Childhood Education/Special Education: Childhood (MA)

Department Website

Program Description

This dual certification MA program in Childhood Education and Childhood Special Education leads to eligibility for the New York State initial teaching certification in both general and special education for grades 1–6. The curriculum helps prospective teachers develop as decision-makers and reflective practitioners who are committed to working in urban schools and to using the city as a core resource for their learning. Prospective teachers are immersed in thoughtful discussions and interactions around the critical contemporary issues in education, especially those of developmental, linguistic, cultural, and racial diversity and educational equity. Each course in the program is tied to either fieldwork or student teaching, generating rich and authentic reflections upon theory and practice.

Career Opportunities

Graduates teach children in elementary (or middle) schools; teach or direct after-school or non-profit educational spaces; educate teachers and conduct research in schools and universities; and direct curriculum development and educational programs in schools, colleges, and universities. In non-school settings, graduates write, edit, and publish educational materials for children and work in children’s television and media, work with educational non-profit organizations, policy groups or centers, and governmental organizations focused on children and families.


Admission to graduate programs in the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development requires the following minimum components:

  • Résumé/CV
  • Statement of Purpose
  • Letters of Recommendation
  • Transcripts
  • Proficiency in English

See NYU Steinhardt's Graduate Admissions website for additional information on school-wide admission. Some programs may require additional components for admissions.

See How to Apply for admission requirements and instructions specific to this program.