Mathematics (BA)

Department Website

Program Description

The undergraduate division of the Department of Mathematics offers a wide variety of courses in both pure and applied mathematics. Faculty are members of the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, which has become a leading research center through its tradition of integrating mathematical theory and applications.

In addition to the mathematics major, joint programs are available in mathematics and (1) computer science, (2) data science, (3) economics, and (4) engineering. These majors lead to the BA degree in four years, with the exception of the engineering option, which leads to the BS degree from the College of Arts and Science and the BS degree from the NYU Tandon School of Engineering in five years. An accelerated, five-year BA and MS mathematics program is offered with the Graduate School of Arts and Science, as well as an MA in mathematics education program with Steinhardt. Independent study courses are available for students with special interests.

Mathematics majors are encouraged to spend a semester studying away. Currently, mathematics courses are offered at NYU Abu Dhabi, NYU London, NYU Paris, and NYU Shanghai.

Honors Program in Mathematics

The honors program is designed for students with a strong commitment to mathematics and is recommended for those who intend to pursue graduate study in this field. The requirements for admission into the honors program are:

  1. a GPA of 3.65 or higher in the major (including joint honors requirements);
  2. an overall GPA of 3.65 or higher; and
  3. approval of the director of the honors program. Interested students must consult with the faculty honors adviser.

Like the regular major, the honors major consists of thirteen 4-credit courses (52 credits). However, students in the honors program must fulfill the requirements of the regular program together with the following additional requirements.

Honors electives: Honors majors must take at least four of the following 4-credit courses:

Course Title Credits
MATH-UA 238Honors Theory of Probability4
MATH-UA 258Honors Numerical Analysis4
MATH-UA 268Honors Ordinary Differential Equations4
MATH-UA 328Honors Analysis I4
MATH-UA 329Honors Analysis II4
MATH-UA 348Honors Algebra I4
MATH-UA 349Honors Algebra II4
MATH-UA 393Honors I (Honors I)4
MATH-UA 394Senior Honors II (Honors II)4
MATH-UA 397Honors III (Honors III)4
MATH-UA 398Honors IV (Honors IV)4

Where applicable, the same course counts toward both the advanced electives requirement of the regular major and the honors electives. Students who have taken MATH-UA 325 Analysis or MATH-UA 343 Algebra may not take the corresponding MATH-UA 328 Honors Analysis I or MATH-UA 348 Honors Algebra I to fulfill this requirement.

Honors research project: Honors students must also complete a senior research project. The research project requirement can be completed through the mathematics summer research program (SURE or AM-SURE). Students who participate in the SURE or AM-SURE program are required to present their research at the undergraduate research forum at Courant in the fall semester of their senior year. Alternatively, students not accepted to the SURE or AM-SURE programs must register for two semesters of independent study (MATH-UA 997, MATH-UA 998) and present their research at the College’s Undergraduate Research Conference in the spring semester of their senior year. Students completing the honors research project requirement via the independent study must obtain approval of their research project from the faculty honors advisor, director of undergraduate studies, or vice chair of undergraduate affairs.

Joint BS/BS Program in Mathematics and Engineering

The College of Arts and Science, in cooperation with the NYU Tandon School of Engineering, offers a joint BS/BS program in engineering. Students in the program receive the BS degree in mathematics from CAS and the BS degree in either civil, computer, electrical, or mechanical engineering from the Tandon School of Engineering. Further information and advisement are available from the College Advising Center, 726 Broadway, 7th floor; 212-998-8130.

Accelerated BA/MS Program in Mathematics

The College and the Graduate School of Arts and Science offer students the opportunity to obtain both bachelor’s and master’s degrees in mathematics in five years. Qualifying students are accepted into the program toward the end of the sophomore year or during the junior year before they reach 96 credits. Students must have a minimum 3.50 GPA in order to qualify for acceptance. During their last few undergraduate semesters, students must accelerate by taking one quarter of their graduate courses during regular terms and/or during the summer. Students in the program must satisfy all requirements of both the bachelor’s and master’s degrees; there is no double-counting of courses. For more information, please contact the College Advising Center, 726 Broadway, 7th floor.

Departmental Activities and Awards

Mathematics Society

Open to all students interested in the study of mathematics. An organizational meeting is held shortly after classes begin in the fall to plan for the coming academic year. Activities include talks by faculty and guest speakers on a variety of topics as well as attending conferences.

Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM)

The mission and purpose of AWM’s NYU chapter is to increase interest in the mathematical sciences and their applications in various industries. It focuses on mentoring, encouraging, and bringing together women undergraduates in mathematics to increase the visibility of women and their contributions in the discipline.

The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (NYU SIAM)

NYU SIAM is open to all undergraduate and graduate students interested in mathematics regardless of major or background. NYU SIAM creates a space for students to come together and discuss topics significant to the learning of mathematics by engaging them with a diverse range of topics and opportunities in math and its related fields, and also provides opportunities for mentorship, workshops, and cross-school collaboration.

William Lowell Putnam Competition

The department participates in this annual competition open to all undergraduate mathematics students in the United States and Canada. Interested students should contact the department as early as possible in the school year, as the contest takes place in early December. A series of preparation sessions is held under the supervision of mathematics faculty.

Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM)

In this contest, teams of undergraduates use mathematical modeling to present their solutions to real-world problems. Interested students should contact the department as early as possible in the school year.

Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (ICM)

An international contest for high school students and college undergraduates (an extension of the MCM) designed to develop problem-solving skills and competence in written communication. Registration for ICM is via MCM.

Peer Mentor Program

The mathematics department has an active peer mentor program for mathematics majors. The program is designed to assist new students in making the transition to the mathematics major and life at NYU. If interested in becoming a mentor or mentee, please contact the department.

SURE Program

Since the spring 2000 semester, the department has sponsored a number of summer research experiences (SURE) for a selected number of undergraduate math majors. The Summer Undergraduate Research Experience is aimed at mathematics students in their junior year. The project ends with a written report and an oral presentation in the beginning of the fall semester. Funding is limited and student participants are chosen by a faculty committee based on grades, coursework, and “fit” between their research interests and those of the supervising faculty. Students must have a faculty mentor and research topic to apply.


A summer research program for undergraduate students interested in applied mathematics, both modeling and simulation. The main goal is for each student to complete a research project under the joint guidance of graduate students, postdocs, and faculty in the mathematics department at NYU. Some projects will involve theoretical modeling and computer simulation, and others may involve Courant's Applied Math Lab, where students will help conduct experiments to validate models and simulations. The program will include a set of coherent activities such as frequent group academic meetings and social gatherings.


Departmental awards include the Hollis Cooley Memorial Prize, Mathematics Award, and the Mathematics Award for Academic Achievement.


New York University's Office of Undergraduate Admissions supports the application process for all undergraduate programs at NYU.  For additional information about undergraduate admissions, including application requirements, see How to Apply