Clinical Sciences (CLS03-DN)

CLS03-DN 1510  Multidisciplinary Practice of Dentistry  (2.5 Credits)  
Typically offered Fall  
This multi-disciplinary course is designed to provide first year dental students with foundational knowledge and early clinical experiences that place “patient centered” care at the core of all learning exercises. The core lecture series provides necessary background in professional behavior, communication skills, appreciation of diversity and health attitudes, introduction to HIPAA and patient privacy, as well as infection control in order to allow students to safely integrate into the clinic environment. The clinically based series of lectures focus on performing head and neck examinations, dental examinations and charting, obtaining vital signs, performing health risk assessments, local anesthesia landmark techniques and safe handling of armamentarium. The clinic observations are designed to provide relevance to the basic science and pre-clinical D1 experiences, and to underscore the fundamental requirements of professional behavior. This course is open only to students in the Doctor of Dental Surgery program. Core curriculum.
Grading: Dental Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
CLS03-DN 2511  Multidisciplinary Experience in Patient Care  (2 Credits)  
This multi-disciplinary course is designed to provide D2 students with foundational knowledge and early clinical experiences that place “patient centered” care at the core of all learning exercises. This course builds on the D1 multi-disciplinary fundamental core lecture series (CLS03-DN 1510). This course serves as a predecessor for, and a pre-requisite to, the Transition to D3 Clinics course (CLS03-DN 2610). Clinical observation sessions are designed to reinforce and provide clinical relevance to the basic science and pre-clinical courses taught in D1 and D2, and to underscore the fundamental requirements of professional behavior. These clinical experiences will provide opportunities to observe: communication skills, history taking, performing head and neck clinical examinations, dental examinations and charting, obtaining vital signs, performing health risk assessments, local anesthesia landmark techniques and safe handling of armamentarium; specific restorative or other treatment modalities, and entering chart and treatment information into axiUm. This course is open only to students in the Doctor of Dental Surgery program. Core curriculum.
Grading: Dental Pass/Fail  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
CLS03-DN 2610  Transition to Third-Year Clinic  (2 Credits)  
This multi-disciplinary seminar / hands-on course will provide a comprehensive update of the clinical knowledge and skills required to function in a patient-centered care setting dedicated to excellence as well as to provide a pathway for students to transition to the responsibilities associated with being a primary healthcare provider. In addition to the seminars and hands-on experiences, this course will include mandatory modules needed for the safe and successful entry into clinical patient care. This course reinforces the knowledge and skill gained in the D1 and D2 basic science courses, preclinical laboratory sessions, and clinical observations, as well as provides a highly focused view of the experiences necessary for students to demonstrate achievement of the required milestones in order to be awarded initial patient care privileges early in D3. This course is open only to students in the Doctor of Dental Surgery program. Core curriculum.
Grading: Dental Pass/Fail  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
CLS03-DN 3508  Comprehensive Patient Care  (7 Credits)  
Typically offered Fall  
The Comprehensive Patient Care course is designed to prepare the student to provide comprehensive oral health care in a group practice setting. While most care will be delivered by a single student, some patients may be treated by other members of the group depending on the complexity of the required care and other factors. The members of the group are responsible for the delivery of comprehensive dental care including continual maintenance of the treated patient’s oral health. Additionally, students are expected to be active during each clinic session and follow established practice management protocols and procedures. This course is open only to students in the Doctor of Dental Surgery program. Core curriculum.
Grading: Dental Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
CLS03-DN 3513  Cariology and Operative Dentistry Clinic  (4.5 Credits)  
Typically offered Fall  
This course will transition students from preclinical simulation exercises in contemporary and classical restorative procedures to patient care. Students will treatment plan complex cases based upon caries risk assessment. This will include techniques promoting remineralization such as dietary analysis, in-office and at home therapies. In addition, there will be a manikin simulation program which includes competency testing in porcelain veneer preparations and onlay restorations. The course provides the formal parameters for student evaluation in patient caries management under faculty supervision in the general dentistry clinics. The didactic portion of the course will consist of assigned current literature pertinent to the practical application of Cariology and Operative Dentistry. This course is open only to students in the Doctor of Dental Surgery program. Core curriculum.
Grading: Dental Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
CLS03-DN 3520  Oral Health Center Observation  (2 Credits)  
This D3 rotation will enable students to observe the management of patients with special healthcare needs. This course is open only to students in the Doctor of Dental Surgery program. Core curriculum.
Grading: Dental Pass/Fail  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
CLS03-DN 3600  Clinical Experience  (12 Credits)  
This clinical course provides students in a dual-degree program to maintain their clinical skills during their dual-core year. Offered as needed for students in the DDS-MBA or DDS-MPH programs only.
Grading: Dental Pass/Fail  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
CLS03-DN 3610  Transition to Fourth-Year Clinic  (2 Credits)  
Provides students with the opportunity to complete the transition to primary care provider, under faculty supervision in the Comprehensive Patient Care clinical setting. This course is open only to students in the Doctor of Dental Surgery program. Core curriculum.
