Academic Policies

Notice: All policies and procedures are subject to change. Students should always refer to the Stern Undergraduate website for the most up-to-date policies.

On This Page

Academic Integrity, Codes of Conduct, and Discipline

Upon entering the NYU Stern School of Business, each student is bound by NYU Student Conduct and Academic Integrity policies and the Stern Code of Conduct.

Code of Conduct

At NYU Stern, we seek to engage our students, faculty, and alumni as lifelong partners in the process of learning, debate, and discovery. Academic and personal integrity are central to this mission. As members of our community we commit to: 

  1. Show respect for every member of the NYU community and refrain from all forms of intimidation, harassment, and acts of prejudice that infringe upon the rights of other members of the community. 
  2. Exercise integrity in all aspects of our academic work including, but not limited to, the preparation and completion of exams, papers and all other course requirements by not engaging in any method or means that provides an unfair advantage. 
  3. Clearly acknowledge the work and efforts of others when submitting written work as our own. The incorporation of the work of others--including but not limited to their ideas, data, creative expression, and direct quotations (which should be designated with quotation marks), or paraphrasing thereof--must be fully and appropriately referenced using notations both in the text and the bibliography.
    1. Submitting the same or substantially similar work in multiple courses, either in the same semester or in a different semester, without the express approval of all instructors is strictly forbidden. Limited quoting or paraphrasing from previous work is permissible so long as we clearly identify and reference, as we would the work of another, any quoted or closely paraphrased passages of our own previously written work, whether published or submitted for course credit at Stern or at any other institution. 
  4.  Demonstrate dignity and integrity in all aspects of our involvement with the School and University, including participation in sponsored organizations and activities, and situations in which we may be seen to represent the School or University. These activities and situations include, but are not limited to, student organizations (including clubs, governments, and honor societies), conferences and meetings, student-organized and school-sponsored travel, interviews, and interactions with alumni.
  5. Demonstrate sound judgment and integrity in the submission of documents, forms, and information to, or on behalf of, the School, University, or any member of those communities. 
  6. Work to preserve and be wise stewards of the University’s resources and facilities and respect the personal property of other members of the NYU community. 
  7. Conduct ourselves as law abiding members of both the NYU community and our broader society – including but not limited to a) refraining from behaviors that infringe upon the rights of others or disrupt the educational process, and b) acting in conformity with NYU and Stern policies and public law. 
  8. Refrain from behaving in ways that knowingly support, assist, or in any way attempt to enable another person to engage in any violation of the Code of Conduct. Our support also includes reporting any observed violations of this Code of Conduct or other School and University policies that are deemed to have an adverse effect on the NYU Stern community. 
  9. Carefully review and abide by the rules and policies of the NYU Code of Ethical Conduct and the University Policies and Guidelines, recognizing that being fully informed about NYU and Stern rules and codes governing civil behavior and academic integrity is an obligation of community membership.

As members of this community we understand that any violation of this Code of Conduct, whether committed knowingly or out of ignorance, can result in disciplinary action and may result in a sanction up to and including expulsion from New York University.

The NYU Stern Code of Conduct was amended and approved by the Stern faculty in May 2010.

The NYU Stern Code of Conduct was amended by the Stern Faculty in October 2011.

Disciplinary Sanctions

Students are expected to familiarize themselves and comply with the rules of conduct, academic regulations, and established practices of NYU and Stern. Failure to abide by these codes may result in sanctioning by a faculty member, referral to the Judiciary Committee and/or the University Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards. Students may receive a range of penalties including expulsion. If pursuant to such rules, regulations, or practices, the withdrawal of a student is required before the end of the term for which tuition has been paid, a refund will typically be made according to the standard schedule for refunds.


All communication—written, oral, or otherwise—among students during examinations is forbidden except when approved by the instructor. The use of notes, books, other written materials, calculators, or other aids is forbidden except when approved by the instructor. Providing or receiving information about the content of an examination is forbidden except when approved by the instructor. The use of anyone else to take an examination for a student is forbidden. The above-mentioned items are intended to be illustrative of plagiarism and other forms of cheating. They are not all-inclusive.

In-Class Behavior and Expectations

The following policies are assumed to be in force during all Stern courses unless an instructor explicitly establishes alternate policies. In addition to the following expectations listed, students are bound by University conduct policies, including:

Classroom Disruption

Students may not engage in behaviors that by virtue of their intensity and/or repetitiveness interfere with educational activities (which may include, but are not limited to in-classroom teaching, remote or online learning environments, advising sessions, lectures, and workshops). These behaviors include but are not limited to persistently talking without being recognized; creating noise that obstructs the learning process; smoking/vaping or use of prohibited substance; repeatedly interrupting others; or deliberately engaging in other behaviors that unreasonably and illegitimately distracts from or interferes with the educational experience or otherwise violates University policy.

