Academic Policies

Honors and Awards

NYU Grossman School of Medicine awards the MD degree with an honors distinction to students who perform original, hypothesis-driven research that demonstrates exceptional ability and knowledge in a chosen specialty area.

Students develop honors research projects under the guidance of experienced principal investigators, who serve as mentors, and work alongside graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to test hypotheses.

As a student in the Honors Program, you write and defend a thesis describing your scientific research. Approved honors projects fulfill the concentration requirement for the MD degree. You follow other projects in the lab, attend journal clubs and scientific seminars, and interact with scientists from around the world as they present their research in our Honors Lecture Series.

These experiences prepare you for a career in academic medicine and distinguish you from your peers when pursuing top residencies or other career opportunities.

Pioneering Translational Medicine

NYU Grossman School of Medicine's Honors Program was founded in 1957 and prioritized translational medicine—the application of research advances to new medical therapies—before the term was coined. At the same time, our program has long recognized the importance of training physicians in the basic sciences.

Training students in research practices through our Honors Program helped to shape the development of our MD/PhD program in 1964. Ours was one of the first U.S. medical scientist training programs founded with funding from the National Institutes of Health, along with programs at Albert Einstein College of Medicine and the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University.

Prior Honors Program participants have gone on to win awards for work that continues to resonate in medicine and medical education. Biochemist Severo Ochoa, MD, a founder of our program, won the 1959 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, along with fellow lab member Arthur Kornberg, MD, for their research into the role of enzymes in RNA and DNA synthesis. Their work laid the foundation for modern genetic engineering and has influenced the development of targeted therapies for cancer and viral infections.

Contact Us

If you’ve completed a semester of medical school, are in excellent academic standing, and are interested in applying to the Honors Program, contact Kristi Tutela-Dane at to schedule an appointment with our program director, Kelly Ruggles, PhD.

Residency Requirements

Students must complete 130 weeks of coursework in residence at NYU Grossman School of Medicine.

Graduation Policy

No candidate may be recommended for a degree until all required fees have been paid. NYU Grossman School of Medicine cannot be responsible for the inclusion in the current official graduation list of any candidate who pays fees after the first day of May, September, or January for degrees in May, September, or January, respectively.

Following the payment of all required fees, and on approval of the faculty, the candidate will be recommended for the degree as of the date of the next regular meeting of the NYU Grossman School of Medicine Board of Trustees at which the awarding of degrees is a part of the order of business.

For students enrolled in four- or five-year pathways, the university confers the MD degree in May. For three-year-pathway students, the MD degree is conferred in June; and for students enrolled in the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery program, the degree is conferred in January.

Graduation Requirements for MD Students

Specific coursework and clerkship requirements are necessary to graduate. Learn more about our graduation requirements (Kerberos ID required for login).

Transfer and Articulation Agreements

NYU Grossman School of Medicine does not accept transfer students.


The grading system for the pre-clerkship modules and clinical electives is Pass/Fail. The grading system for required clinical clerkships, Selectives, and Advanced Clinically Integrated Science Selectives (ACISS) is Honors, High Pass, Pass, and Fail. An Incomplete (I) is a temporary grade assigned by a Module, Clerkship, Selective, ACISS, or Elective Director after approval by the Office of Medical Education (OME) only for students unable to complete the academic requirements within the allotted time because of unexpected events. A failing grade is recorded on the student transcript as No Credit (NC).

General Core Clerkship Grading Policy

Student assessments are submitted by the attendings and house staff using the standard electronic form employed across all clerkships. Students are assessed in the domains of clinical knowledge, clinical skills and professionalism. The faculty who submits an assessment is encouraged to generate a consensus assessment with the input of all members of the interdisciplinary treatment team including residents, fellows, nurses, social workers and other ancillary staff, when applicable. 

The final written examination for all clerkships (except Ambulatory Care) is an NBME subject (shelf) exam which will account for 10% of your final grade. Dr. Jean-Pierre Simon will email you the time, date and location of this exam. The subject examination will contain 110 questions and you will have 2 hours and 45 minutes to complete it.

A final numerical score will be calculated by the Clerkship Director and subsequently converted to a grade of Honors, High Pass, Pass, or Fail.

To receive a passing grade for the clerkship, ratings for knowledge, skills, professionalism, as well as a satisfactory performance on the final clerkship OSCE, must reflect at least adequate competence to progress. In addition, a student must receive a passing score on the shelf exam. Students who do not receive a passing score on the shelf exam will receive an initial  grade of “F” for the clerkship and will be required to take, and pass, a makeup shelf exam at a future date. While the new shelf exam score will replace the original failing score in the grade calculation, the initial shelf failure precludes receiving a final grade of Honors in a clerkship. (Note: Students who do not receive a passing score on the makeup shelf exam will receive a permanent grade of “NC” and will be required to take, and pass, a makeup oral exam in order to receive a final letter grade of “Pass” for the clerkship).

Students who do not demonstrate adequate performance on the final clerkship OSCE, will receive an initial grade of “F” for the clerkship and be required to remediate and retake the OSCE exam and demonstrate adequate performance. The new OSCE score will replace the old OSCE score but, depending on the clerkship, it may preclude receiving a final grade of Honors.

