
Gallatin Graduate Advising

Advising is a key component of the Gallatin MA program. Throughout the individualized program, the student has access to a good deal of expert help to negotiate the resources of a large university and to enhance their program goals. Students should be aware of the advising resources that are available at Gallatin.

Primary Adviser

When a student matriculates in Gallatin, the student is assigned a faculty adviser, an NYU professor who works with the student to define academic and professional goals, to develop an appropriate strategy for pursuing those goals and to locate the necessary educational resources to carry out the academic plan. The adviser also serves as the first reader for the thesis. An expert in the student’s area of interest, the primary adviser acts as facilitator, guide and, ultimately, mentor, enabling the student to make useful decisions, as well as to understand essential theories and practices in the chosen field.

The primary adviser might be a member of the Gallatin faculty or a faculty member in another department of NYU. (In rare cases, the adviser may be a scholar or professional in another institution.) In either case, the goal is to match the student with a faculty adviser with specific expertise in the core area of inquiry and practice. Incoming students are welcome to suggest advisers with whom they would like to work. 

Gallatin Faculty

Graduate students may also draw on the other faculty members in the Gallatin school for advice and guidance. Gallatin faculty members play an important role at two stages of the program: the thesis proposal review, and the thesis defense. A Gallatin faculty member will serve as the reviewer of the student’s thesis proposal and will provide a written response to the proposal. Additionally, students select a three-person thesis defense committee that must include the student’s adviser and at least one full-time Gallatin faculty member. Students are encouraged to acquaint themselves with Gallatin faculty in their areas of interest and consult with those faculty members throughout the program.

MA Program Directors

Gallatin provides several general MA program advisers: the administrative director of the MA program and the faculty co-directors. The program directors are Gallatin faculty members who are available to discuss the aims and policies of the program, to provide practical advice on requirements and the choice and sequencing of the Gallatin core courses and to address any academic concerns that arise. The program directors may be called on at any time during a student’s studies.

Requesting & Changing Advisers

Before the student's first semester begins, they submit the Graduate Adviser Request Form.  To request a change of adviser, students submit the Graduate Adviser Change Request Form. Students can follow up with the Administrative Director of the MA Program if they have questions or concerns.


Each semester in order to register for courses, students meet with their academic adviser to complete and submit the Plan of Study form. Before students can register on Albert, students’ academic advisers must approve the courses listed on the plan of study.