Arriving Late, Leaving Early, Coming and Going

Students are expected to arrive at class on time and stay until the end of the class period. Arriving late or leaving class early will have an impact on the course grade. Students may enter class late only if given permission by the instructor and can do so without disrupting the class. (Note: Instructors are not obligated to admit late students or may choose to admit them only at specific times. Instructors are not obligated to readmit students who leave class.)


Attendance is required and part of the grade. Faculty will excuse absences only in the case of documented serious illness, family emergency, religious observance, or civic obligation. Refer to NYU’s policy on Religious Holidays for more information.

Collaboration on Graded Assignments

Students may not work together on graded assignments unless the instructor gives express permission. (Please refer to the NYU Stern Code of Conduct.)

General Behavior

Students must conduct themselves with respect and professionalism toward faculty, students, and others present in class and follow the instructor’s rules for classroom behavior. Students who fail to do so may be asked to leave the classroom.

Laptops, Cell Phones, and Other Electronic Devices

These devices may not be used in class except for devices used for notetaking only, the policy for which is at the discretion of each individual instructor.

Late Submission of Assignments

Late assignments will either not be accepted or will incur a grade penalty unless due to documented serious illness or family emergency. Instructors will make exceptions to this policy for reasons of religious observance or civic obligation, only when the assignment cannot reasonably be completed prior to the due date and the student makes arrangements for late submission with the instructor in advance. Refer to NYU’s policy on Religious Holidays for more information.

Misuse of University Properties

Students may not enter or remain on or in any part of University premises or virtual spaces and classrooms without proper authorization. Use of University property or space, including virtual spaces and platforms, without proper authorization is not permitted.

Recording Classes

Classes may be recorded for educational purposes at any time.

Judiciary Committee

The Stern Undergraduate Judiciary Committee comprises Stern upperclassmen and faculty. Stern faculty members are appointed by the Dean of the Undergraduate College or the Dean’s designee. An application and interview process is held each year for interested students. Any member of the faculty, administration, or staff, or any student may file a complaint against an undergraduate student alleging a violation. Academic violations include but are not limited to cheating and plagiarism. A complainant must submit a complaint in writing or by email to the Dean’s designee.

Non-academic violations will be referred to the University Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards. See University Student Conduct Policy for more information regarding the judicial process.


Students are required to submit their own work. Ideas, data, direct quotations, paraphrasing, or any other incorporation of the works of others must be clearly referenced. To do otherwise constitutes plagiarism. Examples of plagiarism include the following:

  1. The use of other persons or services to prepare written work that is submitted as a student’s own.
  2. The use of previously or concurrently submitted papers or segments thereof written by other students or by the students themselves.
  3. Submission of the same or very similar papers in different sections of multiple-section courses by collaborating students.

Students suspected of any form of plagiarism are subject to disciplinary action.

Redress of Grievances

Please consult the University's Student Grievance Procedure.

Resources (Libraries and Computer Usage) Library

Circulating library material may be borrowed only upon presentation of the student’s own valid NYU photo ID. Non-circulating material (e.g., magazines, journals, and reference items) may not leave the library under any circumstances. Stealing or vandalizing library materials is forbidden.

Travel Code of Conduct and Responsibilities

All students who travel with the Undergraduate College of the Stern School of Business are expected to maintain the highest standards of professional conduct and integrity. Students must comply with all College and University policies and procedures governing student conduct (see the NYU Rules of Conduct  and Stern’s Code of Conduct). As a participant in school-sponsored travel, students are expected to commit to the following: 

