Placement Examinations, Degree Progress, and Transcripts

Placement Examination for Chinese Language

Testing and Placement

Entering students who are not native speakers of Mandarin take an online placement exam prior to their first registration in NYU Shanghai. Online tests result in placement into the appropriate-level course. The online placement exam is used for new incoming students only to assess their language proficiency for a preliminary placement into Chinese language courses. In the case a student would like to demonstrate proficiency beyond the intermediate two level, thereby fulfilling the language requirement, the student must take an in-person place-out exam.

Placement into the intermediate two level or a lower level course means that the student must continue his or her studies of Chinese until successful completion of the intermediate two level of Chinese, either through successful completion of CHIN-SHU 202 Intermediate Chinese IICHIN-SHU 202A Intermediate Chinese II - Accelerated, or CHIN-SHU 211 Intermediate Chinese for Advanced Beginners). In order to progress to higher levels of Chinese, students must earn a grade of C or better. In order to satisfy the language requirement, students must earn a grade of C or better in Intermediate Chinese II or equivalent. Students may demonstrate equivalent proficiency by applying to take, and scoring an 85 or higher on a place-out exam. In some cases, adjustments in course placement may be made during the first weeks of class under advice and/or consent of instructors.

After matriculation, if a student requests to be placed out of intermediate two in order to fulfill the language requirement, the student must take an in-person place-out exam. The place-out exam must be taken and completed prior to the student’s final semester. The intermediate two place-out exam is offered during the add/drop period at the start of each semester. Requests for placeout/exemption exams at a different time must be submitted by email to the World Languages program ( at least thirty (30) days in advance of the proposed examination date/time.

Information on placement testing can be obtained from the Office of Academic Advising. Students may contact to request an in-person place-out exam. The in-person place-out exams are usually held at the beginning of each semester. More information can be found at the website:

Quantitative Reasoning

A student who wishes to place out of the Core Curriculum Mathematics requirement or to place into a higher level math class will have the opportunity to take a math placement exam, usually held at the beginning of each semester and prior to fall/spring registration. Note: A student may attempt the same math placement exam only twice, with at least three months between each attempt.

Degree Progress

All students have access to their Degree Progress Report, as generated by the Office of the NYU University Registrar, on Albert, NYU’s online registration and information system. The Degree Progress Report is a Student Information System (SIS) accounting of completed and remaining degree requirements. In addition, students are encouraged to consult their unofficial transcript while reviewing degree requirements.

Transcripts of Record

Unofficial transcripts are available on Albert.

A sealed NYU Shanghai official paper transcript should be requested from the NYU Shanghai Office of the Registrar by either physically visiting the office in the Pudong Academic Campus Building, Suite 1049, or sending an email from your NYU email account to Alternatively, students can request an official electronic transcript from the Albert Student Center. The “Request official transcript” link can be found under the “My Academics” section of Albert Student Center. Transcripts cannot be produced for anyone whose record has been put on hold for an outstanding University obligation. See the NYU Shanghai Registration website for further information on transcript requests.

Rank in Class

NYU Shanghai neither records nor reports students’ class, college, or department rank. In an institution where students’ educational experiences are so varied, class rank is not a meaningful way to measure achievement. An explanatory note to that effect is attached to the official transcript.

Requesting Enrollment Verification

Students can request an official paper Enrollment Verification from the NYU Shanghai Office of the Registrar by either

  1. physically visiting the office in the Pudong Academic Campus Building, Suite 1049; or
  2. sending an email from their NYU email account to

The following should be included in the request:

  1. University ID Number
  2. Current Name and any name under which you attended NYU
  3. Date of Birth
  4. School of the University attended
  5. Dates of Attendance
  6. Date of (Anticipated) Graduation

Seven business days should be allowed for processing from the time the Office of the Registrar is in receipt of a student’s request.

For confirmation of a student’s request, students should contact the Office of the Registrar at +86-21 2059 5750 or

Special Handling

If a request requires special handling, students must request a paper Enrollment Verification from the NYU Shanghai Office of the Registrar. Specific special handling instructions should be sent in writing by contacting Special handling includes:

  1. Sending paper Enrollment Verification to the student in separate sealed envelopes addressed to admissions offices of other universities.
  2. Sending paper Enrollment Verification with additional documents to be sent along with the NYU Shanghai Enrollment Verification. Additional documents can be sent to the Office of the Registrar via mail or email, or may be hand-delivered.
  3. Specific requirements as part of the enrollment verification request (e.g. need passport number, dates outside of China, and countries being visited for visa purposes, etc.)
  4. Requesting Enrollment Verification in Chinese/Bilingual form.
  5. Express Delivery: The Office of the Registrar can assist students that are not on campus to deliver the paper Enrollment Verification via express mail.. Please note that requesting documents to be sent via express service does not guarantee the processing time. All requests are processed in the order in which the requests are received.
  6. For express delivery, send the request to with detailed contact information of receiver(s) (i.e. name of school/institute/company, address, post code, contact person, telephone number).

Note that all express-related expenses incurred shall be borne by the student requestor.

Arrears Policy

NYU Shanghai reserves the right to deny registration and withhold all information regarding the record of any student who is in arrears in the payment of tuition, fees, loans, or other charges (including charges for housing, dining, or other activities or services) for as long as any arrears remain.

Diploma Arrears Policy

Diplomas of students in arrears will be held until their financial obligations to NYU Shanghai are fulfilled and they have been cleared by the Bursar. Graduates with a diploma hold may contact the Office of the Bursar to clear arrears or to discuss their financial status at NYU Shanghai.

Diploma Application

Students may officially graduate in September, January, or May. NYU Shanghai holds a baccalaureate ceremony in May. Students must apply for graduation on Albert, and they must be enrolled for either course work, leave of absence, or maintenance of matriculation during their final semester.
To graduate in a specific semester, students must apply for graduation within the application deadline period indicated by the Office of the Registrar. It is recommended that students apply for graduation no later than the beginning of the semester in which they plan to complete all program requirements. Students who do not successfully complete all academic requirements by the end of that semester must reapply for graduation for the following cycle.