Academic Policies

Residency Requirement

All students must complete at least 48 credits while enrolled in the School of Social Work. As the BS in Social Work degree requires 64 credits in the social work major, residency requirements are automatically met in completion of the degree. 


Students may officially graduate in September, January, or May.  Students must apply for graduation on Albert, and they must be enrolled for either course work, leave of absence, or maintenance of matriculation during their final semester.

To graduate in a specific semester, students must apply for graduation within the application deadline period indicated on the calendar available at the Office of the University Registrar's web page. It is recommended that students apply for graduation no later than the beginning of the semester in which they plan to complete all program requirements. Students who do not successfully complete all academic requirements by the end of that semester must reapply for graduation for the following cycle.

Transfer and Articulation Agreements

Pre-Matriculation Transfer Credits Policy

New York University recognizes the hard work you have done in high school or college. For this reason, Silver’s BS Program is committed to maximizing the number of credits you can transfer.  Typically, the following credit amounts are awarded:

  • First-Year Students: Up to 32 Credits
  • Transfers: Up to 64 Credits

Please note that credits/points obtained through a certificate program or a vocational training program will likely not transfer to NYU. Additionally, Silver School of Social Work’s BS Program is a professional degree, overseen by outside accrediting bodies. As such, outside credits will likely not count towards the major requirements.

Credit by Examination

The exam results of Advanced Placement (AP) Program (College Entrance Examination Board) and the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program enable undergraduate students to receive credit toward the bachelor's degree on the basis of performance in college-level examinations or proficiency examinations related to the Silver’'s degree requirements, subject to the approval of the school. 

The maximum number of credits allowed toward the degree requirements of Silver that are a result of any possible combination of nonresident special examination programs (plus previous coursework, if applicable and approved) shall not exceed a total of 32. Students should submit their exam scores to NYU Admissions to have them added to their record. Upon approval, the credits will be applied to the first semester of the student’s Second year. Students cannot receive credits for a course taken at NYU as well as AP/IB for the same subject. For example, if a student has earned AP credits for Psychology, they should not take Introduction to Psychology at NYU if they intend to use their AP exam for college credits. 

Students cannot earn credit for the same subject matter in any combination of AP and/or IB exams. Note that advanced standing credit (whether AP or international) may be awarded for examinations in the subject of “English literature” or “English language and literature,” but is never awarded for any exam that is wholly in the subject of “English language.”

Advanced Placement (AP)

Silver recognizes, for advanced standing credit, Advanced Placement examinations passed with grades of 4 or 5 provided they correspond to classes/disciples necessary for Silver’s degree requirements. For those AP exams that do not correspond to specific areas, the Program Director will review and make a determination as to whether the exam can be awarded an elective credit that students can count toward the 128 credits required for the baccalaureate degree. Official reports must be submitted to the Undergraduate Admissions Processing Center for review. A total of 4 credits will be awarded per exam.

  • Students cannot earn credit for the same subject matter in any combination of AP or IB exams. 
  • Students cannot receive credit for either or both of Physics 1, 2 and Physics C.

International Baccalaureate (IB)

Silver recognizes, for advanced standing credit, higher-level examinations passed with grades of 6 or 7. No credit is granted for standard-level examinations. Official reports must be submitted to the Undergraduate Admissions Processing Center for review. A total of 4 credits will be awarded per exam.

Post-Matriculation Transfer Credits Policy

Post-Matriculation, students are permitted to transfer up to a maximum of 8 credits of non-social work coursework. This credit limit is for the duration of the degree requirements once a student is matriculated at New York University.

Additional parameters regarding this policy: 

  • Non-NYU coursework must be taken at a two or four-year accredited institution. 

  • Courses must be pre-approved by a member of Silver’s Undergraduate Academic Advising. This includes courses taken online. 

  • You must earn a grade of C or higher for the credits to be eligible for transfer to NYU.

  • You must provide a final, official transcript, in English to facilitate credit transfer to NYU.

