participate in a university seminar to discuss their field-based experiences. Students develop a professional platform, keep reflective journals, & intern under the mentorship of field-based supervisors. Seminar discussions focus on issues of educational leadership, politics & advocacy in field-based organizations.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
EDLED-GE 2205  Advocacy and Education  (3 Credits)  
Educational Leaders work in public & private schools & universities, as well as in social agencies, unions, community organizations, policy organizations, & educational think tanks. Increasingly, educational advocates need to understand how to collaborate with others to achieve their goals through collective &/or community action. In this course, we examine how social movements & advocacy organizations have influenced policy & practice in educational institutions. How do these organizations mobilize to achieve their purpose? This course examines the strategies & tactics that successful advocates use to organize constituencies & achieve their purposes.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDLED-GE 2206  Youth Organizations & Prevention/Intervention Strategies  (3 Credits)  
Typically offered Summer term  
Course explores current educational practices & policies affecting marginalized youth in a variety of settings such as schools, juvenile justice system, foster care, & child protective services. Students will apply social/cultural reproduction theories to analyze prevention & intervention strategies. Special attention will be paid to how organizations create relevant learning &/or intervention environments.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDLED-GE 2207  Education Law  (3 Credits)  
Typically offered Summer term  
Develops an understanding of legal principles & procedures affecting the work of the teacher, administrator & school board member. Consideration of legislation & court decisions arising in connection with organization, policies, & administration of school & districts. Major topics are certification, tenure, tort liability, academic freedom, civil rights, religion & the schools, legal implications of fiscal policy for the creation of learning opportunities, & consideration of powers of the commissioner, school boards, legislatures, superintendents, principals, & trustees.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDLED-GE 2208  Culture, Leadership and Innovation  (3 Credits)  
Typically offered occasionally  
Increasingly, leaders are looking for strategies to lead in arts organizations. This course provides a framework for students interested in leadership development in the arts. The most dynamic leaders inspire others to think outside the box and use creative approaches to solve complex issues. Through this course, students apply principles in music as well as other art forms and artistic creative thinking approaches to inspire engaged learning of leadership application for socially innovative thinking.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDLED-GE 2240  Transforming Urban High Schools  (3 Credits)  
Typically offered Spring  
Examines the challenges of transforming high schools to increase educational opportunity & outcomes of urban youth. We will investigate past efforts to transform urban high schools as well as more current school reform efforts such as small schools, charter schools & middle colleges. Using relevant theories on educational change & an in-depth study of school reform, we will examine the roles that principals, teachers, & external providers play in sustaining the change process & analyze the challenges of leading , teaching & learning in today’s changing urban high schools.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDLED-GE 2300  Independent Study  (1-3 Credits)  
It should be noted that independent study requires a minimum of 45 hours of work per point. Independent study cannot be applied to the established professional education sequence in teaching curricula. Each departmental program has established its own maximum credit allowance for independent study. This information may be obtained from a student's department. Prior to registering for independent study, each student should obtain an Independent Study Approval Form from the adviser.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
EDLED-GE 2305  Leadership for Educational Change  (3 Credits)  
Typically offered Spring and Summer  
Develops awareness & understanding of the dynamics of change. Theoretical frameworks are used to aid students in improving their ability to undertake leadership responsibility & to facilitate school improvement. Planning & analysis of school reforms address issues of classroom organization, school community, & relationships between schools & communities.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDLED-GE 2342  Critical Multiculturalism in Schools: Theory and Practice  (3 Credits)  
Typically offered Spring  
Critically investigates the personal and systemic politics of leadership within the complex cultural landscape of public education. Scrutinizes the power dynamics that are intentionally present and their shaping educational practices and policies. Offers a deep dive into frequently conflicting expectations, vested interests, and contextual concerns that various communities introduce into education. This course encourages students to challenge normative assumptions, engage with critical theories, and develop strategies for more equitable and inclusive leadership.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDLED-GE 2343  Data, Inquiry, and Decision Making  (3 Credits)  
Typically offered Spring  
Increasingly, data is a primary factor in every step of the decision making process in education administration—from informing lines of inquiry to determining courses of action. In this course, students acquire the skills necessary to work with and analyze administrative and survey data and, in the process, describe school-related inputs, outcomes, relationships, and trends.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDLED-GE 2355  Educational Policy Analysis  (3 Credits)  
Typically offered Fall and Spring  
Students will develop an understanding of the ways in which they may inquire about policy issues relevant in their academic & professional lives. By exploring in depth a substantial body of knowledge drawn from selected cases & current theoretical issues, students will study the development of policy, the instruments used to effect policy, & some analyses of implementation.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDLED-GE 2367  Demographic Analysis School/Community Planning  (3 Credits)  
