Society, Environment, & Globalization (SEG-UY)

SEG-UY 2524  Microeconomics  (4 Credits)  
Typically offered Spring  
The course is an introduction to microeconomics. It assumes no prior knowledge of the subject. The course examines the fundamentals of microeconomics needed by technologists, relying to a considerable extent upon mathematical expression and representation. The principle topics covered are price theory, production and cost theory, the theory of the firm and market theory, including the practical relevance of these to the management of technology-intensive enterprises. The role of the state and of government regulation will be considered as a special topic. Students who take this course cannot receive credit for ECON-UA 2 or FIN-UY 2003. | Prerequisite: MA-UY 1024 or MA-UY 1054 or MA-UY 1324 or an approved equivalent.
Grading: Ugrd Tandon Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
Prerequisites: MA-UY 1024 or MA-UY 1054 or MA-UY 1324 or an approved equivalent.  
SEG-UY 4504  Advanced Seminar in Society, Envirnmnt, & Globaliz  (4 Credits)  
Typically offered Fall, Spring, and Summer terms  
The Advanced Seminar is a writing- and research-intensive course that will explore in-depth a topic in Technology, Culture, and Society, requiring practice of both writing and research skills. Topics vary by section; see Albert for detailed topic descriptions. | Prerequisite: EXPOS-1 and one TCS elective course and Junior/Senior standing.
Grading: Ugrd Tandon Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
Prerequisites: EXPOS-1 and Junior/Senior standing.