  1. Show respect for every member of the NYU community by refraining from all forms of intimidation, sexual and physical harassment, and acts of prejudice that infringe upon the rights of other members of the community. 
  2. Refrain from causing physical injury to yourself and others. You will be held financially and legally responsible for any and all damage you inflict upon other persons.
  3. Refrain from causing damage to real or personal property of others. You will be held financially and legally responsible for any and all damage you inflict upon the property of others.
  4. Preserve the quality of facilities that you may visit or reside at during your travels.
  5. Respect cultural differences. This includes observing the proper etiquette in business/social settings (e.g. being punctual for appointments, not speaking out of turn, etc.)
  6. Refrain from irresponsible behavior, including the inappropriate and/or excessive consumption of alcohol.  
  7. Refrain from leaving the host city for any personal excursions or trips (unless organized by Stern). 
  8. Refrain from operating motorized vehicles.
  9. Refrain from participating in risky athletic/recreational activities (i.e. scuba, parachuting, parasailing, etc.).
  10. Conduct yourself as a law abiding member of both the NYU community and our broader society – including but not limited to (a) refraining from behaviors that infringe upon the rights of others or disrupt the educational process, and (b) acting in conformity with NYU and Stern policies and public law.
  11. Refrain from behaving in ways that knowingly support, assist, or in any way attempt to enable another person to engage in any violation of the Code of Conduct. This includes the obligation to report any observed violations of this Travel Code of Conduct or other School and University policies that are deemed to have an adverse effect on the NYU Stern community.
  12. Check in on time and in-person with the designated University Official on a daily basis.
  13. Attend all mandatory events and activities during the trip.
  14. Be on time to all scheduled events including daily check-ins on free day(s). 
  15. Travel on the group flights purchased by Stern both to and from the destination (when applicable).

Violations of the Stern Travel Code of Conduct and Responsibilities can result in disciplinary action, which could include (but is not limited to) academic sanctions, expulsion from the University, referral to the Judiciary Committee or the Undergraduate Dean or Dean's designee(s). In situations where the violation is deemed egregious, you may be immediately sent back to the U.S., bearing responsibility for the cost of transportation to and from the airport as well as airline fees associated with flight changes.

University Student Conduct Policy

As mentioned in the Stern Code of Conduct, students are expected to be familiar with and abide by University Student Conduct Policies, which sets basic rules and covers issues of academic freedom, speaker invitations and demonstrations, and use of University facilities. University Student Conduct Policies covers the policy on affirmative action/equal opportunity and compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (P.L. 93-380). 

Academic Planning and Course Registration

Advanced Standing and Credit by Examination

Refer to "Advanced Standing and Credit by Examination" in the Admissions section of this bulletin for more specific information about Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, and Maturity Certificate Examination equivalencies, as well as Limitations on Advanced Standing Credits by Subject.

Auditing Courses

The Stern Undergraduate College does not permit auditing of Stern undergraduate courses. Students may not attend courses for which they have not registered.

Declaring a Second Major in CAS

A second major from the College of Arts and Science can be declared to augment a student's primary degree program. Students looking to pursue this option are encouraged to meet with a Stern adviser and the appropriate major department and then complete the CAS major declaration form.

Double-Counting of Stern Coursework

Stern students are generally not permitted to count Stern coursework toward more than one requirement. In some situations, certain Stern courses taken as substitutes for specific curricular requirements may be used to satisfy both the requirement in question and an upper-level elective toward the completion of a given concentration. Students are encouraged to meet with an academic adviser to determine if this may apply to their situation and, more generally, if they have any questions about how this policy might impact their planned academic progress.

Dropping and Withdrawing from Classes

At the start of each academic semester, students may access Albert online to adjust their schedule by dropping and adding classes until the end of the published add/drop period for NYU. Classes dropped during that time will not appear on a student’s transcript.  All schedule changes following that date will be considered a course withdrawal and must be approved by an academic adviser. Official requests to withdraw from a course are made via Albert using the Class Withdrawal Request process and a W (“Withdrawal”) will be recorded on their transcript. The W grade will not be included in the calculation of their grade point average. Note that add/drop periods differ for half-semester courses and those with irregular meeting patterns as well as summer and winter session courses, though the periods are based on a proportional percentage of time completed in the class.

Elective Requirements

Stern students are required to take elective credit outside of Stern, the number of which varies depending on the program of study. The elective requirement allows students to take a range of courses for personal enrichment to augment their program’s requirements. Elective credit can be used to fulfill one or more minors in another NYU school or one or more cross-school minors, or a major in the College of Arts and Science. Students also commonly use their elective credits while studying away.

To complete the non-Stern elective requirements for their program, students may take courses at the College of Arts and Science (-UA); the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development (-UE); the Tisch School of the Arts (-UT); the Wagner Graduate School of Public Service (-GP); the Gallatin School of Individualized Study (-UG); the Silver School of Social Work (-US); the College of Global Public Health (-GU); and the Tandon School of Engineering (-UY). Students do not receive credit for courses taken through the School of Professional Studies; therefore, Stern students are not permitted to enroll in courses through any SPS programs. Students are encouraged to work with an academic adviser and consult a curriculum worksheet to determine their specific elective requirements. Curriculum worksheets can be obtained from the Stern Office of Academic Advising or downloaded from the Stern Undergraduate College website.

