Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (BS)

Department Website

Program Description

The undergraduate program in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (CBE) leads to rewarding, impactful careers in industries that span chemical, pharmaceutical, consumer products, materials, and related fields. The CBE major also provides excellent preparation for graduate studies in engineering, medicine, business, and law. It introduces students to a discipline that applies broad scientific and engineering principles to the understanding and design of processes ranging from molecular to manufacturing scale, based on thorough grounding in mathematics and the sciences, including physics, chemistry, and biology. Students in the program learn how to transform raw material and energy resources into valuable products needed by society with emphasis on making such processes sustainable, environmentally friendly, economical, and safe. They develop expertise in subjects that include thermodynamics, reaction kinetics, fluid mechanics, heat and mass transport, as well as the instrumentation and processes encountered in manufacturing and R & D settings. The curriculum culminates in a capstone design project, and includes a year-long laboratory that introduces students to both classic and modern aspects of chemical engineering operations.

The undergraduate program leads to a Bachelor of Science in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,


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