The official transcript should be sent to NYU’s Registrar’s Office via email:


Grade Description
A (4.0) Excellence in integrating conceptual learning with practice situations. Consistently superior performance in dealing with conceptual material. Excellence in written expression and scholarship. Evidence of self- direction in learning with substantial reading activity in depth and breadth. Resourceful, intelligent participation in class discussion. Might include leadership in class projects.
A- (3.7) Attributes would be similar to the above, but to a lesser degree. There might be somewhat more unevenness than in the “A” performance.
B+ (3.3) Performance on attributes would be somewhat above “B” level, but less than “A-” level. One might find more unevenness and more gaps in an “A-” student in an otherwise good level of functioning.
B (3.0) Expectations for undergraduate level work acceptable in terms of self-direction, reading activity dealing with conceptual material, integration of conceptual-practice dimensions of learning, class participation, oral and written expression. Stress would be on acceptable performance.
B- (2.7) Barely acceptable performance in attributes (described in “A” and “B” categories). Some areas might be below expectations. The work has been done, but there are a number of gaps and some superficiality in grasp of material.
C+ (2.3) There is minimal grasp of concepts and minimal integration of conceptual and practice learning. Student might repeat some content areas on a mechanical, rote basis but the student’s understanding is unclear or questionable. The grade is “passing” but the student is considered marginal in important areas of learning. The gaps in learning are more extensive in the case of a “B-” grade.
C (2.0) The grade of C should serve to alert the student that their work is borderline and should improve. The course instructor must inform the student’s academic advisor of any C grades. The latter, in turn, should initiate a conference with the C student focused on the circumstances related to receiving such a borderline grade.
C- (1.7) Work is borderline between satisfactory and unsatisfactory in most of the attributes considered. The student’s work is slightly below average, and they must likely repeat some of the material. Just as in the case of a C, a conference with the student is necessary to discuss their progress in the course.
D (1.0) Work meets the minimal criteria to be considered “passing” but the work is below an average grade and may not be considered passing within the major. This grade can also indicate that the student truly does not understand the material.
F (0) Work is unsatisfactory in most of the attributes considered and does not warrant receiving credit for the course. A student receiving an F grossly misunderstands course content and/or failure to submit assignments or other required materials is clearly unacceptable. The course instructor will inform the student’s academic advisor when a grade of F is given. The latter, in turn, should initiate a conference with the student receiving an F focused on the circumstances related to receiving this failing grade. The academic advisor should initiate any follow-up actions deemed necessary.
I Grade given for incomplete course work that must be converted to a grade within one semester Failure to submit assignments or other required materials is clearly unacceptable. The course instructor will inform the student's academic advisor when a grade of F is given. The latter in turn should initiate a conference with the student receiving an F focused on the circumstances related to receiving this failing grade. Grade given for incomplete course work that must be converted to a grade within one semester.
W Grade is given when a student has withdrawn from a class and is a final grade.

Other factors that might be utilized in distinguishing between a higher and lower grade could include:

  • student's progress during the semester in their own professional development reflected in course performance
  • extent of absences and/or lateness; excessive unacceptable absences and/or lateness would be taken into consideration.

The guidelines presented do not represent a perfect continuum in scaling attributes. Nor are the categories mutually exclusive. Yet they provide a point of departure for guiding School grading which may prove more reliable than otherwise.

Incomplete Grades

Students who are unable to complete all of the assignments for a course by the time the course ends can request an I (incomplete) grade from the instructor by submitting a request in writing to their instructor. Instructors cannot issue Incompletes without active initiation of an Incomplete Form by the student. Otherwise, instructors must issue the grade earned.

Note that instructors are not obligated to grant a request for an I grade. If the instructor does agree to it, students must prepare three copies of the form:

  1. one copy for their own records;
  2. one copy to give to their instructor; and
  3. one copy to the Program Director.

If the instructor grants the request, the student will receive a grade of “I.” If the student does not submit a request for an I grade or if the instructor denies the request, the student will receive whatever grade was earned.

