Creative Writing (CRWRI-UA)

CRWRI-UA 815  Creative Writing: Intro Prose & Poetry  (4 Credits)  
Typically offered all terms  
This popular introductory workshop offers an exciting introduction to the basic elements of poetry and fiction, with in-class writing, take-home reading and writing assignments, and substantive discussions of craft. The course is structured as a workshop, which means that students receive feedback from their instructor and their fellow writers in a roundtable setting, and they should be prepared to offer their classmates responses to their work.
Grading: CAS Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No  
CRWRI-UA 816  Intermediate Fiction Workshop  (4 Credits)  
Typically offered all terms  
The intermediate workshops offer budding fiction writers and poets an opportunity to continue their pursuit of writing through workshops that focus on a specific genre. The workshops also integrate in-depth craft discussions and extensive outside reading to deepen students' understanding of the genre and broaden their knowledge of the evolution of literary forms and techniques.
Grading: CAS Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
CRWRI-UA 817  Intermediate Poetry Workshop  (4 Credits)  
Typically offered Summer term  
The intermediate workshops offer budding fiction writers and poets an opportunity to continue their pursuit of writing through workshops that focus on a specific genre. The workshops also integrate in-depth craft discussions and extensive outside reading to deepen students' understanding of the genre and broaden their knowledge of the evolution of literary forms and techniques.
Grading: CAS Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
CRWRI-UA 818  Writers in NY: Fiction  (8 Credits)  
Typically offered Summer term  
Writers in New York offers students of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction an opportunity to develop their craft while living the writer's life in Greenwich Village. Daily workshops and craft seminars are supplemented by readings and lectures by New York-based writers and publishing professionals. Field trips, cultural activities, readings, and guest lectures constitute an integral component of the program.
Grading: CAS Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
CRWRI-UA 819  Writers in NY: Poetry  (8 Credits)  
Typically offered Summer term  
Writers in New York offers students of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction an opportunity to develop their craft while living the writer's life in Greenwich Village. Daily workshops and craft seminars are supplemented by readings and lectures by New York-based writers and publishing professionals. Field trips, cultural activities, readings, and guest lectures constitute an integral component of the program.
Grading: CAS Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
CRWRI-UA 820  Advanced Fiction Workshop  (4 Credits)  
Typically offered Fall and Spring  
Advanced workshops provide emerging writers with the opportunity to hone their individual voice and experiment with different aesthetic strategies in a genre-specific workshop taught by an eminent writer in the field. The workshops focus on innovative revision techniques, the development of a sustainable writing process, and the broadening of students' literary knowledge of classical and contemporary masters. Each advanced workshop has a distinct emphasis and area of exploration--students are advised to pay close attention to the course descriptions, which are available online and in the program office prior to registration.
Grading: CAS Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
CRWRI-UA 825  Intermediate Creative Nonfiction Workshop  (4 Credits)  
Typically offered Fall and Spring  
The intermediate workshops offer budding fiction writers and poets an opportunity to continue their pursuit of writing through workshops that focus on a specific genre. The workshops also integrate in-depth craft discussions and extensive outside reading to deepen students' understanding of the genre and broaden their knowledge of the evolution of literary forms and techniques.
Grading: CAS Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
CRWRI-UA 830  Advanced Poetry Workshop  (4 Credits)  
Typically offered Fall and Spring  
Advanced workshops provide emerging writers with the opportunity to hone their individual voice and experiment with different aesthetic strategies in a genre-specific workshop taught by an eminent writer in the field. The workshops focus on innovative revision techniques, the development of a sustainable writing process, and the broadening of students' literary knowledge of classical and contemporary masters. Each advanced workshop has a distinct emphasis and area of exploration--students are advised to pay close attention to the course descriptions, which are available online and in the program office prior to registration.
Grading: CAS Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
CRWRI-UA 835  Writers in NY: Creative Nonfiction  (8 Credits)  
Typically offered Summer term  
Writers in New York offers students of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction an opportunity to develop their craft while living the writer's life in Greenwich Village. Daily workshops and craft seminars are supplemented by readings and lectures by New York-based writers and publishing professionals. Field trips, cultural activities, readings, and guest lectures constitute an integral component of the program.
Grading: CAS Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
CRWRI-UA 850  Advanced Creative Nonfiction Workshop  (4 Credits)  
Typically offered Fall and Spring  
Advanced workshops provide emerging writers with the opportunity to hone their individual voice and experiment with different aesthetic strategies in a genre-specific workshop taught by an eminent writer in the field. The workshops focus on innovative revision techniques, the development of a sustainable writing process, and the broadening of students' literary knowledge of classical and contemporary masters. Each advanced workshop has a distinct emphasis and area of exploration--students are advised to pay close attention to the course descriptions, which are available online and in the program office prior to registration.
Grading: CAS Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
Prerequisites: (CRWRI-UA 863 OR CRWRI-UA 850 OR CRWRI-UA 825).  
CRWRI-UA 861  Intensive Seminar in Fiction  (4 Credits)  
Typically offered Fall and Spring  
Intensive seminars are limited to 12 students and provide intensive mentoring and guidance for serious and talented undergraduate writers. Seminar applications are made available via the program's undergraduate listserv. All who enroll in the prerequisite CRWRI-UA 815 Intro to Prose & Poetry are added to the listserv; students may also contact to be added and receive all program announcements.
Grading: CAS Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
CRWRI-UA 862  IntensiveSeminar in Poetry  (4 Credits)  
Typically offered Fall and Spring  
Intensive seminars are limited to 12 students and provide intensive mentoring and guidance for serious and talented undergraduate writers. Seminar applications are made available via the program's undergraduate listserv. All who enroll in the prerequisite CRWRI-UA 815 Intro to Prose & Poetry are added to the listserv; students may also contact to be added and receive all program announcements.
Grading: CAS Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
CRWRI-UA 863  Intensive Seminar in Creative Nonfiction  (4 Credits)  
Typically offered Fall and Spring  
Application-based workshop. To be added to the listserv for all announcements, please contact
Grading: CAS Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
CRWRI-UA 980  Creative Writing Internship  (2-4 Credits)  
Typically offered Fall, Spring, and Summer terms  
To be eligible to apply for departmental credit for an internship, student must be a declared Creative Writing Minor who has already taken or is currently taking a second CRWRI-UA course. Program approval--which includes a review of the proposed statement of responsibilities--is required for registration. Academic credit is awarded for a 5-7 page report on the internship experience at end of term.
Grading: CAS Pass/Fail  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
Prerequisites: CRWRI-UA AND CRWRI-UA.  
CRWRI-UA 997  Creative Writing: Independent Study  (2-4 Credits)  
Typically offered Fall  
Should provide a course of study not available in CRWRI-UA course offerings. Please contact
Grading: CAS Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
CRWRI-UA 998  Creative Writing: Independent Study  (2-4 Credits)  
Typically offered Spring  
Should provide a course of study not available in CRWRI-UA course offerings. Please contact
Grading: CAS Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
CRWRI-UA 9815  Creative Writing  (4 Credits)  
An exciting introduction to the basic elements of poetry and fiction, with in-class writing, take-home reading and writing assignments, and substantive discussions of craft. Structured as a workshop: students receive feedback from their instructor and their fellow writers in a roundtable setting and should be prepared to offer their classmates responses to their work. Individual sections may differ; please see individual course syllabi for more detailed descriptions.
Grading: CAS Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
CRWRI-UA 9818  Writers in Paris: Fiction  (8 Credits)  
In this 8-credit intensive, students focus on fiction, and attend daily writing workshops, craft seminars, and literary readings and events. See program website.
Grading: CAS Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
CRWRI-UA 9819  Writers in Paris: Poetry  (8 Credits)  
In this 8-credit intensive, students focus on poetry, and attend daily writing workshops, craft seminars, and literary readings and events. See program website.
Grading: CAS Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
CRWRI-UA 9828  Writers in Florence: Fiction  (8 Credits)  
In this 8-credit intensive, students focus on fiction, and attend daily writing workshops, craft seminars, and literary readings and events. See program website.
Grading: CAS Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
CRWRI-UA 9829  Writers in Florence: Poetry  (8 Credits)  
In this 8-credit intensive, students focus on poetry, and attend daily writing workshops, craft seminars, and literary readings and events. See program website.
Grading: CAS Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: Yes  
CRWRI-UA 9835  Writers in Paris: Creative Nonfiction  (8 Credits)  
In this 8-credit intensive, students focus on creative nonfiction, and attend daily writing workshops, craft seminars, and literary readings and events. See program website.
Grading: CAS Graded  
Repeatable for additional credit: No