Biology (PhD)

Department Website

Program Description

NYU Biology offers an integrated environment where students pursue cutting edge research with a world class faculty. The department is home to a wealth of scientific expertise, state-of-the art labs and core facilities, the Center for Genomics and Systems Biology, and the Center for Developmental Genetics.  We are located in Greenwich Village, the best neighborhood in the world's most influential city. Our students are encouraged, in addition to their academic science training, to take advantage of all that NYC has to offer, including interacting with the legal, entertainment, pharma, world-health, and tech industries, as well as unique Global Opportunities for study at NYU’s Portal Campuses in Abu Dhabi and Shanghai.

The full-time Doctor of Philosophy Program in Biology is designed to develop independent research scientists. Students undertake independent research under the guidance of faculty mentors at state-of-the-art laboratories, with sophisticated instrumentation, advanced computer facilities, and extensive library and e-journal holdings. Weekly pre-doctoral colloquia enable students to present their own work to a broad audience, while symposiums and seminars by distinguished visitors, speaking on a variety of topics, add breadth to the educational programs offered by the department. Students enrolled in the PhD program are guaranteed a paid stipend for living expenses. Program details are available in the Biology Graduate Student Handbook.


All applicants to the Graduate School of Arts and Science (GSAS) are required to submit the general application requirements, which include:

See Biology for admission requirements and instructions specific to this program.