Global Experience Requirement

Given the undeniably global scope of business in the 21st century, the global business core is designed to broaden students’ view of the world from a business perspective. The requirement consists of:

  • Economics of Global Business (ECON-UB 11).
  • NYU Stern students entering as first year students in Fall 2023 going forward are required to have at least one Global Experience through any of the following: (1) NYU semester or summer away; (2) Stern International Business Exchange (IBEX) semester away; (3) Stern short-term immersion course; or (4) other NYU global experiences, such as NYU school-specific programs or the NYU exchange program. NYU Stern is committed to making a Global Experience accessible for all students, and there are aid opportunities available for those with demonstrated financial need. It is recommended, but not required, that students who entered Stern prior to Fall 2023 complete this Global Experience. See Registration for more information about these opportunities.

Graduate Level Courses within Stern

Stern juniors and seniors may apply to take specific graduate-level courses (undergraduate Stern students can enroll via Albert into graduate 6000-level courses e.g. INTA-GB 6XX, etc. pending availability and with the proper prerequisites) with the following conditions:

  • All requests are subject to approval from Stern Records & Registration, Stern Undergraduate Advising Office, and the course department as well as subject to space availability. Students should not adjust their schedules until they are approved to take a course.
  • Courses may not include those already being taught through the undergraduate program.
  • With approval, courses can fulfill concentration requirements or free electives.
  • Prerequisites must be satisfied. (Undergraduate courses may count as prerequisites.)
  • Graduate courses may not be taken on a pass/fail basis.

Independent Studies

Students registering for Independent Study for a given semester or session must meet the deadlines set by each respective department. To be eligible for Independent Study, students must be Bachelor of Science candidates at the Stern School of Business Undergraduate College. Approved students typically have junior or senior standing. Well in advance of the deadline, qualified students should fill out an Independent Study Authorization Form, which entails seeking approval for the project by both the department chair or co-chair and the faculty member who serves as instructor for the course.

Students who are approved are registered by their academic adviser for the 1-credit Independent Study course. Independent Study Authorization Forms can be obtained in the Stern Office of Academic Advising or on the Stern Life portal.

Leave of Absence or Complete Withdrawal from the University

Leave of Absence or Complete Withdrawal from All Courses

Leaves of absence are approved for medical, financial, or personal reasons. Students may request in advance a leave of absence from the Stern Undergraduate College for a period of up to two semesters in their career. The typical period for a leave is one semester, but students may request a second semester as well. To request a leave of absence, students must meet with their academic adviser to discuss not only the reason for the leave, but also the ensuing ramifications and possible alternatives to taking a leave. Once approved, a Leave of Absence Form must be filed, and students must complete the NYU Semester Withdrawal Form on Albert.

Students should be aware of the following:

  • Students may request a leave of absence from the Stern Undergraduate College for a maximum period of up to two semesters in their career.
  • Students absent for more than two consecutive semesters or who fail to properly apply for a leave of absence will be placed on a non-sanctioned leave and must apply for readmission to the Stern Undergraduate College with no guarantees of acceptance.
  • International students whose home countries require students to perform two years of military service do not need to apply for readmission to NYU and Stern after a leave of absence for military service provided they meet the following conditions: (1) they are on leave for just four regular (e.g., fall and spring) semesters and (2) they  provide documentation of their military service during that  time and an honorable discharge certificate, accompanied by English translation by accredited third-party translators. Students who take a leave of absence for a military-related reason who fail to meet these conditions must apply for readmission with no guarantee of acceptance.
  • Leaves are not granted after the withdrawal deadline of the term except for compelling personal or medical reasons.
  • Refund percentages are based on the Office of the Bursar’s schedule of refunds and are not granted after the fourth week of the term.
  • Medical leaves require supporting documentation from the Student Health Center or Counseling and Behavioral Health Services.
  • Students returning from medical leave require clearance from the Student Health Center or Counseling and Behavioral Health Services prior to enrolling in classes.
  • Students are responsible for financial aid renewal applications and deadlines while on leave.
  • Any student on a non-sanctioned leave is required to apply for readmission.
  • International students are instructed to meet with a counselor in the Office of Global Services (OGS) prior to taking a leave of absence to ensure that their visa status allows for a leave and to discuss visa and other immigration implications that might arise from a medical, personal, or financial leave of absence.
  • Any student involved in an ongoing disciplinary investigation may not initiate an official withdrawal from the University without approval from the Stern Undergraduate College.

Leave of Absence or Withdrawal After the Start of a Semester

Once a semester has begun, enrolled students who want to withdraw completely from all courses for the current semester or withdraw completely from the University must complete the NYU Semester Withdrawal Form on Albert. Students do not need to complete the NYU Semester Withdrawal Form if (1) they are dropping/adding individual classes, but will remain enrolled at NYU, or (2) are notifying the Stern Office of Academic Advising about their intent to take a leave of absence or withdrawal from the University for a future semester. For further information, refer to the Office of the University Registrar.