It is the obligation of the student who has received an I grade to complete all late assignments by the deadline that is agreed upon with the instructor. The time for completion is no more than 2 weeks from the original due date to complete the course. The student can request more time from the instructor, and the instructor can seek consultation from the Program Director if the situation is complicated. One exception to this process is for those courses that are part of a sequence/pre-requisite (e.g., Practice I, Field Instruction I). If the Incomplete is requested for a sequential/pre-requisite course, the due date and posting of the final grade cannot be later than the start of the next course in that sequence. For students requesting an Incomplete for Practice I, the due date and posting of the final grade must be before the start of their Spring field internship return date.

Students with an academic block are responsible for contacting their academic advisor. At that point, the student’s educational plan will be assessed and registration approval for the next term may be granted on a case-by-case basis. Enrollment of the next semester is not guaranteed.

Procedure for Appealing a Grade

Students have the right to dispute a grade they believe resulted from a violation of the grading policy or standards set forth by the instructor. In order to do so, students must first meet with the instructor within 1 week of receiving the grade and explain why they believe the grade should be reconsidered. Students may appeal the instructor’s decision about reconsidering the grade within 15 working days by writing an appeal letter to Director of the Undergraduate Program that explains the alleged violation of grading policy or standard. If the Director of the Undergraduate Program finds the alleged violation of grading policy or standard is plausible, they will meet with the instructor to discuss the situation. After that meeting, the instructor will make the final decision about the grade.

Policy on Academic Probation and Dismissal

Students will be placed on automatic probation if their academic performance reflects any of the following:

  • Less than a 2.0 Overall GPA and 3.0 in Social Work

  • An “F”

  • An Incomplete (IP or IF) grade that lasts for more than one semester.

If a student’s academic performance does not improve sufficiently to meet the minimum criteria for remaining in good standing, they will be in danger of dismissal from the program. These criteria are: a GPA of at least 2.0, no Incomplete grades in the probationary semester and completion of required course credits for the Program in which the student is enrolled.

Policy on Repetition of Courses

Students must repeat a required course in which they receive a grade of “F” in order to receive credit for that course. Students can repeat any non-required course in which they receive a grade of “F” in order to receive credit for that course. In all cases, an original “F” grade continues to be included in the computation of the grade point average even if the course is repeated and passed successfully. Students may not repeat courses in which they receive a grade of “C” or better.

Academic Standing and Progress

Students enrolled in the Undergraduate Program at NYU School of Social are expected to maintain good academic standing. Students are:

  • Expected to maintain a minimum of a 2.0 cumulative grade Point Average (GPA) and a 3.0 Social Work Major GPA. A GPA below a 2.0 will automatically place a student on probation. Regardless of GPA, a student earning an “F” grade will be placed on probation automatically. A student who receives an “F” grade for a required course must repeat the course at their expense.
  • Responsible for the removal of Bursar and/or Health Services blocks, which would impede registration.
  • Responsible for registering for required classes in proper sequence.
  • Required to complete the work for an approved “Incomplete” grade/s within time frame agreed upon with instructor but no later than the following semester (fall semester for spring & summer courses; spring semester for fall courses). In instances of sequential courses, completion of work will need to be done before the next semester. Incomplete grades not completed in this timeframe will be changed from an “Incomplete” to an “F”.

Student Evaluation

A series of phased evaluations assures ongoing assessment of the student's performance in both the classroom and the practicum placement. Procedures are detailed as follows:

  1. All social work instructors are asked to notify the Undergraduate Director about individual student problems and challenges. The student will be included in this process.
  2. At the end of the Fall and Spring semesters in the senior year, each student record is reviewed to determine whether the student will continue in and graduate from the program, and, if applicable, whether a recommendation for advanced standing is warranted. A positive evaluation leads to graduation and to consideration of the following options:
    1. reference for employment as a Bachelor’s level, generalist social worker;
    2. recommendation for advanced standing into a Master's Program, to be taken within five years of graduation;
    3. recommendation for advanced standing conditional on completing additional satisfactory work experience in the field;
    4. recommendation for the two-year Master’s program at the School of Social Work.

All students are advised of employment opportunities as the school works closely with the New York University’ s Wasserman Center for Career Development and those planning to work after graduation are assisted in the social work job search. To be considered for advanced standing in the Master’s Program at the New York University School of Social Work, a student must maintain at least a “B” average in social work courses, have done well in practicum work, and demonstrate a clear understanding of the first year content of the Master's Program.


