Biomedical Engineering (PhD)

Biomedical Engineering Department

Program Description

The Department of Biomedical Engineering has assembled a core of renowned faculty from multiple disciplines in the NYU Tandon School of Engineering and the NYU School of Medicine, augmented by associated faculty from across NYU’s schools and colleges and the NYU Global Network. Students within the PhD degree programs engage in research leading to new engineering approaches and technologies to promote and enhance human health. In the laboratories of faculty members who are among the most accomplished authorities in the field, these students will acquire all of the necessary skills and expertise to become leaders in biomedical engineering in their own right.

Students engage, for example, in projects that look to develop new medical imaging devices and state-of-the-art medical data analysis. This includes the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning to improve diagnostic capabilities in oncology, ophthalmology, neurology, and orthopedics. Students are also involved in designing devices to separate, analyze, and modulate the behavior of single cells for disease models and diagnostic tests, and creating synthetic chromosomes. Collaboration with faculty in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering includes innovative research on wearable electronics that can be used to monitor disease onset and progression at home on a daily basis.

The state-of-the-art research taking place in the department is supported by engineering strengths in medical imaging, signal processing and analysis, modeling and control of complex living/non-living systems, big data management and visualization, design of microfluidic devices, biomaterials, control and modulation of cellular behavior, biomechanics, and systems biology.


To apply for admission to any Tandon graduate program, please contact the Office of Graduate Admissions.

Desired Background

A BS degree in biomedical engineering or a related field of science or engineering is generally required for admission to the BME PhD program. Applicants with degrees in other fields may be admitted with undergraduate or graduate deficiencies as evaluated by the Graduate Admissions Committee. Students entering the program with an MS degree are expected to have an MS degree in biomedical engineering or a related field of science, medicine, or engineering. In addition to the degree requirement, acceptance to the program will depend on (1) academic excellence, (2) research interests congruent with those of program faculty, and (3) positive recommendations (e.g., from former research advisers). GRE scores are optional. Admissions committee members or faculty members whose research interests match those of the candidate, either in person or by a conference call, will interview viable candidates. Enrollment in the NYU Global Fellows program is available to those who choose a research adviser at the NYU Abu Dhabi campus.