Non-NYU Coursework Taken Prior to Enrolling in NYU

Previously taken college coursework (non-business) can be reviewed for possible application of credit. Keep in mind that:

  • Non-NYU coursework must have been taken at either a community college or four-year, accredited, not-for-profit institution.
  • Students can transfer back a maximum of 32 credits of non-business coursework. This coursework must be approved for transfer by the Stern Office of Academic Advising. 
  • Previously taken college/university business coursework may not be used for credit and may only be evaluated for placement. 
    • External transfer students who took business coursework at their previous institution can have those courses reviewed for both placement and for possible credit (see the Stern website  for policies related to Transfer Business Proficiency Examinations).
  • Students must have earned a grade of B or higher for the credits to transfer to NYU.
  • Students must provide a final, official transcript to facilitate credit transfer to NYU.

Non-NYU Coursework Taken While Enrolled at NYU

Keep in mind that:

  • Non-NYU coursework must be taken at a four-year, accredited, not-for-profit institution. 
  • Students can transfer back a maximum of 8 credits of non-business coursework. This coursework must be pre-approved by the Stern Office of Academic Advising. This includes courses taken online. 
  • Students must earn a grade of C or higher for the credits to transfer back to NYU.
  • Coursework taken outside of NYU must comply with the Stern residency requirements.
  • Students must provide a final, official transcript to facilitate credit transfer to NYU.

Residency Requirements

All degree candidates are subject to the following residency requirements:

  • Students must complete a minimum of 64 credits of business coursework (-UB or equivalent) in residence at the Undergraduate College of the Stern School of Business. For information regarding residency requirements for transfer students, see the Transfer Credit section.
  • Non-transfer students are allowed to transfer in a maximum of 32 credits from the following: Advanced Placement Examinations, the International Baccalaureate Program, the results of certain foreign certificate examinations, and college credit earned prior or during matriculation at NYU (see policies related to Non-NYU coursework).
  • The full-time program should be completed in four years and must be completed within five consecutive calendar years or 10 academic semesters; this includes semesters taken at previous institutions. Failure to do so may result in academic dismissal.

Semester Course Loads and Credit Limits

Matriculated full-time students are expected to complete at least 32 credits per academic year. To be in good academic standing, students must complete a minimum of 24 credits per academic year. Failure to maintain full-time standing prior to the final degree semester results in being deemed “credit deficient” and the student must meet with an academic adviser to discuss ways to achieve proper academic progress. Students are only permitted to register on a part-time basis (fewer than 12 credits) during a summer session and/or the final semester of their degree program.

Permission from the Stern Office of Academic Advising is required if a student wishes to take more than 18 credits in a given semester. Students who wish to do so must fill out the “Request to Increase Semester Credit Load” form and meet with an academic adviser for final approval once the form is completed. Permission to take more than 18 credits per term is limited to students who have completed at least 32 credits of work while matriculated at Stern and who have maintained a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better. First year students may be given permission to take more than 18 credits in a semester only after completing one full semester of coursework and only if the student has a GPA of 3.5 or better. All students taking more than 18 credits in a given semester are subject to extra tuition and fees. Students taking fewer than 12 credits or more than 18 credits in a given semester are encouraged to visit the Office of Financial Aid and the Office of the Bursar to find out how their credit load may impact their tuition costs or financial aid. In addition, international students who pursue an approved semester of either an increased course load or fewer than 12 credits must meet with the Office of Global Services to discuss any potential implications on their Visa status.

While the Stern curriculum only requires that students earn a minimum of 128 credits to meet most graduation requirements*, students can take up to 144 credits while at Stern and have these count toward their GPA. Courses taken in excess of 144 credits that do not meet degree requirements will be discounted from the student’s degree in reverse chronological order (i.e., the most recent course taken that does not satisfy degree requirements will be discounted). Students receiving financial aid, however, may not receive funding for any credits taken over 128 that do not count toward graduation requirements. Students who must take an excess of 128 credits to meet their graduation requirements are encouraged to contact the Office of Financial Aid.

*Some Stern/CAS concentration/major combinations necessitate exceeding the 128-credit graduation requirement.

