
Academic advising is the process through which NYU Shanghai provides the necessary resources for students to make thoughtful choices in their academic studies. The primary purpose of academic advising is to assist students as they develop meaningful educational plans compatible with their life goals. Although the NYU Shanghai curriculum is well-defined, there will be opportunities, both within and beyond curricular constraints, for students to participate in courses and activities that support their academic and personal development.

While the ultimate responsibility for making decisions about life and educational plans rests with each individual student, academic advisors and faculty mentors assist students by suggesting options and by discussing possible outcomes of the choices they make. Students can expect that their academic advisors and faculty mentors in the majors will help them:

  • Define academic goals and evaluate progress towards those goals;
  • Understand academic policies and requirements, provide guidance during course selection, and provide help with identifying other meaningful educational experiences;
  • Identify institutional and community support services for assistance if necessary;
  • Monitor progress as they move through the undergraduate program.

Each semester, students are required to communicate with their academic advisor (and first and second year students to meet with their advisor) to review their registration plan for the following semester and ensure that they are making normal progress towards their degree. It is the individual student’s responsibility to make certain that he or she fulfills the requirements for graduation.
A first year advising program provides individual advising for new students entering in August. Each student is assigned an advisor who can provide information and support during the transition to college. The advisors serve as a liaison with other offices and can make referrals when appropriate. Advisors are therefore the best source for students to visit when they are unsure of where to go for help. Throughout the year, students needing additional assistance may also make an individual appointment with the Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs.