Visual Arts (VISAR-UH)

VISAR-UH 4000  Visual Arts Capstone Seminar  (4 Credits)  
Typically offered Fall  
The capstone experience provides seniors with the opportunity to work closely with a faculty mentor and to produce a senior thesis project. Projects may range in form from a creative art project to a theoretical, curatorial or historical research project. Students will be issued studio space for the senior year and will be expected to produce a body of artworks and a critical reflection paper based on their capstone research topic. The capstone experience will culminate in the spring with a public exhibition and a defense before a faculty panel. Students in this course are expected to use the fall semester to research and experiment in the studio by producing a series of artworks in progress (based on their capstone topic) which will be further developed during the spring term. Students will also produce an artist statement and begin drafting their critical reflection paper which will be further developed and submitted during the spring semester. Weekly class meetings will consist of short seminars, studio sessions, group critiques and one-on-one studio visits.
Grading: Ugrd Abu Dhabi Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
Prerequisites: Declared Visual Arts major and senior standing.  
  • Bulletin Categories: Art Art History: Visual Arts/Practice Capstone
VISAR-UH 4001  Visual Arts Capstone Project  (4 Credits)  
Typically offered Spring  
Visual arts capstone students will work primarily with their faculty mentor during the spring semester with the goal of completing their capstone project. Students will continue working actively in the studio and will be expected to produce a body of artworks and a 10-page critical reflection paper based on their capstone research topic. The capstone project will culminate in a public exhibition and a formal critique with a faculty panel.
Grading: Ugrd Abu Dhabi Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
Prerequisites: VISAR-UH 4000.  
  • Bulletin Categories: Art Art History: Visual Arts/Practice Capstone