Transfer Credits

Transfer students from other NYU schools are required to transfer in all graded credits taken at NYU prior to entering Stern with the exception of any advanced standing credit (AP, IB, etc.) that was automatically applied without their explicit consent at the outset of their original program. Internal transfer students may enter Stern with more than 64 earned credits; however they are held to the 144 credit limit so that any non-required credits earned in excess of that limit will be discounted from their degree. (See section above regarding semester course loads and credit limits. External transfer students can transfer in a maximum of 64 credits from their prior institution(s).)

General Stern Undergraduate Academic Standards

The Office of the Dean and the Stern Office of Academic Advising review student records throughout the academic year. Academic standards actions are based on the grades to date at the end of each semester (fall and spring). The Stern Undergraduate College requires that all students make steady and substantial progress toward the Bachelor of Science degree. This entails maintaining a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 and completing no less than 12 units during each academic semester. A minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA is required to graduate. For information regarding Satisfactory Academic Progress as it relates to financial aid packages, review NYU's policies for financial aid eligibility.

Academic Warning

If your performance results in a cumulative GPA of 2.0-2.25 or a semester GPA below 2.0 (even if the cumulative GPA is above 2.0), you will receive an academic warning. You should seek guidance from an academic adviser to discuss recommendations for achieving an appropriate standard for academic performance.

Academic Probation

If your record is deemed unsatisfactory, you are placed on academic probation and informed so by letter. A record is deemed unsatisfactory if in any semester, your cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 or if you fail to show steady and substantial progress toward the degree. Steady and substantial progress toward the degree entails the completion of 12 units with satisfactory grades for which a student registers in any semester.1

Failure to satisfy the conditions of probation outlined in your academic probation letter may result in possible dismissal from the University. Academic probation can jeopardize your scholarship and financial aid funding.


Stern seniors are permitted to take fewer than 12 credits in their final semester if approved by their academic adviser.

Academic Dismissal

Continued poor academic performance can lead to dismissal from the Stern Undergraduate College. If you are dismissed, you will be informed in person or in writing. If you have paid tuition for the next term at the time of dismissal, you will receive a full refund of tuition and fees. Students dismissed for academic reasons are not eligible for readmission, except in the case of extenuating circumstances that would be determined and evaluated by the Dean’s Office.

General Academic Standards Summary

  1. Probation (new, continued, terminal) will be only for students who had a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or less in a semester. If they also went below 12 credits, this will be called "credit deficiency" and is also noted in their letters.
  2. Credit Deficiency will be for students who dipped below 12 credits in a semester (Failed, Withdrawn, never fully enrolled, etc.) This will not be a notation on their transcript but will result in a hold.
  3. Academic Warning is for any student with a term GPA below 2.0 and/or a cumulative GPA between 2.0-2.25. Students may get academic warning + credit deficiency letters. This will not be a notation on their transcript nor result in a registration hold.
  4. Incomplete Grades - students who have incompletes and are either at the cusp of probation/credit deficiency/academic warning will get letters telling them that once their grades are in, their standing for the semester will be assessed and they could potentially be retroactively placed on probation/credit deficiency/etc.

Credit Deficiency

Students who fail to show steady and substantial progress toward degree completion will be informed of their “credit deficiency” by letter and will be required to meet with an academic adviser to review their degree progress. Steady and substantial progress toward the degree entails the completion of a minimum of 12 credits with satisfactory grades for which a student registers in any fall or spring semester. Note that Stern seniors are permitted to take fewer than 12 credits in their final semester if all degree requirements have been met.


NYU Stern strives to create courses that challenge students intellectually and meet the Stern standards of academic excellence. To ensure fairness and clarity of grading, the Stern faculty has adopted a grading guideline for core courses with enrollment of more than 25 students, in which approximately 35% of students will receive an “A” or “A-” grade. In core courses of less than 25 students, instructors are at liberty to give whatever grades they reason the students deserve while maintaining rigorous academic standards. For elective courses, the individual instructor or department is responsible for determining reasonable grading guidelines.

Grade Grade Points
A 4.0
A- 3.667
B+ 3.333
B 3.0
B- 2.667
C+ 2.333
C 2.0
C- 1.667
D+ 1.333
D 1.0
F 0.0

For example, an A in a 4-credit course earns the student 16 grade points (4 x 4.0), a B in a 4-credit course earns 12 grade points (4 x 3.0), and so on.

The following grades are registrar’s grades and cannot be recorded by an instructor. They are without numerical value and are grades for which credit is not granted except as noted.

W—This is a registrar’s grade assigned when a student officially withdraws from a course.

P—This is a registrar’s grade assigned when the student has registered for a course under the pass/fail option when credit is granted or for non-credit courses.

*No grade above A or value above 4.0 may be used.

