
Primary educational spaces for the MD program at NYU Grossman Long Island School of Medicine are located in the Research and Academic Center at 101 Mineola Boulevard on the first, second, and third floors.

The student learning studio includes classrooms, multiple desk stations, group study rooms, and a central area for lounge and relaxation.

The structures lab serves as a principal space for lectures and teaching foundational basic science concepts in biology, anatomy, and physiology.

The Simulation Center provides high-tech, realistically simulated training opportunities in a safe learning environment.

The mission of the William C. Hollis Health Sciences Library is to support the educational, clinical and research activities of the students, faculty, and staff of NYU Grossman Long Island School of Medicine and NYU Langone Hospital—Long Island by providing quality biomedical, nursing, and health sciences information resources and information services.

The library is currently staffed from 9 am-5 pm from Monday through Friday, with 24 hour student access. Medical students and faculty can easily access electronic and other library resources through the library’s website which provides access to the library catalog, research databases, and research and tutorial guides.

In addition, the computer lab at 211 Franklin Avenue is equipped with state-of-the-art technology for administering student exams and in-service needs.