Teaching Social Studies 7-12 with 5-6 Extension/Students with Disabilities 7-12 Generalist (MA)

Department Website

Program Description

This master's program prepares aspiring teachers to teach Social Studies in grades 7-12 and grades 5-6 without special needs as well as those with a variety of learning challenges, including autism, attention difficulties, learning disabilities, and emotional and behavioral disabilities. 

The dual-certification curriculum combines content courses and core pedagogy classes with fieldwork and supervised student teaching in New York City schools. The curriculum includes coursework that focuses on literacy methods in the inclusive classroom, teaching methods for social studies and US and world history, language and literacy acquisition and development, designing effective curricula and individualized instruction for all types of learners, and working collaboratively with parents and guardians.

Graduates are eligible for New York State certification in teaching Social Studies grades 7-12 and teaching students with disabilities grades 7-12, with an optional certificate extension to teach grades 5–6.

Career Opportunities

Across the country, schools are experiencing a consistent shortage of special education teachers – particularly those with content-area expertise at the middle and high school levels. Graduates are in high demand by employers for their ability to teach students of all backgrounds, with and without learning challenges like autism, dyslexia, and attention difficulties.

Graduates are eligible for New York State certification in teaching Social Studies grades 7-12 and teaching students with disabilities grades 7-12, with an optional certificate extension to teach grades 5–6.

Accreditation (AAQEP)

The New York University Teacher Education Program, which is designed to prepare students to meet the challenges of teaching and leadership in today’s demanding educational environment, is granted accreditation by the Association for Advancing Quality Educator Programs (AAQEP) for a period of seven years, from April 2020 to June 2027. This accreditation certifies that the fore-named professional education program has provided evidence that the program adheres to AAQEP’s quality principles.


Admission to graduate programs in the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development requires the following minimum components:

  • Résumé/CV
  • Statement of Purpose
  • Letters of Recommendation
  • Transcripts
  • Proficiency in English

See NYU Steinhardt's Graduate Admissions website for additional information on school-wide admission. Some programs may require additional components for admissions.

See How to Apply for admission requirements and instructions specific to this program.