Student Services

Moses Center For Students Accessibility

NYUAD is committed to providing equal educational opportunity and participation for students with disabilities (Physical, Cognitive and learning). We work with NYU students to determine appropriate and reasonable accommodations that support equal access to a world-class education. Confidentiality is of the utmost importance. Disability-related information is never disclosed without student permission. 

The Moses Center offers the following services: academic accommodation, housing accommodation, exam accommodation, and assistive technology support. To know more about the services, or to apply online, please see Student Accessibility or send an email to Aisha Al Naqbi (

Student Success and Well-Being 

Student Success and Well-Being seeks to enhance the emotional and physical well-being of students so they can experience academic and personal success. The department offers one-to-one academic coaching to help students meet their goals, mandatory and opt-in programming related to well-being, consent education, and mental health, and initiatives for students to invest in their holistic well-being. 

Student Success and Well-Being offers a wide-range of inclusive opportunities and events that empower students to discover and design their authentic journey, develop critical self-awareness, nurture compassion and empathy, and connect with their sense of purpose. REACH, our peer support group, provides support as students transition to and through university life. REACH works to create safe and brave spaces on campus, including ‘The Nook’, a peer-to-peer counseling service open to all students.

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