Course Repeat Policy

Students cannot retake any courses in which a passing grade has been received (D or better). Retaking a course that has been passed in previous semesters is a violation of Stern’s policy and is not counted toward graduation requirements nor computed into the GPA. Students may only repeat a course if:

  • a failing grade was received. Both the failing grade and the passing grade remain on the transcript and both are calculated into the GPA. Students may retake a required course as many times as needed until the course is passed. In those instances, the F grade will be factored into the cumulative GPA as will the passing grade. The credits associated with the passing grade will be factored into a student’s earned hours.
  • a higher grade is required for the completion of a minor or major in a specified course. Both grades will appear and be factored into the GPA, however, the credit will only be earned once.

Grade Changes

The process of assigning grades is intended to be one of unbiased evaluation. Students are encouraged to respect the integrity and authority of the professor’s grading system and are discouraged from pursuing arbitrary challenges to it. If a student believes an inadvertent error was made in the grading of an individual assignment or in assessing an overall course grade, a request to have the grade reevaluated may be submitted.

To appeal an assigned grade, the student should provide a written explanation to the instructor who assigned the grade outlining the specific grading error. If the student is dissatisfied with the outcome of the review and wishes to appeal the grade further, a formal written appeal should be submitted to the deputy chair and/or the departmental faculty director in the particular department. An independent review of the grade is then undertaken by the department. The student’s work is reviewed to clarify how the grade was determined and to ensure the grade is consistent with the academic guidelines and policies of the department and course. The decision of the department in matters related to a course grade is final. In all cases, students are expected to act within the semester following the course to appeal a grade since faculty may not be available to review an appeal in future semesters or years. (For fall and January term courses, students must appeal no later than the following spring. For spring and summer courses, students must appeal no later than the following fall). After the awarding of the bachelor’s degree, no grade changes of any kind are permitted unless they are due to a departmental clerical error in recording.

Grade Point Average

Please consult the NYU website for information on how the GPA is determined. Please note that not included in the GPA are credits taken in excess of 144 credits, credits brought in from other institutions, or credits brought in through advanced standing credit. In addition, grades for courses taken at the School of Professional Studies (SPS) are not factored into a student’s grade point average. Students should consult with an academic adviser regarding these courses.

Incomplete Grades

Grades of incomplete may be earned when unavoidable circumstances keep a student from finishing a course that term and the nature of the course permits the faculty member to allow late completion. If coursework will not be completed before the last class for the semester, a student may request a grade of incomplete. The student should discuss this option with the professor before the last day of class. An incomplete grade is given at the discretion of the professor and is never automatic. A student’s academic standing will be reassessed once the incomplete grades are rectified. (For more information, see "Academic Standards" in this section of the bulletin.) A notation of I (incomplete) is granted for a single semester, without numerical value, and not included in the grade point average. If the student does not then complete the course material in the appointed time (see below), the I becomes an F.

The following rules apply to all grades of incomplete:

  1. Students may sit in on the same course in a subsequent term for which they have received an incomplete contingent upon space availability and instructor permission.
  2. Make-up work must be completed with the same instructor. If, however, the faculty member is not in residence during the subsequent term when coursework must be completed, the terms of the incomplete can be resolved in consultation with the department chair.
  3. All work to complete an incomplete must be made up by the following deadlines unless stipulated otherwise by the instructor:
    1. Fall Term or January Term: Last day of the following spring term.
    2. Spring Term or Summer Session: Last day of the following fall term.

Note: Students taking incomplete grades in courses outside of Stern (e.g. CAS, Tisch, etc.) are encouraged to consult with that school for details about their specific grading policies in regards to grades of incompletes as they may differ from those of Stern.

Pass/Fail Option

The pass/fail option is designed to encourage students to explore new and potentially challenging courses throughout the University. The following parameters apply to the pass/fail option:

  • A maximum of four courses may be declared pass/fail during a student’s academic career.*
  • No more than one course may be declared pass/fail in a given term.
  • Courses that are used to satisfy non-elective academic requirements may not be taken pass/fail. Examples of non-elective academic requirements are: 
    • Requirements listed as Core (e.g., Liberal Arts Core, Business Core, etc.)
    • Functional Business Core courses may only be designated pass/fail after the required four courses in that area are completed with a passing letter grade.
    • Business concentration requirements**
    • CAS major requirements***
    • Minor requirements***
    • Other program-specific requirements:
      • Example: Foreign language requirement (BPE)
  • Stern graduate courses cannot be taken pass/fail.
  • Once a pass/fail application is submitted, the pass/fail designation is irrevocable.

