Game Engineering (Minor)

Program Description


The global video game market is valued at hundreds of billions of dollars, and is experiencing unprecedented growth. Game designers and programmers are in higher demand than ever. As the industry grows and develops, so does our commitment to giving students full access to the technology and leading information necessary for them to dive headfirst into this exciting area. Imagine working with cutting-edge technology to create one of the world’s newest and most popular forms of entertainment. The Game Engineering Minor provides that opportunity.

Research at the Game Innovation Lab

The NYU Tandon School of Engineering’s Game Innovation Lab provides a dynamic and engaging environment for faculty and the students they mentor to conduct innovative research on artificial intelligence for games. Working with industry partners and research facilities internationally, the lab provides opportunities for graduate students (and a handful of advanced undergraduates) who aspire to challenge convention and break barriers within the industry. Topics studied include procedural content generation for games, open-ended learning in virtual environments, co-creative systems where humans and AI algorithms collaborate in video games, bots that play like humans, and prediction of human experiences and playstyles from data. A good way of getting involved with research in the lab is to take the CS-GY 6943 Artificial Intelligence for Games class.


Students are required to complete a minimal core curriculum in Computer Science (CS) before enrolling in the minor (or demonstrate equivalent mastery), in order to be well prepared for the game engineering coursework, as well as a Calculus course. Students completing the minor from outside of the NYU Tandon School of Engineering CS major program can request permission to apply a portion of these prerequisite credits to the overall credit total for the minor. At most six credits of the following courses may be applied to the minor (substituting for the University-wide elective and one of the core electives), provided they or an equivalent course are not required as part of the student's major.

Course Title Credits
CS-UY 1134Data Structures and Algorithms4
CS-UY 2124Object Oriented Programming4

Applying for the Minor

Apply for a minor in Albert using the link in the My Academics section of the Student Center.

Students should apply for the minor before applying for graduation. After applying for the minor, the application is then forwarded to the Home School Advising Office, Host School Advising Office, Host School Department/Program, and the Academic Dean’s office.

The departmental advisers governing the minor will have access to approve or disapprove the minor online using the Graduation Tracking Search page. If a student is registered for a course for the minor during their last semester, the adviser can still set the status to departmental approved pending current courses.