Typically offered Fall  
Develops understanding and skills in the analysis & interpretation of demographic data using U.S. census, regional, & local data sets. Uses forecasting & strategic analysis methods as a basis for long-range planning of school facilities, programs, & client needs. Includes the use of computer-based methodologies, geographic information systems, & community asset mapping to formulate processes that connect schools with a wide array of higher education & community resources, including social service & health providers.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDLED-GE 2368  Contemporary Politics and Policies of the K–12 Teacher Workforce  (3 Credits)  
This course examines critical issues related to contemporary K–12 teacher policies and labor movements, focusing on factors affecting the equitable distribution of teachers, the fundamentals of modern teacher policy reforms, and the political and social conditions underlying recent teacher labor movements. Students leave this course with a strong overview of current teacher policy and labor market issues as well as an in-depth examination of a focus area they select.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDLED-GE 3001  Research Methods in Education Leadership and Policy Studies.  (3 Credits)  
Typically offered not typically offered  
Practical course designed to acquaint the student with research design & methodology in order to facilitate an understanding of research in the administration of educational organizations. Focuses on critical evaluation of research studies & comparative assessment of organizational analyses.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDLED-GE 3004  Cross-Sector Policy Analysis  (3 Credits)  
Students examine and assess different strategies for conducting inquiries about policy issues relevant to their academic and professional lives.Through the use and analysis of case studies, students examine how policies are developed and implemented, explore cross-sector effects, and critically assess public policies with an understanding of the media and political biases. Cases are drawn from current domestic and international debates in such areas as desegregation, public health, housing, and migration.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDLED-GE 3005  Educational Policy Analysis  (3 Credits)  
Typically offered not typically offered  
In this doctoral seminar, students will develop an understanding of the ways in which they may inquire about policy issues relevant in their academic & professional lives. By exploring in depth a substantial body of knowledge drawn from selected cases & current theoretical issues, students will study the development of policy, the instruments used to effect policy, & some analyses of implementation.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDLED-GE 3006  Introduction to Doctoral Studies  (1 Credit)  
Course takes place during the Residency I requirement of the Online Ed.D. Program. The course provides an overview of the Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership and Organizational Studies curriculum. Students will review the two-year program timeline and discuss expectations of the program, and the fundamentals of doctoral study. The course will highlight the major program milestones embedded within the capstone deliverables.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDLED-GE 3013  Dissertation Proposal Seminar in Administration I  (3 Credits)  
Typically offered not typically offered  
This seminar facilitates the design & critical review of proposed doctoral research. Serves an integrating function for the study prior to undertaking full-scale doctoral research. Course credit is granted only upon completion of a doctoral research proposal.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDLED-GE 3016  How Do We Learn & Why Does It Matter?  (1 Credit)  
Course takes place during the Residency I requirement of the Online Ed.D. Program. The course explores various learning theories such as adult learning, workplace learning, and K- 12 learning development. Industry guest speakers will share their expertise throughout the course to provide current perspectives on the field.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDLED-GE 3032  Leadership I  (3 Credits)  
This course combines leadership theory with practical skill sets that can be immediately used in the students' current professional organization. Topics include (1) Asset based leadership using StrengthsFinder and Myers Briggs, (2) Leading vs. Managing, (3) Fostering Collaborations, (4) Leading within a Bureaucracy, and (5) Leading in Diverse Contexts. The course also includes a Capstone deliverable of the auto-ethnography.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDLED-GE 3033  Leadership II  (2 Credits)  
This course expands upon the leadership theory discussed in the Leadership I course and applies them to situations that arise in the education sector. Topics include (1) Leadership in Education, (2) Framing Power & Politics, (3) Leading in Crisis/Turbulence, (4) Coping with Challenges that Arise, and (5) Defining Leadership Moments.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDLED-GE 3096  Partnerships for Leveraging Impact  (2 Credits)  
This course focuses on the multiple sectors in public, private, and non-profit organizations that work together to address educational issues. Topics covered include (1) Collective Impact in Education, (2) Cross-Sector Partnerships in Education, (3) Social Impact Funder Collaborative Intelligences, and (4) Multi-sector Partnership in Education.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDLED-GE 3097  Professional Seminar in Administration I  (3 Credits)  
Typically offered Fall  
Advanced theory-research integration seminar. Designed to examine, compare, & evaluate theories & conceptual models applicable to the study of complex organizations. Explorations of the relationships between the conceptualization & the design of research. Emphasis placed on the development by students of theoretical bases for doctoral dissertation research.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDLED-GE 3098  Professional Seminar for Administration II  (3 Credits)  
