Electrical Engineering (Minor)

Program Description

The Electrical and Computer Engineering department offers a minor to students who wish to complement their major studies with a background in electrical and computer engineering. The minor offers the opportunity to study analog and digital circuits and VLSI systems; computer architecture and systems; signals and systems; communication and networks; and other topics in the field.

Applying for the Minor

Apply for a minor in Albert using the link in the My Academics section of the Student Center.

Students should apply for the minor before applying for graduation. After applying for the minor, the application is then forwarded to the Home School Advising Office, Host School Advising Office, Host School Department/Program, and the Academic Dean’s office.

The departmental advisers governing the minor will have access to approve or disapprove the minor online using the Graduation Tracking Search page. If a student is registered for a course for the minor during their last semester, the adviser can still set the status to departmental approved pending current courses.