Withdrawals from Courses and Refunds

The BS program adheres to New York University’s policy on refunds that result from withdrawing from a course or complete term withdrawals. Students may appeal a decision determined by this policy by writing an appeal letter to the Director of the Undergraduate Program to request a refund decision to be changed. The appeal letter must be submitted to the student's Academic Advisor within 20 working days of withdrawing from a course or requesting a term withdrawal.

Note that students can drop any course, with full refund and without a W (withdrawal) grade on record, during the add/drop registration period at the beginning of each semester.

Following this period, students can withdraw from a course until the 9th week of classes during the fall and spring semesters but will be held responsible for related tuition and fees according to the Bursar’s Refund Schedule. For the summer semester, the 9th week equivalent is used. A grade of W will be recorded if the withdrawal occurs after the add/drop registration deadline but before the 9th week or 9th week equivalent. After that deadline, students must receive a grade for the course, which could be an F or another letter grade.

Students who are considering withdrawal from a course after the add/drop registration deadline should discuss it with the course instructor. The next step is to contact the academic advisor to facilitate the withdrawal process. Students who withdraw from a course cannot audit the same course at a later time; if it is a required course it must be taken at another time at the student's own expense.

Full Withdrawals from the BS Program

When a student is considering withdrawal from the school, the student should contact their Advisor to discuss their plan to withdraw. Following the interview, students who still wish to withdraw from the program should submit an online withdrawal form via Albert. Once this form is processed, the student will be terminated from NYU. Students who withdraw from the BS program have the responsibility to notify the Financial Aid Office if they have been receiving financial aid, the Housing Office (if in University Housing) as well as their Practicum and classroom instructors. If a student who has withdrawn from the school decides they would like to return, a new application for admission must be initiated.

Standards of Conduct

It is critical that students understand their rights and responsibilities not only as individuals enrolled in the program, but also as community members. The undergraduate program is a community with a goal of educating people to become social workers and citizens who promote human rights and the creation of a more just society.

Every member of the Silver community - students, faculty and staff can create an environment and uphold these values by:

  • Engaging in honest and open dialogue.
  • Emphasizing the importance of caring human relationships
  • Respecting every person’s lived experience.
  • Honoring the dignity and rights of each other.
  • Considering the perspectives of others.

Members of the Silver community should feel:

  • a sense of belonging, valued
  • supported
  • trusted
  • connected
  • invested

Students have a responsibility to conduct themselves in accordance with the values of the undergraduate program community and the profession of social work. Students should take their rights and responsibilities as a valued member of the community seriously.

Essential Abilities and Attributes for Social Work Students

The complex process of becoming a competent professional social worker begins upon entrance into the NYU Silver School of Social Work BS program. In order to maintain matriculation in the BS program, and to meet their obligations as professionals, students are expected to meet all of the standards for social work education and practice listed below. These standards will be part of evaluations of students made by faculty during the course of study. An inability to meet these standards will have consequences for successful continuation in, and completion of, the program.

Attendance and Punctuality: Social work students are expected to attend all scheduled classes and fulfill all required practicum placement hours. They are expected to complete assignments on time, and to be punctual and dependable.

Professional Behavior: Social work students are expected to behave in a professional manner in all classes, in their practicum placements, and in all interactions with faculty, staff, and other students. They are expected to communicate effectively and respectfully with other students, faculty, staff, clients and other professionals both orally and in writing.

Academic Integrity: Social work students are expected to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity and adhere to NYU and Silver School of Social Work standards of academic conduct.

Professional Commitment: Social work students must possess a commitment to the core values and ethical standards of professional social work. They are expected to be knowledgeable about and adhere to the National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics.

Self-awareness: Social work students must be open to examining how their values, attitudes, and beliefs affect their thinking, behavior and interpersonal interactions. Students must be willing to examine and change their attitudes and behavior when they interfere with their work with clients and with other professionals

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Social work students must possess a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and they are expected to demonstrate this commitment in their practicum placements, classes, and in the larger School community.

Judgment: Social work students are expected to apply sound professional and personal judgment and effectively attend to professional roles and boundaries.

