Student Services


Working with your Advisor and the Social Work Advisory Team (SWAT)

The Director of the Undergraduate Program will oversee the academic success of all students. Upon entrance into the program, each student will be assigned a primary advisor, but will have the option to work directly with the Director, if they choose. The Director of the Undergraduate Program shall be the primary advisor to all international students and those holding any form of visa. Academic advisors will collaborate with students and work with them to create a course of study that is meaningful and inspiring. Advisors are committed to supporting students as they explore their interests and opportunities both academically and professionally. Advising meetings are an excellent time to lean into self-determination and have rich conversations around maximizing opportunities within Silver, the University and the practicum of social work. With careful planning many students have crafted their course of study to allow for study abroad, interesting minors and even double majors. SWAT works closely as a team to make sure that students can have the most meaningful educational experience possible.

An individual academic advisement session precedes registration. Students should arrive to their advisement meeting prepared to discuss the specific courses they plan to take for the following semester. At advisement, students will review their selected and required courses and will be provided the needed access codes for their social work courses and be cleared to register. Students are required to meet with their advisors to be cleared for registration.