Rehabilitation Sciences (REHAB-GE)
REHAB-GE 3005 Transdisciplinary Patient Based Managment (3 Credits)
Typically offered occasionally
This course focuses on the analysis of theoretically supported methodologies in applied psychology, art therapy, communicative science and disorders, drama therapy, music therapy, nutrition, occupational therapy, and physical therapy within the context of patient based management. This course engages students in clinical cases to apply interdisciplinary theories for evaluation and intervention. Theories and methods will be addressed related to models within a biopsychosocial perspective with emphasis on co-morbidity complications.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded
Repeatable for additional credit: No
REHAB-GE 3006 Rehabilitation Sciences Research Seminar (0-1 Credits)
Students participate in discussions of current research in interdisciplinary rehabilitation sciences by faculty and scholars. Doctoral students present results of their research.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Pass/Fail
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes