Academic Policies

Residency Requirements

Students in the Global Public Health major must complete 128-130 credits for their degree requirements, depending on the specific combined major. A minimum of 20 credits at GPH, including 16 credits of core courses, and 4 credits of experiential learning must be taken at GPH. Combined electives may be taken outside GPH, by approval of the home school advisor. Per the GPH transfer credit policy for the undergraduate program, students may transfer in up to 4 credits (one core course) of approved coursework, from an accredited school or program.  


Students at the School of Global Public Health may officially graduate in September, January, or May.

In order to graduate in a specific semester (i.e. the semester in which all degree requirements will be completed), students must apply for graduation within the application deadline period. Students getting certificates must also apply for graduation.

See Applying for Graduation for more information and steps to apply for graduation.

Transfer and Articulation Agreements

Students enrolled in the GPH interdisciplinary degree may transfer in only one (1) core course into the program. Students may transfer in courses to substitute UGPH-GU 10 Health and Society in a Global Context, UGPH-GU 20 Biostatistics for Public Health, UGPH-GU 30 Epidemiology for Global Health, UGPH-GU 40 Health Policy in a Global World, or UGPH-GU 50 Environmental Health in a Global World. The Experiential Learning requirement must be taken through GPH (as UGPH-GU 60 Undergraduate Experiential Learning in Global Public Health) or through one of the GNU sites (as NODEP-UA 9982 Experiential Learning Seminar). Transfer of credits will only be approved if:

  • the course was taken within the last 5 years; 
  • and the course was not counted towards a prior degree; and.
  • a minimum grade was obtained (students should refer to home school policies for specific grade minimums)

Students must submit an official transcript to both their home school advisor and GPH advisor, along with a copy of the course syllabus. The GPH advisor will consult with the relevant course instructor to make sure it covers the same material. If the transfer is accepted, the GPH advisor will process the transfer.


Grading Scale

The GPH grading scale is defined as follows:

A: 94-100
A-: 90-93
B+: 87-89
B: 83-86
B-: 80-82
C+: 77-79
C: 73-76
C-: 70-72
D+: 67-69
D: 60-66
F: <60

Incomplete Grades

GPH students are expected to complete all course requirements on time. Under extraordinary circumstances (such as a medical emergency or family crisis), the temporary grade of “I” (Incomplete), may be recorded for a student who is unable to complete course requirements. A grade of “I” does not factor into the GPA, nor do the units for the course count as earned credit toward the degree while the "I" remains on the transcript. The credits do count as attempted credits and therefore may impact financial aid eligibility. Questions regarding financial aid may be directed to

To receive an incomplete grade, the student should make a formal request using the Incomplete Grade Request form. The form serves as a contract between the student and course instructor and must be signed by both parties and submitted to the Director of Registration & Academic Services. The request will indicate the reason for the incomplete, the work to be completed, and the final deadline by which the work is to be submitted, to be stipulated by the instructor. 150 days after the end of the semester in which the course was taken, the Incomplete will lapse to an “F”.

Pass/Fail Option

Students should refer to home schools for specific policies for pass/fail options.

Grading Components

All GPH courses have a rubric of grading components, indicating the breakdown of how the grade is calculated, as defined by the instructor. The grading components are outlined on the course syllabus.

Course Grade Minimums

Students should refer to home schools for specific course grade minimums policies.

Course Repeat Policy

Students should refer to home schools for specific course repeat policies.

Academic Standing and Progress

Students should refer to home schools for specific academic standing and progress policies.


Students should refer to home schools for specific Withdrawals policies.

Standards of Conduct

Statement of Academic Integrity

The NYU School of Global Public Health values both open inquiry and academic integrity. Students in the program are expected to follow standards of excellence set forth by New York University and stated in the NYU Academic Integrity Policy StatementSuch standards include respect, honesty and responsibility. GPH does not tolerate violations to academic integrity including:

  • Plagiarism
  • Cheating on an exam
  • Submitting your own work toward requirements in more than one course without prior approval from the instructor
  • Collaborating with other students for work expected to be completed individually
  • Giving your work to another student to submit as his/her own
  • Purchasing or using papers or work online or from a commercial firm and presenting it as your own work

Students are expected to familiarize themselves with the GPH Statement of Academic Integrity and NYU University’s policy on academic integrity as they will be expected to adhere to such policies at all times – as a student and an alumni of New York University.

Student Conduct Policies - Non-Academic

If students have any questions regarding the following policies and procedures they are strongly encouraged to meet with the GPH Sr. Associate Dean of Student Affairs.

Effective August 13, 2018, allegations of non-academic misconduct, as outlined in the University Student Conduct Policy, against a student of the School of Global Public Health, shall be addressed pursuant to the procedures set forth in the NYU Student Conduct Procedures and administered by the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards under the authority of the Senior Vice President of Student Affairs.  Allegations of academic misconduct (plagiarism, cheating) against a student of the School of Global Public Health shall continue to be addressed by the school in accordance with established procedures listed above.

Student Conduct Procedures

Matters involving allegations of non-academic misconduct are managed under the NYU Student Conduct Procedures.

Student Conduct Forum for Resolution

As described here, the Office of Student Conduct recognizes that, during the college years, some students will have missteps and hit rough patches. We truly believe these experiences can be opportunities for a student to reflect on their education, correct course, and focus toward success.  At the same time, students must also be held accountable when their conduct violates the standards of community membership.

