Study Away Lectures (SAS-SHU)

SAS-SHU 100  China in the Headlines  (2 Credits)  
Typically offered occasionally  
Choosing and interpreting relevant information from the myriad global and local news is always difficult. It is especially daunting in a foreign country where one typically lacks the necessary historical and cultural context. Students come to China with at best an incomplete knowledge of Chinese history, culture, politics, environmental concerns, economy, etc., exacerbated by the challenge of identifying reliable sources of information on many of these topics. The course will address that through readings and lectures as well as documentary and popular films on a variety of topics. Each lecture, discussion, or film will provide relevant information and background on a significant issue for China. Topics will range from business to politics, the environment to the economy, history to current films. Students will be required to attend a dozen of the more than twenty talks and films and write two short reflection papers, one on a topic from the first half of the semester and a second on a topic from the second half of the semester. Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for the course but enrollment is limited to study away students.
Grading: Ugrd Shanghai Pass/Fail  
Repeatable for additional credit: No