*Courses for which pass/fail is the mandated grading option (e.g., letter grades are not awarded for the course) are not factored into the four-course maximum permitted to be declared pass/fail. Please note that courses that require the pass/fail option may still impact a student's eligibility for Dean's List and other honors.

**If an upper-level Stern elective required for a concentration (e.g., corporate finance for a finance concentration, financial statement analysis for accounting, etc.) is designated pass/fail, it may impact a student’s ability to pursue that concentration.

***Students interested in requesting a pass/fail grade in a CAS major or non-Stern minor course requirement should obtain approval from the originating department prior to submitting the request. Approval emails should be forwarded to

Pass/fail grades are factored into the grade point average as follows (ex. 4-credit course):

  • Grade of P: 0 grade points; 4 credits earned.
  • Grade of F: 4 grade points; 0 credits earned.

Students must designate the specific course for a pass/fail grade by the last day to withdraw from classes in a given term (this includes fall, spring, summer, and January term). Students wishing to declare a course pass/fail or with questions about the pass/fail option should consult with an academic adviser. Students can apply to declare a class pass/fail using the online form located in Stern Life.

Important Notes

  • Professors will not know who elected to pass/fail their course unless students inform them.
  • Professors will assign letter grades to all students in their course. The Registrar automatically converts the letter grades to P/F for those who have elected to pass/fail the course.
  • Credits earned for passed courses are eliminated from consideration for the Dean's List, graduation with honors, and Beta Gamma Sigma (e.g. a full-time student must take a minimum of 12 graded credits to be eligible for the Dean's List; a pass/fail course does not qualify as part of these credits).
  • For courses offered at NYU study away locations (excluding NYU Shanghai and NYU Abu Dhabi), the pass/fail deadline is based on a student’s study away calendar. If a student is  also taking NYUAD, NYUNY, or NYUSH sponsored online courses, please refer to that school's academic calendar which varies by location.

Study Abroad and IBEX

Students may take up to two courses toward a Stern concentration while abroad as part of the International Business Exchange Program. Students earn letter or numeric grades abroad and must receive a passing grade according to the host institution’s grading scale to transfer the credits to their Stern curriculum. Grades for all IBEX courses are transferred back to a student’s transcript with a pass/fail grade and failing grades factor into a student’s grade point average. The courses taken Pass/Fail on IBEX are not applied to the four total courses students are otherwise permitted to take Pass/Fail at Stern. (Refer to the Pass/Fail policy above for more information.) 


Students may officially graduate in September, January, or May. The All-University Commencement ceremony is held in May. The Stern Undergraduate College holds a baccalaureate ceremony in May. Students must apply for graduation on Albert and must be enrolled for either coursework or a leave of absence.

To graduate in a specific semester, students must apply for graduation within the application deadline period indicated on the calendar available at the Office of the University Registrar's webpage. It is recommended that students apply for graduation no later than the beginning of the semester in which they plan to complete all program requirements. Students who do not successfully complete all academic requirements by the end of that semester must reapply for graduation for the following cycle.

Dean’s Exception

Please refer to NYU’s policy on Dean’s Exception for Commencement. 

Diploma Application

See Applying for Graduation for more information about applying for graduation.


Internships are a wonderful complement to classroom learning and can be a valuable part of a student's education, especially with all the exciting opportunities offered in New York City. Students seeking credit for internship experiences should explore the Business Practicum Course (MULT-UB 71), a 0.5-credit elective designed to help students learn leadership and interpersonal skills that will allow them to effectively apply their classroom knowledge to the workplace. Click here for more specific information regarding this course and its policies.

For internships not associated with the Business Practicum course, NYU Stern will not be a signatory to any attendant internship agreement/contract. Students seeking an exception should contact the Office of Undergraduate Advising. Exceptions will only be granted in rare circumstances.

Scheduling conflicts associated with internships are not an acceptable excuse for failing to meet academic obligations including but not limited to attending class, arriving to class on time, taking scheduled examinations, completing homework assignments, fulfilling group work obligations, and addressing registration issues.

Undergraduate Research

The NYU Stern Undergraduate College offers several opportunities for students to delve deeper into academic pursuits through research and real-world applications of what they are learning in the classroom.

Stern Program for Undergraduate Research (SPUR)

The Stern Program for Undergraduate Research (SPUR) connects students with world-renowned Stern faculty, providing a unique research opportunity outside of the classroom. To learn more about SPUR, see Research Opportunities.

Honors Program

The Stern Honors Program invites high-achieving seniors to become intimately involved in graduate-level research. The program pairs students with research-oriented faculty members who partner with and advise program participants throughout their year-long development of a thesis. For more information about the Honors Program, see Research Opportunities.