Self-care: Social work students are expected to manage the demands of the BS program in a manner that enables them to remain consistently engaged, attentive to duties, and professional in conduct and attitude. They must be able to recognize the signs of stress, develop appropriate means of self-care, and seek supportive resources if necessary.

Ethical Use of Social Media in Practice

In order to ensure the most appropriate and effective use of social media and to avoid unique challenges that social media usage may create, students should use ethical principles as outlined in the NASW Code of Ethics as a guide to practice. Specific guidelines on social media content and presence may differ at different agencies and institutions. Students are responsible for gaining clarity on these guidelines before sharing information and experiences, whether for professional, educational, or personal purposes, on social media outlets. In general, students should keep in mind the following:

  • Social work students should avoid conflicts of interest that interfere with the exercise of professional discretion and impartial judgment, and should avoid dual or multiple relationships with clients.
  • Student should respect a client’s right to privacy, and should not solicit private information unless it is immediately relevant.
  • Students should not discuss confidential information in any setting unless privacy can be ensured.

Students should not permit their private conduct to interfere with their professional work, and should make clear distinctions between statements and actions made as a private individual and as a social work professional.

Professional Misconduct and Discipline

Policy on Plagiarism and Academic Integrity

A professional social work degree should represent genuine learning and readiness to undertake responsibilities that include adhering to the social work Code of Ethics. The degree's integrity must be carefully safeguarded. Faculty is responsible for helping students learn to understand and value other people's ideas, to use resources and conscientiously acknowledge them, and to develop and clarify their own thinking. In addition, all the usual academic norms addressing honesty in academic performance, such as following all of the rules involving examinations of any kind, must be scrupulously followed. Failure to do so can result in dismissal from the program.

All students are expected to pursue the highest standards of academic excellence and integrity. Students must adhere to the norms of a serious professional community. A student's responsibilities include the following:

  • A duty to respect the efforts of others by submitting his or her own academic work and case recordings.
  • A duty to acknowledge properly the efforts of others.
  • A duty to safeguard and respect the property and rights of others.

The link to the University Policy on Academic Integrity for Students can be found here.

Definition of Plagiarism

In order to make the rules with regard to what does and does not constitute a breach of academic ethics as clear as possible, the faculty has formally clarified the definition of plagiarism for NYU School of Social Work as follows:

  • Plagiarism constitutes both academic misconduct and a breach of professional trust.
  • Plagiarism is presenting someone else's work, either academic or practicum related, as though it were your own.
  • More specifically, plagiarism is to present as your own a sequence of words quoted without quotation marks from another writer; a paraphrased passage from another writer's work; facts or ideas gathered, organized, and reported by someone else, orally and/or in writing, without attribution.
  • Since plagiarism is a matter of fact, not of the student's intention, it is crucial that acknowledgment of sources be accurate and complete.
  • Even where there is no conscious intention to deceive, the failure to make appropriate acknowledgment constitutes plagiarism.

Ways to Avoid Plagiarism

  • Familiarize yourself with the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
  • When taking notes from any written material (published or not) summarize, do not paraphrase. If you are not sure about this, check with your instructor. Even summaries should be acknowledged in your presentation since the idea and often the manner in which the material is organized is the work of someone else.
  • When someone else has said something so well that you want to include it in your work, be sure to copy it exactly, follow APA quotation guidelines and cite the copied portion(s) appropriately.
  • Students are fully responsible for any work they submit. If the work is typed by a typist, students must read the finished work to be sure that no references or quotation marks have been omitted.
  • If you allow another student(s) to copy your work (including computer programs and research data) and submit it as their own, or if you submit a copy of someone else's work and claim it as your own, you have plagiarized.
  • Understand that your reader will want to know the sources you used in your research/writing and may be concerned about phrasing that is not like your usual writing style. Online material must be clearly referenced as well.
  • It is recommended that you cite electronic sources in the same manner you would non- electronic sources. Additionally, you must include all the electronic retrieval information needed for others to locate the sources you cited (i.e. web URLs or DOIs).

