Academic Policies

Notice: The policies, requirements, course offerings, schedules, activities, tuition, fees, and calendar of the school and its programs set forth in the Gallatin Bulletin and on this website are subject to change without notice at any time at the sole discretion of the administration. Such changes may be of any nature, including, but not limited to, the elimination of the school, programs, classes or activities; the relocation of or modification of the content of any of the foregoing; and the cancellation of scheduled classes or other academic activities.

Payment of tuition or attendance at any classes shall constitute a student’s acceptance of the administration’s rights as set forth in the above paragraph.

Residency Requirements

  1. A minimum of 28 credits must be earned at NYU while the student is enrolled in the Gallatin School.
  2. In the first semester of enrollment, students are required to be in attendance on campus in New York. Students are not permitted to begin the program remotely.


Conferral of Degrees

All Gallatin graduate students receive a Master of Arts degree in Individualized Study. Degrees are awarded in May, September and January, and both the Gallatin Graduation and University Commencement ceremonies take place in May.

Graduation Application

Students must apply for graduation on Albert. To graduate in a specific semester, students must apply for graduation within the application deadline period indicated on the Office of the University Registrar’s graduation deadlines calendar. Students may view the graduation deadlines calendar and other information about graduation on the Office of the University Registrar’s website. It is recommended that students apply for graduation no later than the beginning of the semester in which they plan to complete all program requirements. If a student does not successfully complete all academic requirements by the end of the semester, they must reapply for graduation for the following cycle.

Eligibility to Participate in Commencement

Degrees are awarded three times in the academic year - September, January, and May - and both the Gallatin Graduation and University Commencement ceremonies take place in May. The following students are eligible to participate in the May ceremonies:

  • Degree recipients from the prior September and January
  • Degree candidates for May (To be a degree candidate for May, students are expected to complete all outstanding requirements for the degree by May graduation, and must have applied for graduation by the application deadline.)

Students who will not complete all degree requirements in time for May graduation, but who will complete all requirements by the following September, may petition to participate in the NYU Commencement and Gallatin Graduation ceremonies in May. Petitions will be granted if the following criteria are met:

Final Transcript and Diploma

Every Gallatin student completing the graduate degree program will earn a Master of Arts in Individualized Study. Diplomas are mailed to a student's permanent address in Albert about eight weeks after the degree has been awarded. More information about the diploma is available the website of the Office of the Registrar, including how to receive it by mail and how to collect it in person.

To request an official transcript, please please read the instructions on the website of the Office of the Registrar.

Transfer Credit and Articulation Agreements

Students may apply to transfer up to 12 credits of graduate-level coursework taken prior to admission to Gallatin, provided the courses do not already count toward a prior degree. A single course cannot count toward two separate degrees.

Gallatin graduate students who believe their concentrations would benefit from study outside of NYU may apply for approval to take graduate-level courses at an accredited university while matriculated at Gallatin. All such course work must be approved in advance by both the student’s primary adviser and the Gallatin MA Program. Credit for external study counts toward the 12 credit maximum for transfer credits. For more information, see Gallatin's External Study policies.


Final grades for each semester are available through Albert. To receive credit for a course, students must meet the requirements for attendance prescribed by the instructor and satisfactorily complete all papers, examinations and other requirements prescribed by the instructor. Once a final grade has been submitted by the instructor and recorded on the transcript, the final grade cannot be changed, except in cases of a grading error.

Gallatin Grading Policy

Once a final grade has been submitted by the instructor and recorded on the transcript, the final grade cannot be changed, except in cases of a grading error.

In the case where a student believes an error has been made in calculating a grade in a Gallatin course, the student should first consult with the instructor who assigned the grade to discuss the grading requirements for the course and how the grade was determined. If the student is not satisfied with the outcome of the discussion and wishes to appeal the grade further, a formal written appeal should be submitted to the Associate Dean of Students. The Associate Dean of Students will then attempt to mediate a resolution between student and instructor. If the Associate Dean of Students is unable to mediate a resolution of the grievance, an independent review of the grade will be undertaken by the Student Conduct and Grade Grievance Committee. All of the student's work will be reviewed to clarify how the grade was determined and to ensure the grade is consistent with the academic guidelines and policies of the School. If a case goes to the Committee for a review, all parties agree that the decision of the Committee in matters related to a Gallatin course grade is final.

Grades for courses taken in other schools of the University are governed by the school/department offering the course. Gallatin students must follow the grading policies and procedures of those schools and departments, including the policy and procedure to appeal another school’s grade. Other schools’ grading policies and procedures can be found in the appropriate school bulletin or by contact­ing the school’s academic affairs office.

In all cases, students are expected to act within the semester following the course to appeal a grade since faculty may not be available to review an appeal in future semesters or years. (For fall and January term courses, students must appeal no later than the following spring. For spring and summer courses, students must appeal no later than the following fall.)

Please note that since transcripts cannot be altered for any reason after a student has graduated, it is not possible to appeal a grade after graduation.

The Cumulative GPA

All grades applicable to the Gallatin MA degree and earned while a student is matriculated at New York University are recorded on the transcript and computed in the cumulative grade point average. Grades earned at other institutions are not recorded on the NYU transcript; nor are they computed in the GPA.

Information on New York University’s grading system and computing your GPA can be found on the Office of the Registrar’s website.

