Transportation (Minor)

Program Description

Transportation systems continue to be the main driving force behind the on-going race towards building smart cities of tomorrow. In fact, transportation systems are being re-invented, re-engineered, and revolutionized at a rate that has never been seen in the history except the time motorized transportation replaced horse and buggy approximately 100 years ago. The purpose of the Civil and Urban Engineering undergraduate minor in Transportation is to open new avenues to NYU’s undergraduate students from all disciplines to be involved in these exciting developments in transportation engineering and planning. The main educational goal is to provide students with the necessary foundations to use advanced analytical techniques and to employ emerging publicly available big data sources not only to analyze and evaluate existing transportation systems but also to plan and engineer future systems such as hyperloop and autonomous vehicles. Students will have the opportunity to learn to use advance simulation and spatial data analysis and visualization tools to assess the effects of implementing alternative designs of these emerging transportation systems. The capstone course will be the culminating experience to work on exciting real-world projects with leading industry and agency partners under the guidance of transportation faculty with a wealth of academic and practical experience in transportation engineering and planning. Students involved in this minor will also have the opportunity to work on exciting research projects lead by the newly established USDOT Tier 1 University Transportation Center, C2SMART. Students are required to take a total of five classes.

Applying for the Minor

Apply for a minor in Albert using the link in the My Academics section of the Student Center.

Students should apply for the minor before applying for graduation. After applying for the minor, the application is then forwarded to the Home School Advising Office, Host School Advising Office, Host School Department/Program, and the Academic Dean’s office.

The departmental advisers governing the minor will have access to approve or disapprove the minor online using the Graduation Tracking Search page. If a student is registered for a course for the minor during their last semester, the adviser can still set the status to departmental approved pending current courses.