Music Business (MA)

Department Website

Program Description

The MA program in Music Business addresses the music industry as a unique business operating within corporate and entrepreneurial structures. The skills students develop in the program prepare them to work in a variety of positions and settings in a fast-paced industry that needs thoroughly trained personnel who can apply business and administration theory to problems that have a strong aesthetic and artistic dimension. 
The master's curriculum is cross-disciplinary and includes course work in business and finance (offered through the NYU Steinhardt School of Business) and the arts; experiential learning with industry leaders; and electives in such areas as concert management, promotions, and strategic marketing. Students acquire a foundation in defining, critiquing, and evaluating the structure and operation of the music business; and learn how to devise organizational objectives, make strategy decisions to reach goals, and propose changes and innovations to take the industry forward. The program promotes student autonomy through an interactive classroom atmosphere, internships, international opportunities, and research requirements. Students participate in extracurricular activities such as the MUBG Student Ambassador Board, the NYU Concert Program Board, and radio station WNYU.

Career Opportunities

The program prepares highly skilled, disciplined, and thoroughly trained management professionals for the commercial (for profit) music business sector. Graduates serve as managers, new product developers, promoters, record administrators, digital strategists, music publishers, marketers, distributors, entrepreneurs, data analysts, producers, and in many other capacities.


Admission to graduate programs in the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development requires the following minimum components:

  • Résumé/CV
  • Statement of Purpose
  • Letters of Recommendation
  • Transcripts
  • Proficiency in English

See NYU Steinhardt's Graduate Admissions website for additional information on school-wide admission. Some programs may require additional components for admissions.

See How to Apply for admission requirements and instructions specific to this program.