
The Office of Advising and Academic Services serves all enrolled nursing students. Academic advisers are experts at explaining how things work at the university, policies and procedures related to registration, and how to be academically successful. They can be trusted to provide information with accuracy, in confidence, and in a timely manner.

Our office is a vital connection between the student and university resources and provide:

  • A personal connection to important campus resources
  • An understanding of course requirements for the student’s program of study
  • Assistance with course selection and registration
  • Knowledge of NYU and NYU Meyers registration policies
  • Evaluation of progress towards degree completion
  • Connection to tutoring services
  • Non-academic support services through advising meetings

In addition, our office offers academic programming including:

  • Peer Mentoring Program to connect new nursing students to seasoned students through providing peer advising
  • Workshops to improve academic success such as study skills, time management, and effective group work skills
  • Career assistance through reviewing resumes, cover letters, and interviewing strategies
  • Peer tutoring
  • Alumni mentoring