Disciplinary Measures

Academic Warning

Students with cumulative grade point averages of 2.0 to 2.25 will receive an academic warning letter with recommendations for achieving an appropriate standard for academic performance. Students who are on academic warning are invited and encouraged to participate in the Academic Support Program to support them in improving their GPA.

Academic Probation

Any student whose record is deemed unsatisfactory will be placed on academic probation and will be so informed by letter. A record will be deemed unsatisfactory if, in any semester, the student fails to meet standards for good academic standing, defined as cumulative and semester grade point average above 2.0 and maintaining steady and substantial progress toward the degree. Steady and substantial progress toward the degree entails the completion, with satisfactory grades, of more than half of the courses (and credits) for which a student registers in any semester. In addition, it entails satisfactory progress in the student’s major.

Failure to satisfy the conditions of probation will result in further academic sanctions and possibly dismissal from NYU Shanghai. The conditions usually require that the student

  1. achieve a cumulative and semester grade point average of at least 2.0 during the probationary term,
  2. not receive any grade below a C or any grade of I or P,
  3. not withdraw from any course without securing the permission of the NYU Shanghai Academic Standards Committee prior to the withdrawal, and
  4. participate fully in the Academic Support Program. More specific requirements may be imposed.

Students on academic probation may engage in co-curricular activities but may not hold office in university clubs or organizations without the approval of the NYU Shanghai Academic Standards Committee.

NYU Shanghai follows the Office of Global Programs policy regarding academic probation and study away admission. Students currently on academic probation are ineligible for study away.

Students on academic probation should be aware that they are usually ineligible for financial aid.

Students who are on academic probation are required to participate in the Academic Support Program, which includes additional meetings with advising and engaging with other resources to which students are referred.


If a student fails to meet the minimal standards stated above at the end of the probation semester, the school will suspend them. Suspension is for a minimum of two semesters (Fall/Spring or Spring/Fall) and the student is required to follow NYU Shanghai procedures for departing from campus.

Suspended students may not:

  • register for courses
  • attend classes
  • live in residence halls
  • use campus facilities, such as athletic facilities, the library, and computer labs (and including all NYU facilities in other cities as well)
  • participate in student activities
  • be members of student organizations
  • have student jobs

Note: Students on academic suspension may appeal to complete a summer/J-term course or hold a summer campus job if they started the class or job before they were suspended.

At the end of the two semesters, the student may petition to return to NYU Shanghai by completing the following steps:

  1. Ask the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs in writing for permission to resume their studies.
  2. Provide transcripts for any courses taken at other colleges or universities during the suspension even though academic credits earned during a suspension do not transfer back to NYU Shanghai.

To get approval to resume their studies the student must demonstrate that they are better prepared to perform above the minimum standards for graduation than before they were suspended. Students return from suspension on probation. They may only resume studies during a fall or spring semester and must study in Shanghai.

Academic Dismissal

A student who fails to meet minimum standards at any point after returning from a suspension is subject to a dismissal action. A dismissal action is a permanent severance; the student is required to follow NYU Shanghai procedures for departing from campus and may not enroll again in the future.

The typical progression of academic actions is Probation, Suspension, and then Dismissal but the intent of the academic actions are to take measures that are in the student’s best interest and therefore the school may bypass one or more of these steps in an unusual case.

Students suspended or dismissed from NYU Shanghai for failing to meet academic performance standards will be informed via e-mail two to three weeks after their most recent grades are posted for the enrolled semester. Students who have paid tuition for the next term at the time of dismissal will receive a full refund of those tuition and fees.