Grading: Dental Pass/Fail  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
CLS03-DN 3708  Advanced Standing Immersion Program  (12 Credits)  
Typically offered Summer term  
This semester-long course is designed to assure that the Advanced Standing students entering the pre-doctoral education program at NYU Dentistry are integrated as seamlessly as possible into the D2 class. Topics covered include: Culture and Diversity, Ethics and Professionalism, Principles of Infection Control and PPE, HIPAA and patient privacy policies, Health Literacy, Social Determinants of Health, and Risk Assessments, Leadership and Ethics, Healthcare Informatics and the Electronic Health Record, Invisalign, Peer Assessment and ePortfolio/Self-Assessment, Evidence-based Dentistry, History and Physical Exam, Training in Child and Adult Abuse Prevention, CAD/CAM Training, Axium Training. This course is open only to students in the Doctor of Dental Surgery program. Core curriculum, AS Program.
Grading: Dental Pass/Fail  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
CLS03-DN 4508  Comprehensive Patient Care  (10 Credits)  
Typically offered Fall  
The Comprehensive Patient Care course allows students to continue to provide comprehensive oral health care in a group practice setting, to further develop their treatment, diagnostic and assessment skills. This correlates to achieving a level of confidence as they transition into private practice or residency programs. While most care will be delivered by a single student, some patients may be treated by other members of the group depending on the complexity of the required care and other factors. The members of the group are responsible for the delivery of comprehensive dental care including continual maintenance of the treated patient’s oral health. Additionally, students are expected to be active during each clinic session and follow established practice management protocols and procedures. This course is open only to students in the Doctor of Dental Surgery program. Core curriculum.
Grading: Dental Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
CLS03-DN 4512  Cariology and Operative Dentistry Clinic  (4 Credits)  
Typically offered Fall  
This course is a continuation of the patient-centered comprehensive care program from the third year (CLS03-DN 3513) involving classical and contemporary restorative surgical and nonsurgical procedures. Students will be required to independently demonstrate competency in performing basic operative restorative procedures. An evidence-based minimally invasive care plan will be developed based on the caries risk assessment performed on all dentate patients. This will include techniques promoting remineralization such as dietary changes, in office and at home therapies. Additionally, students will be introduced to more advanced caries diagnostic procedures. The didactic portion of the course will test students’ overall knowledge and practical application of all phases of Cariology and Operative Dentistry. This course is open only to students in the Doctor of Dental Surgery program. Core curriculum.
Grading: Dental Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
CLS03-DN 4533  Urgent Care Dentistry  (1.5 Credits)  
This course is designed to provide D4 students with the didactic knowledge in the delivery of proper dental care within a general dentistry practice. The needs of the urgent care patient will be addressed to include but not limited to orofacial pain, traumatic dental injury, painful and non-painful mucosal lesions, acute dento-alveolar abscesses, swelling, dislodged crowns, lost restorations, and what constitutes an urgent issue in the realm of general practice dentistry. The goal of this course is to present the student with the diagnostic rationale, and the optimal clinical interventions that will successfully resolve the patient's chief complaint. The objective is to create a welcoming environment where the patient will return for comprehensive treatment. The student will be presented with lecture material to underscore that urgent care treatment is comprised of the establishment of a concise chief complaint, triage, intraoral and extraoral evaluation, review of the current medical history and all current medications, proper choice of radiographs and objective diagnostic tests, differential diagnosis, definitive diagnosis, and the correct treatment of the urgent care need. Appropriate postoperative instructions as well as a firm comprehensive care appointment in the student’s general clinic are also components of the student’s clinical responsibility and will be addressed as such. The lecture material will allow the students to complete this course with the level of knowledge to successfully challenge the midterm exam, final exam and a simulated course competency. Knowledge of pain and anxiety management, determination of antibiotic use, and prescription writing will be expected. This course is open only to students in the Doctor of Dental Surgery program. Core curriculum.
Grading: Dental Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
CLS03-DN 4620  Brooklyn Patient Care Experience  (3 Credits)  
This mini-residency program at NYU Dentistry Brooklyn Patient Care promotes active student involvement in daily care within a private group dental practice. The supervising faculty from the Department of Cariology and Comprehensive Care at NYUCD will permit well-qualified D4 students to participate in all aspects of the practice including examination and treatment planning, endodontic and periodontal therapy as required, esthetic procedures as required (including porcelain laminates and bleaching), all phases of operative dentistry, all phases of crown and bridge as required and indicated oral surgical procedures. Invisalign orthodontics may be initiated as required. Under faculty guidance, students will meet the needs of a diverse patient population who benefit from care in this private practice office. This course is open only to students in the Doctor of Dental Surgery program. Elective.
Grading: Dental Pass/Fail  
Repeatable for additional credit: No