Experimental Writing (Advanced Certificate)

Department Website

Program Description

New York University’s master’s program in Interdisciplinary Studies overseen by XE: Experimental Humanities & Social Engagement (XE) offers enrolled students the opportunity to add an Advanced Certificate in Experimental Writing to their MA in Interdisciplinary Studies. Experimental Writing, in this context, is creative production that is informed by research and critical inquiry. This form of writing does not neatly align with the genres of an MFA—poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction—but rather often combines and transcends these categories, drawing energy from critical engagements with disciplines and fields of production outside of the literary.

The courses that compose the Advanced Certificate curriculum encourage students to practice the craft of creative writing in dialogue with academic research from a variety of disciplines, allowing students to explore writing spanning the globe and periods of history and to explore hybrid genres at the intersection of multiple modes and writing traditions.


The Advanced Certificate in Experimental Writing is available to students enrolled in master’s program in Interdisciplinary Studies. Students apply halfway through their first semester with XE by sending a 250-word Statement of Intent and a 5-10 page sample of creative or critical writing.

See Interdisciplinary Studies for admission requirements and instructions specific to this program.