Educational Policy (EDPLY-GE)

EDPLY-GE 2025  Economics of Education  (3 Credits)  
Typically offered Spring  
Using economic principles to analyze K-12 education, beginning with an examination of the demand for education, both by the private and the public sector. Consideration of the production and supply and cost of education. New ways of driving performance and providing choice to students. The class is run as a seminar in which we discuss the content of the assigned readings. Class time will be used to apply findings from the readings to make recommendation that are empirically and theoretically justified on economic grounds for achieving high performance of students in large urban areas.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDPLY-GE 2030  Education and Social Policy  (3 Credits)  
Typically offered Fall  
Course is designed to introduce students to public policy & provide a foundation for understanding & assessing education policies in particular. Students will examine the theoretical perspectives in policy as well as examine the policy process & the institutions under which policies are formed, specifically the difference between market systems & the role of government. Fourth, the methods & tools for policy analysis, both before & after policies are implemented will be studied. Finally, students will examine the role of institutions as well as policy design. Topics may include No Child Left Behind, financial aid for higher education, tax reforms to encourage saving for college, school reform in major cities, poverty & inequality, among others.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDPLY-GE 2050  Capstone:Applied Rsch in Education Policy  (4 Credits)  
Typically offered Fall  
Students will participate in practical training to design and perform a research study developed with a concern for data availability, importance of problem, and ability to ascertain causal relationships. Projects will be designed and written for a particular 'clientele' in the policy community. Emphasis will be placed on the appropriate use of the data set, the methodology, and documenting the research in a written form that will be understood by and useful for the intended audience. The development of effective and efficient teams that utilize and build upon the experience, skills and interests of team members is an integral part of the Education and Social Policy curriculum.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
EDPLY-GE 2055  Internship: Education & Social Policy  (0-3 Credits)  
Typically offered Fall, Spring, and Summer terms  
The internship will allow students to apply the skills they are learning in the Education & Social Policy program directly to an organization working in the field of education policy. Students will become acquainted with current practices in the field, & be exposed to everyday life in the profession. The course will help students build their resume, & allow students to create a professional network as they begin their permanent job search. This is an especially valuable experience for students who are new to the field of education policy.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Pass/Fail  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
EDPLY-GE 2300  Independent Study  (1-6 Credits)  
Typically offered Fall, Spring, and Summer terms  
It should be noted that independent study requires a minimum of 45 hours of work per unit. Independent study cannot be applied to the established professional education sequence in teaching curricula. Each departmental program has established its own maximum credit allowance for independent study. This information may be obtained from a student’s department. Prior to registering for independent study, each student should obtain an Independent Study Approval Form from the adviser.
Grading: Grad Steinhardt Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes