Liberal Arts Internship (LAIN1-UC)

LAIN1-UC 7942  Liberal Arts Internship  (4 Credits)  
The Liberal Arts Internship allows students to apply knowledge from course work to a professional work experience related to their studies. The internship should take place over the duration of the semester. In addition their internship, students attend class meetings with other interns. A written component (a weekly journal and a final paper) is also required. To qualify for an internship, students should have completed 40 credits of coursework, be in good standing in their program, and obtain the approval of their advisor.
Grading: UC SPS Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
LAIN1-UC 7992  Liberal Arts Senior Project: Internship  (4 Credits)  
An alternative to the Senior Project Seminar, the Liberal Arts Senior Project Internship allows students to apply knowledge from concentration course work to a professional work experience related to their studies. A minimum of 100 hours of on-site work is required and should take place over the duration of the fall/spring (15-week) or summer (12-week) semester. In addition to their internships, students must attend class meetings with other interns. A written component (a weekly journal and a final paper) is also required. To qualify for a Senior Project internship, students should have completed 90 credits of course work, be in good standing in their program, and obtain the approval of their advisor.
Grading: UC SPS Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No