Anti-Bias Policy

Any student that has experienced bias, discrimination, or harassing behavior within the classroom, practicum placement, or community is advised to report the incident through the New YorkUniversity Bias Response Line, which is designed to help ensure that our University community is equitable and inclusive. In order to report an incident, students can call (212) 998-2277, email, or complete a Bias Response Online Form.

Disciplinary Measures & Redress of Grievances

The purpose of the Advisory Committee on Academic Integrity (CAI) is to review and provide a disposition of problems or issues related to academic integrity.

All faculty, students, and other parties may refer matters concerning student or faculty academic integrity. All referring parties may consult or file a formal complaint with the Committee. If filing a formal complaint against a student or faculty member the CAI will inform the relevant student, academic advisor, or faculty member.

All matters referred to the CAI will be considered confidential.


  1. Consultation with the Committee: ​Parties who wish to consult with the Committee may do so by sending a memo to the chairperson of the CAI setting forth the basis for the request.
    1. The CAI will review the memo requesting consultation within two weeks.
    2. The CAI will transmit an opinion in writing to the party requesting consultation and any other relevant party within two weeks of their review.
  2. Filing a Formal Complaint Concerning a Student: ​A party who wishes to lodge a formal complaint may do so by sending a memo and documentation to the chairperson of the CAI. Formal complaints must be accompanied by documentation in support of the allegation concerning the violation of academic integrity. A student against whom a complaint is filed may submit a written response to the allegations.
    1. The CAI will review the allegation and supporting documents within thirty days.
    2. The CAI will forward a written recommendation to the Dean for action within two weeks of their completed review.
    3. A copy of the recommendation will be sent to the party who filed the complaint.
    4. The Dean will inform the CAI of the decision.
    5. A written summary will be given to the student and be placed in the student’s permanent file.
  3. Filing a Formal Complaint Concerning Faculty
    1. A formal complaint may be lodged by sending a memo and documentation to the chairperson of the CAI. Formal complaints must be accompanied by documentation in support of the allegation concerning the violation of academic integrity. A faculty member against whom a complaint is filed may submit a written response to the allegations.
    2. The CAI will review the allegation and supporting documents within thirty days.
    3. The CAI will forward a written recommendation to the Dean for action within two weeks of their completed review.
    4. A copy of the recommendation will be sent to the individual who filed the complaint.
    5. The Dean will inform the CAI of the decision.
    6. A written summary will be given to the faculty member and be placed in the faculty member’s permanent file.
  4. Appeal Process
    1. If a student wishes to appeal the decision of the Dean, the student can submit a written appeal to the NYU Office of Student Affairs.
    2. If a faculty member wishes to appeal the decision of the Dean, the faculty member can request that a five-member ad hoc committee be appointed by the Office of the Vice Provost (NYU Faculty Handbook).

Practicum Experience and Supervision

The undergraduate practicum experience engages students in learning and developing the attitudes, values, knowledge and skills needed in generalist social work practice; provides opportunities to perform professional tasks with practicum instruction; and offers many situations in which students will apply concepts and principles learned in both class and practicum. Practicum learning is an integral component of social work education anchored in the Silver School of Social Work’s mission, goals and educational program. Practicum learning is one of the five key curriculum areas. Practicum learning takes place in agency settings, selected by the school, that reinforce students’ identification with the purposes, values, and ethics of the social work profession.

Sr. Year Practicum Experience Requirement

Students are required to complete a total of 450 hours of practicum education (usually two days per week) with a SIFI certified practicum instructor in the fall and spring semesters of the senior year. 

The two semesters of practicum education provide students with an opportunity to apply generalist knowledge and skills in a broad spectrum of social agency settings in the metropolitan New York area. Students are exposed to a wide range of social work roles and responsibilities within agencies and communities. The senior year of practicum education combined with practice classes provide structured learning opportunities to integrate agency-based experiences with academic course work.

The core identity of the generalist social worker as a professional who is guided by social work values and ethics and works across a range of systems is emphasized throughout the two semester practicum experience. It is expected that students will develop a broad approach to practice that includes a range of social work roles such as case manager, advocate, mediator, consultant, program planner, counselor, etc.