Typically offered not typically offered  
Advanced theory-research integration seminar. Designed to examine, compare, & evaluate theories & conceptual models applicable to the study of complex organizations. Explorations of the relationships between the conceptualization & the design of research. Emphasis placed on the development by students of theoretical bases for doctoral dissertation research.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDLED-GE 3120  Capstone V  (0 Credits)  
This is a 0-credit course to ensure students receive advising and complete all deliverables to successfully defend the Problem of Practice during a period of maintenance of matriculation.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Pass/Fail  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
EDLED-GE 3195  Capstone I  (2 Credits)  
This course is designed to demonstrate the student’s accumulated knowledge in Leadership and Organizational Studies in a series of projects under the additional supervision of an advisor. The completed problem of practice should bring together the student’s central research question, organization, leadership skills, and professional experiences.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDLED-GE 3196  Capstone II  (2 Credits)  
This course is the continuation of Capstone I designed to support the completion of the first draft of the Problem of Practice and Organizational Improvement Plan under the additional supervision of an advisor. The Capstone necessitates multiple drafts of the research that are subjected to heightened peer review and regular feedback from the student’s instructors and advisor.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDLED-GE 3197  Capstone III  (2 Credits)  
During this course, students will incorporate advisor, instructor, and peer feedback into their final Problem of Practice and Organizational Improvement Plan. This course also includes a residency in which students showcase their Capstone Project.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDLED-GE 3198  Master Speaker Series  (2 Credits)  
This course takes place during Residency II requirement of the Online Ed.D. Program. Students will be exposed to industry experts in the education field of various sectors and learn how the theories learned in the last two years of the program are applicable to the current state of education.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Pass/Fail  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDLED-GE 3199  Capstone IV  (2 Credits)  
This course is the final culmination of the Capstone requirement. This course includes one-on-one advising and finalizing of all capstone deliverables as students prepare for Problem of Practice defenses in the final semester.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Pass/Fail  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDLED-GE 3208  Management and Ethics of Data  (3 Credits)  
This course provides an introduction to critical and ethical issues surrounding data. As education leaders, student data is used in various ways for multiple purposes. Recognizing the person behind the numbers, this course covers topics including (1) Research and applied ethics, (2) Concepts of privacy and publicity, (3) Issues in data collection and data mining and (4) Lifecycle of data.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDLED-GE 3215  Qualitative Methods in Educational Leadership  (2 Credits)  
This course offers an intensive walkthrough of a qualitative research method design with a heavy focus on practical application during asynchronous learning. This course is a reduced mini module tailored for the Ed.D. Online students who are considering using qualitative research method for their Capstone Project. Topics covered include (1) Conceptual and Theoretical Frameworks, (2) Qualitative Research Design, and (3) Making Sense of Qualitative Data.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDLED-GE 3216  Organizational Change and Innovation  (3 Credits)  
This course provides practical skills to become a leader in the student’s professional organization to implement change and innovation in all sectors of education. Building upon the organization assessment conducted in the Organizational Theory course, this course covers topics including: (1) Team Formation and Team Process, (2) Strategic Analysis, (3) Innovation in Higher Education, (4), Intermediary as Innovators, and (5) Measuring Impact.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDLED-GE 3217  Qualitative Research Methods II  (3 Credits)  
This course offers the tools and a practical application of developing a research design for the EdD in Leadership and Innovation. Topics covered include (1) Introduction to qualitative research methods and (2) Research design and developing questions for generating and defending a POP proposal. This course also builds on topics/themes from the Research Methods course.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDLED-GE 3218  Quantitative Methods in Education Leadership II  (3 Credits)  
This is the second in a sequence of quantitative research methods for Ed.D. in Leadership and Innovation students. This course is for Ed.D. students who are using quantitative methods for their Problem of Practice Capstone Project and have completed Quantitative Methods I
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDLED-GE 3219  Quantitative Methods in Educational Leadership  (2 Credits)  
This course offers an intensive walkthrough of a quantitative research method design with an extensive lab component for asynchronous learning. This course is a reduced mini module tailored for the Ed.D. Online students who are considering using quantitative research method for their Capstone Project. Topics covered include (1) Univariate Statistical Inference, (2) Regression, (3) Multiple Linear Regression, and (4) Statistical Models for Causal Analysis.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDLED-GE 3321  Management of Resources  (3 Credits)  
This course focuses on the importance of performance measurement and institutional management systems to manage resources in any organization. Recognizing resources are tied to funding, topics include (1) Performance Management Measurement from a Funder’s Perspective, (2) Public School Finance, (3) Higher Education Finance and (4) Non-Profit Finance Management.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No