Clerkship grades will be available within 6-weeks of the last day of the clerkship.  Students wishing to review their grade must contact the Clerkship Director no later than 4-weeks after the grades are posted.  For the review the student must submit to the Clerkship Director, in writing, the specific reason(s) for the grade review request. The Clerkship Director will then review the submission, together with the original faculty and resident assessments, other relevant materials, and meet with the student to review their grade. Unless there is a mathematical error in the grade calculation, the grade review will not result in a grade change. Please keep in mind that in order for a grade review to be considered you must follow the guidelines written above.  All grade reviews need to be initiated with the Clerkship Director and not the teaching faculty. Contacting any resident or attending supervisor regarding final grades will result in the denial of the grade review.

If, after meeting with the Clerkship Director for a grade review the student wishes to submit an official grade appeal to the Office of Medical Education, please review the Clerkship Grade Appeal Process. All grade appeals must be submitted within 2-weeks of the grade review meeting outlined in the above paragraph. 

Clerkship Grade Appeal Process

Clerkship grades will be available within 6-weeks of the last day of the clerkship block.  Students wishing to review their grade must schedule an appointment with the Clerkship Director no later than 4-weeks after the grades are posted.  The meeting with the Clerkship Director is only to review and not change the grade. 

After the grade review meeting with the Clerkship Director, if a student still believes they have not received the appropriate grade, they may continue to the formal grade appeal process by completing and submitting the Clerkship Grade Appeal Form (Kerberos ID required for login) to the Office of Medical Education (OME) within 2-weeks of their grade review. A Grade Appeal Committee will meet at the end of the clerkship year to review the submission and make a decision. All decisions by the Grade Appeal Committee are final.

Academic Standing and Progress

The Preclinical Board on Academic Standing (referred to hereafter as the "Preclinical Board" or “Board”), chaired by the Senior Associate Dean for Medical Education, is comprised of Module and Content Directors and the Deans for Curriculum, Medical Education, and Student Affairs. The Preclinical Board meets several times a year to review the performance of students in academic difficulty and make recommendations to the Dean. The voting members of the Preclinical Board are the Module and Content Directors for each preclinical module, or their designee. Any ex-officio or voting member with a conflict of interest must recuse themselves from any discussion and/or vote pertaining to a student case. A conflict of interest includes, but is notlimited to, a course/clerkship director who has issued a failing grade, familial relationship, mentor/mentee relationship, physician-patient relationship, colleague referral or any other significant professional or social relationship (e.g., preceptor, elective teaching, advising).The Deans for Curriculum, Medical Education and Student Affairs shall also be in attendance but are not voting members. Additional faculty members may be invited as needed, but shall not be granted a vote. The Associate Dean for Student Affairs acts in the role of student advocate to the Board, and will bring additional information regarding a student's situation to the Board. Students may also communicate with the Board in writing to elaborate on their unique circumstances. Students in significant academic difficulty are strongly encouraged to meet with the Associate Dean for Student Affairs for support, guidance and advocacy and should submit letters to the Board to this dean in advance of the Board meeting.


A student may withdraw from the Grossman School of Medicine upon written request by the student to the Associate Dean for Student Affairs.

Standards of Conduct

NYU Grossman School of Medicine follows the NYU Student Conduct Policy.

Disciplinary Measures

In general, jurisdiction regarding decisions of remediation, suspension, or dismissal of a student for academic reasons (i.e. failure to successfully complete academic requirements or reasons related to professionalism) rests with either the Preclinical or Clinical Boards as appropriate. In cases of Honor Code violations, including violations of the "Statement on Exam Conduct", the Grossman School of Medicine Honor Council will hold jurisdiction and may make recommendations that have academic consequences. In such cases where the Honor Council determines that a student's behavior is in violation of either School or University policy, recommendations may include, but will not be limited to, academic remediation, suspension, permanent failure of a Module/Clerkship, or even an entire academic year, and dismissal. Any questions of jurisdiction will be decided by the Associate Dean for Student Affairs.

Redress of Grievances

A student who objects to a recommendation from either the Preclinical or Clinical Boards may petition the Dean for a review of its action. This appeal must be in writing, state the basis for the student's objection, and be received by the Dean within two weeks of the date either Board notified the student of its recommendation. The basis for an appeal would be discovery of new information that was not available to the Board at the time of its decision or evidence that the Grossman School of Medicine Academic Guidelines were applied unfairly. The appeal will be heard by an Appeals Committee consisting of three senior faculty appointed by the Dean. The Appeals Committee shall act upon the appeal as soon as is practical after its appointment. The Appeals Committee shall review the Board's recommendations and, in so doing, it shall hear the student in person if the student wishes to make a personal appearance before it; shall review such records as it deems pertinent, including a personal written statement submitted by the student; and shall, if it deems necessary, review any report by, or consult with, representatives of the corresponding Board. The Appeals Committee shall submit a written report of its review, including a recommendation, to the Dean. The Dean shall convey a written decision on the appeal to the student. The Dean's decision will be final and binding.


NYU Grossman School of Medicine does not offer internships. This training is done after the completion of medical school and the MD degree is awarded.