Academic Advising

The Stern Office of Academic Advising is an important resource for undergraduates during their four years at Stern. Stern educates through in-classroom learning and co-curricular experiences and the Stern Office of Academic Advising provides comprehensive guidance to help students design a well-rounded academic program to meet that goal. The office’s professional staff partner with students from the start of their Stern career to map out their undergraduate experience, tailored to individual skills and interests.

Stern offers one-on-one advising to all students to assist in curriculum planning as well as to address topics such as course scheduling, choosing a concentration, selecting a minor, study abroad planning, and participating in co-curricular activities. In addition to individual advising appointments, advisers connect students to key University resources to enhance their student experience. Students are encouraged to meet with an academic adviser as often as they wish but at least once a semester (preferably prior to course registration).

Academic Advisers

Advisers provide one-on-one assistance to help students make informed academic decisions throughout their college career.  The Academic Advising team offers guidance on a variety of topics including:

  • Course scheduling,
  • Exploring areas of study,
  • Selecting minors,
  • Study away planning, and
  • Co-curricular activities.

Refer to Academic Advising for information on how to engage with Stern Academic Advisers. 

Faculty Advisers & Track Champions

Each academic department and track have one or more faculty members responsible for advising Stern undergraduates regarding academic interests and career ambitions. See Stern Undergraduate College Academic Advising for a list of current faculty and track advisers.

Pre-health Advising

Students interested in fulfilling requirements for postgraduate health careers – from medicine and dentistry to the allied-health professions – are encouraged to meet with the preprofessional Stern adviser as early in their academic career as possible. Prehealth students should also take advantage of the resources offered through the College of Arts & Science’s Preprofessional Advisement Office

Some professional schools may require additional courses. Stern students pursuing this path typically use all their elective space completing these requirements and may exceed the number of credits normally required for degree completion, which in turn may affect financial aid status. Note that being “pre-med” is not a concentration or minor and is not an irrevocable commitment.

Pre-law Advising

Stern offers a number of resources for students interested in learning about law school and exploring careers in the field, and for those in the process of actively applying. Students can schedule an appointment with the pre-law adviser to discuss pre-law offerings at Stern and in the broader NYU community. Review the Stern Advising website for more information about pre-law advising.

University Academic Support Services

Students who seek academic support services are encouraged to utilize any of the following resources:

The Academic Resource Center (ARC), a resource for academic support, is located at 18 Washington Place. ARC includes cross-school advising services to help students navigate beyond the offerings of their own schools when exploring courses, areas of study, minors, graduate degrees, and more.

The University Learning Center (ULC) offers academic support workshops, group review sessions, and peer tutoring. The ULC has multiple locations.

The Writing Center, part of the Expository Writing Program at the College of Arts and Science (CAS), offers tutorial help in writing for the University community. The center is located at 411 Lafayette Street, 4th Floor. Visit.

Math Tutoring is available through the University Learning Center and also at the College of Arts and Science Department of Mathematics, in the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences. Tutoring support for other subjects is available through the academic department, including Computer Science, Physics, and many foreign languages. Students should visit the appropriate academic department or consult their academic advisor for more information.

The Moses Center for Student Accessibility works with students to determine and implement appropriate and reasonable accommodations.