Asian/Pacific/American Studies (Minor)

Department Website

Program Description

The program in Asian/Pacific/American Studies, housed in the Department of Social and Cultural Analysis (SCA), offers a rigorous and broad education in the history and contemporary experiences of Asian peoples—whether from East Asia, South Asia, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, or from diasporic communities across the world—in the present-day Americas. Students gain an understanding of Asian American culture in relation to such topics as law, art, health, urban politics, community studies, (popular) culture, language, and art. The program collaborates closely with the A/P/A Institute to bring important artists, scholars, performers, and activists to campus where they engage in close dialogue with undergraduates, faculty, and the broader New York community. Its stellar teaching staff, many of whom also have prominent careers as curators, activists, and artists, offers a diverse range of courses from the politics of beauty to secret histories of New York.

Minor Declaration

To request declaration of a minor, CAS students should visit the host department. To request declaration of a cross-school minor, CAS students should complete the online Minor Application available in their Albert Student Center. Students may also use the Minor Application in Albert to request cancellation of a CAS or cross-school minor.