While many situations can be addressed through conversational and colloquial measures, other matters may necessitate more formal procedures depending on the severity of the alleged conduct and potential sanctions. Upon receipt of a report, the Office of Student Conduct shall review the matter and determine an appropriate forum for resolution. All forums, as outlined below, are administered to ensure that any student accused of violating University policy (the “respondent”) is afforded a fair and impartial process. 

Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment

New York University is committed to maintaining an environment that encourages and fosters appropriate conduct among all persons and respect for individual values. Accordingly, the University is committed to enforcing this Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy and Complaint Procedures at all levels in order to create an environment free from discrimination, harassment, retaliation and/or sexual assault. Discrimination or harassment based on race, gender and/or gender identity or expression, color, creed, religion, age, national origin, ethnicity, disability, veteran or military status, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy, genetic information, marital status, citizenship status, or on any other legally prohibited basis is unlawful and undermines the character and purpose of the University. Such discrimination or harassment violates University policy and will not be tolerated.  

The Office of Equal Opportunity is the University's neutral unit charged with investigating allegations of discrimination and harassment in the working and learning environments in accordance with the University's Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy and Complaint Procedures for Employees.

Bias Response Line       

The New York University Bias Response Line provides a mechanism through which members of our community can share or report experiences and concerns of bias, discrimination, or harassing behavior that may occur within our community. Experienced administrators in the Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) receive and assess reports, and then help facilitate responses, which may include referral to another University school or unit, or investigation if warranted according to the University's existing Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy. The Bias Response Line is designed to enable the University to provide an open forum that helps to ensure that our community is equitable and inclusive.

Title IX

New York University is committed to complying with Title IX and enforcing University policies prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sex. Mary Signor, Assistant Vice President, Office of Equal Opportunity, serves as New York University’s Title IX Coordinator. The University’s Title IX Coordinator is a resource for any questions or concerns about sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual violence, or sexual misconduct and is available to discuss your rights and judicial options. University policies define prohibited conduct, provide informal and formal procedures for filing a complaint and a prompt and equitable resolution of complaints.

Redress of Grievances

The NYU School of Global Public Health follows the University Student Grievance Procedure.

Disciplinary Measures

The NYU School of Global Public Health follows the University Student Conduct Procedure.


Experiential Learning

Undergraduate students majoring in Global Public Health (GPH) at NYU are required to complete an Experiential Learning (EL) course in which you engage in hands-on, field-based activities designed to promote your exposure to and understanding of public health. This is an opportunity for you to put what you learn in the classroom to work in the real world.

You may choose to complete your Experiential Learning requirement as either a team-based experience, in which students tackle a public health issue affecting the NYU community in Washington Square, or an individual experience. Students may also complete their EL program at one of the NYU GNU (Global Network University) sites by enrolling in specified courses at that site.

The Team-Based EL Experience

Sophomores, juniors, and seniors completing the team-based experiential learning will be assigned into small teams by your professor on the first day of class. Collaborating in these groups, you will address a specific public health issue on NYU's Washington Square campus. You will work together to research the issue and its implication for NYU students and produce a feasible and innovative solution over the course of at least 90 hours of fieldwork.

The Individual EL Experience

If you wish to work within a public health organization, you can choose to complete an individual Experiential Learning experience in your sophomore, junior, or senior year. The fieldwork hours must be completed along with the seminar portion of the course. If you are planning to complete an individual EL, please keep the following in mind:

  • You must attend all seminar sessions and complete the required 90 hours of fieldwork to receive credit for the individual experiential learning.
  • You may fulfill the requirements of the EL while studying abroad through the NYU Global Internship Program
  • Bench Laboratory research ("wet lab" research) cannot be used to fulfill the EL requirement
  • Students in the Applied Psychology (AP) combined major may complete their hours with the same organization as their hours for AP but the 90 hours to be used for EL must be in addition to the hours used for AP; students cannot count the same hours for both
  • Students in the Nursing combined major cannot use their clinical fieldwork for the EL
  • Students who wish to complete their fieldwork hours in the summer must enroll in the Fall session of the seminar and must attend all sessions

Completing Your EL while Studying Abroad

To complete the Experiential Learning experience while studying abroad at any of the NYU global sites, you need to enroll in that site’s complementary course. Below is a list of EL courses offered at each site:

For further information on how to enroll in one of these courses, please refer to the Global Internship Program

Registering for the Team-Based Experiential Learning

As of Spring 2020, the prerequisites for EL (UGPH-GU 60 Undergraduate Experiential Learning in Global Public Health) are:

* GPH/Applied Psychology students take PSYCH-UA 10 Statistics for The Behavioral Sciences instead
**GPH/Biology students take BIOL-UA 42 Biostatistics or BIOL-UA 45 Biostatistics and Human Genetics instead

To receive the access code needed to register, submit a request for the "Team-Based EL" to the online form

Registering for Individual EL Experience

As of Spring 2020, the prerequisites for UGPH-GU 60 Undergraduate Experiential Learning in Global Public Health are:

* GPH/Applied Psychology students take PSYCH-UA 10 Statistics for The Behavioral Sciences instead
**GPH/Biology students take BIOL-UA 42 Biostatistics instead

To receive an access code for the individual EL, please submit the Individual EL Placement Form, along with a letter from your supervisor confirming your assignment and detailing what will be expected of your work, to the online system by the appropriate due date. 

If you are planning to complete your fieldwork abroad, please make a note in the appropriate location on the Placement form.

Registration Deadlines

Information regarding registration deadlines may be found on the Experiential Learning website. For questions, please reach out to

If you have any challenges meeting a deadline, please contact  

Important Documents for EL Students

Placement Exams

Students should refer to home schools for specific placement exam policies.