Awarding of Credit


Credit for Advanced Placement Examinations

NYU Shanghai does not assign credit for the Advanced Placement (AP) Program (College Entrance Examination Board), the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program, or the results of foreign maturity certificate examinations. In some cases students may be able to fulfill a core curriculum requirement based on their performance on one of these tests.

Credit for Courses at NYU Shanghai

To receive credit for a course, the student must register before attending, meet the requirements for attendance, and creditably complete all examinations and assignments prescribed by the instructor. Some majors also offer independent study for exceptional students.

Students receive credit for any course passed with at least a D or a P grade. Courses may not be used to meet major or minor requirements or as prerequisites for more advanced classes unless a grade of C or higher is earned. This means that grades of P or C- and lower may not be used to meet major or minor requirements or as a prerequisite for more advanced courses including in core curriculum sequences. Core courses must be taken graded on A-F scale and may satisfy the core requirement with grade of D or better.

Restrictions on Receiving Credit (Including Course Repeat Policy)

A student who has taken a course for credit or who has obtained a W in a course is permitted to repeat that course once. Students may not repeat more than two courses during their undergraduate careers. Students may not repeat courses in a designated sequence after taking more advanced courses. The majors determine the sequencing of courses. Students with questions regarding the repetition of courses or course sequences must consult their advisor. In the case of a course that has been repeated, both grades are recorded on the transcript and averaged together to be computed in the grade point average. 

Students register for repeated courses. If the credit value of the repeated course causes the total number of credits to exceed 18, an overload petition is required and overload charges apply.

Credit for Courses at Other Schools and Divisions of New York University

NYU graduate courses may be taken with approval of the respective graduate program and NYU Shanghai undergraduate major and following the practices of that bulletin. Enrollment is dependent on availability and completion of any required prerequisites. If graduate courses are applied toward the completion of requirements for the baccalaureate degree, no advanced credit is typically allowed for them in the University’s graduate programs.

Students may take a total of 36 credits in other divisions of NYU, including any courses for particular minors approved by NYU Shanghai. Students seeking additional credits beyond the 36 credit limit must file a petition with the Office of Academic Affairs.

Please note that restrictions apply. For details, students must check with their advisor before registering for any courses in other divisions. If a course is not approved in advance, students will not receive credit for it. If such courses are taken at schools outside NYU, the credit will not transfer to NYU Shanghai.

Credits from any courses taken in NYU’s School of Professional Studies will not be counted toward major requirements, the GPA, or the minimum 128 credits required for graduation.

Credit for internet and online courses from other divisions or schools of NYU will not be counted toward the baccalaureate degree unless approved by petition.

Credit for Transfer Students

Inquiries regarding transfer applications should be directed to NYU Shanghai Office of Undergraduate Admissions (

Credit for Non-NYU Study Abroad

Once admitted to NYU Shanghai, all courses counted toward the degree must be taken on campus or during an approved study abroad semester at one of NYU’s degree-granting campuses, Global Academic Centers or exchange partners, including those they need or wish to take during the summer.

Summer Session

Students who elect to take summer courses for credits must take them on campus or at one of NYU’s Global Academic Centers, NYU New York, or NYU Abu Dhabi. Students who plan to take summer courses within the NYU Global Network need to get their course plan approved by their academic advisor for summer registration clearance before the appointed time.