
The College Advising Center provides information on registration throughout the year. Students complete their initial registration through Albert, the University-wide portal to the student information system, at NYUHome.

Continuing Students

Students currently enrolled in the College register early for the following semester—in November for the spring term and in April for the fall term. Students who are currently enrolled or on an official leave of absence receive notification of the date and time when they can register. Before registering, students plan a provisional schedule and put it in their shopping cart in Albert. They also discuss their program and planned courses with their adviser, who then clears them for registration. (Undeclared students consult with their CAS adviser for this purpose, whereas declared students work with an assigned adviser in their major department.) At the appointed time or thereafter, students access Albert to register. Students must complete registration by paying their tuition and fees. Online tuition statements and payment options are available through the Office of the Bursar.

Incoming First-Years, External Transfers, and Internal Transfers

Newly admitted students receive detailed instructions about virtual registration and orientation, as well as the name and contact information of an adviser in the College Advising Center who assists them with academic planning, degree requirements, course selection, potential majors, and enrollment in fall courses. Transfer students with a declared major also have the opportunity to discuss their program of study (and previous coursework in their chosen disciplines) with a faculty member in their major department. The virtual advising and registration process takes place in May, June, and July; incoming CAS students cannot register before this time. For more information, visit First-YearsExternal Transfers, and Internal Transfers.

Transitioning from Liberal Studies to the College

All students transitioning from LS to CAS are introduced to the College Advising Center and their academic advisors through a mandatory LS-to-CAS transition overview session. Attendance at a session is a requirement to be cleared for the following semester's course registration. For more information, visit LS-to-CAS Transition.

Arts and Science Summer and Winter Programs

For information on all NYU summer programs, visit Summer.

For information on all NYU winter programs (the January term), visit January.

Students may meet with an advisor in the College Advising Center, 726 Broadway, 7th floor (212-998-8130) to discuss summer or January course selection. Students with a declared major/minor are required to see their department adviser for summer or winter registration approval and for advice on which courses, if any, may count toward major/minor requirements. In all cases, students need an advisor’s approval (“clearance”) for their summer or January term course selection and registration, just as they do for the fall and spring terms.

January Term

The College of Arts and Science offers a selection of courses during the January term held at the Washington Square campus. These shorter-format courses allow students to focus intensively on specific academic interests. January term courses also take advantage of the many cultural resources New York City has to offer to enhance the classroom experience. Recent winter course offerings include: Creative Writing: Introduction to Fiction and Poetry; Cinema and Urbanism; and Music of New York. Please visit January for more information.

Summer at Washington Square

The College of Arts and Science offers a full range of courses in the summer. Over 400 Arts and Science courses are offered on campus in the summer, in subjects ranging from social sciences to natural sciences to humanities. Qualified students may also enroll in courses open to undergraduates in the Graduate School of Arts and Science. The summer program is divided into two six-week sessions, and students may register for one or both sessions. Please visit Summer

Students from other colleges and universities may apply to participate as visiting students for the summer session, provided they have the proper prerequisites for the courses they wish to take. Application and deadline information may be found at Application Information.

First-year and transfer students who have been accepted for the fall term at NYU may register for courses during the summer sessions. Interested students should contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions to begin the process for enrolling in summer courses. They will then be referred to the College Advising Center for advisement and clearance. Students may pursue summer housing opportunities at NYU Summer Housing.

Summer Away

The College of Arts and Science (CAS) runs several summer abroad programs. These programs are three-week, four-week, or six-week academic experiences. Led by a member of the distinguished Faculty of Arts and Science, each program allows students to pursue specific academic goals in the study of disciplines including, art, architecture, history, politics, language, mathematics, or literature. Co-curricular events and group excursions are an integral part of each program. Program availability may vary from year to year. Admissions and curriculum information is available at CAS Summer Abroad Programs. A priority application deadline is specified for each program. Since some programs fill very quickly, applying early is crucial.

CAS summer abroad programs may include:

  • Summer in Athens
  • Summer in Brazil
  • Summer in Dublin
  • Writers in Florence
  • Writers in Paris

Other Summer Away Opportunities

NYU also offers many other school-based and university-wide summer abroad programs. Please consult Summer Study Away for more information.

CAS Dean's Opportunity Fund

The College of Arts and Science offers need-based financial assistance for CAS students admitted to any NYU-sponsored summer study away program. Please consult CAS Dean's Opportunity Fund for application details and deadlines.