Educational Theatre, All Grades (MA)

Department Website

Program Description

The MA program in Teaching Theatre, All Grades prepares teachers to provide opportunities for children and adolescents to explore theatre forms and drama strategies on stage and in the classroom. The curriculum provides integrated course offerings in drama, dramatic literature, and theatre, which are tied to the New York State Learning Standards for the Arts. This course of study enables graduates to be educated as teaching artists and eligible for initial and professional certification in New York State as teachers of theatre, all grades. Students have the opportunity to participate in study abroad.

Accreditation (AAQEP)

The New York University Teacher Education Program, which is designed to prepare students to meet the challenges of teaching and leadership in today’s demanding educational environment, is granted accreditation by the Association for Advancing Quality Educator Programs (AAQEP) for a period of seven years, from April 2020 to June 2027. This accreditation certifies that the fore-named professional education program has provided evidence that the program adheres to AAQEP’s quality principles.


Admission to graduate programs in the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development requires the following minimum components:

  • Résumé/CV
  • Statement of Purpose
  • Letters of Recommendation
  • Transcripts
  • Proficiency in English

See NYU Steinhardt's Graduate Admissions website for additional information on school-wide admission. Some programs may require additional components for admissions.

See How to Apply for admission requirements and instructions specific to this program.