Withdrawal (W)

When a student completes the withdrawal process, the grade of “W” is posted on the transcript to indicate an official withdrawal of the student from a course.

A grade of “W” does not factor into the GPA, nor do the credits for the course count as earned credit toward the degree. The credits do count as attempted credits and therefore do impact academic progress evaluations used for financial aid eligibility (for more information see the Office of Financial Aid website on Satisfactory Academic Progress).

The grade of “W” cannot be assigned by the instructor; the student must follow the official withdrawal process.

Incomplete (I)

The grade of “I” (Incomplete) in a Gallatin course is a temporary grade that indicates that the student has, for good reason, not completed all of the course work but that there is a possibility that the student will pass the course when all the requirements have been met.

A grade of “I” does not factor into the GPA, nor do the credits for the course count as earned credit toward the degree while the "I" remains on the transcript. The credits do count as attempted credits and therefore do impact academic progress evaluations used for financial aid eligibility (for more information see the Office of Financial Aid website on Satisfactory Academic Progress).

The work required to satisfy the incomplete must be completed by the deadline stipulated by the instructor, otherwise, the temporary grade of “I” will become an “F.” The grade of “F” is a permanent grade which will be computed into the student’s GPA.

Incomplete Policy

The grade of incomplete (I) is a temporary grade that indicates that a student has not completed all course requirements, but that there is a possibility that the student will pass the course when the remaining work is completed.  The grade of incomplete is therefore appropriate for students who have attended and participated in classes, but for valid reasons cannot complete all course assignments before the end of the term.  The grade of incomplete is not appropriate for students who have a poor attendance record, since it is not possible to make up missed classes. (Students who have missed a lot of classes for health reasons should contact the Gallatin Office of Student Affairs about the possibility of a medical withdrawal from the course).  Nor is the incomplete appropriate for students who have simply fallen behind in submitting required work; they must meet the instructor's deadlines.


The student must request an incomplete from the instructor before the final grades are due; if the written request is not made, the instructor will submit a final grade based on work completed to that point.
If the student's request for an incomplete is approved: 

  • The student must complete the necessary work by the date specified by the instructor. For Gallatin courses, this date can be no later than the end of classes in the following full term (i.e., by the end of the spring term for a fall or January course or by the end of the fall term for a spring or summer course). For courses offered by other NYU schools, students should confer with the department to confirm the duration of a grade of I (incomplete).*These deadlines also apply to students who maintain matriculation the term the work is due.
  • The grade of “I” is temporarily posted to the student’s transcript to indicate that the student has, for good reason, not completed all of the course work but that there is a possibility that the student will pass the course when all the requirements have been met.
  • If the required work is not completed by the deadline, the temporary grade of “I” will become an “F.” The grade of “F” is a permanent grade which will be computed into the student’s GPA.

Additional Policies on Incomplete Grades

Impact on Financial Aid

Students who are receiving financial aid should be aware that most financial aid awards are contingent upon their satisfactory academic progress (SAP). Students can learn more about SAP on the NYU SAP web page

Extension of a Grade of Incomplete

In extraordinary circumstances serious illness, family crisis, etc. a student may need an additional extension of the incomplete grade. In order to obtain that extension, the student will need permission from the Associate Dean of Gallatin, and will need to document and explain those extraordinary circumstances.

Procedure for Both Gallatin and Non-Gallatin Courses

  • Request an Incomplete Extension Petition form from the Gallatin Office of Student Services 
  • Make an appointment to meet with your instructor well before the specified or default deadline, to discuss the possibility of receiving an extension of your incomplete.
  • If the instructor approves your request, ask for a written approval along with the new deadline. Submit the completed petition form along with the instructor's written approval to Gallatin’s Office of the Associate Dean (1 Washington Pl., 8th floor) no later than the date your incomplete work would have been due to your instructor.

Pass/Fail Grades (P/F)

Some courses are not graded with the letter grades A through D. Instead, the grade of "P" is used to indicate that a student successfully completed the course with a passing grade (A through D). While students receive credit for courses graded with “P” (provided the course is accepted for credit toward the degree), the grade does not factor into the student's GPA.

Graduate students may not choose to take a course that is given for a letter grade on a pass/fail basis. However, several Gallatin courses must be taken on a pass/fail basis: Private Lessons, Internship, Master’s Thesis Seminar, Master’s Thesis I, Master’s Thesis II, and Thesis Advisement. All other University and Gallatin courses, as well as Independent Study and Tutorial, are graded and may not be taken pass/fail unless the course is offered on a pass/fail basis only.

No Record (NR)

Grades not entered by the course instructor or authorized school administrator within 30 days from the deadline when final grades are due will lapse to "NR" (No Record). A grade of "NR" does not factor into the GPA, nor do the credits for the course count as earned credit while the "NR" remains on the transcript. The credits do count as attempted credits and therefore do impact academic progress evaluations used for financial aid eligibility (for more information see the Office of Financial Aid website on Satisfactory Academic Progress).

A grade of NR is not considered a final grade, and therefore students may not graduate with NR grades on their record. Students who receive an NR grade should be in contact with their professor immediately to obtain a final grade.

Repeating Courses

Students seeking to improve their grade point averages may repeat a course. While both instances of the course and the grades for each will appear on the transcript:

  • Only the later of the two grades will be computed in the grade point average.
  • If credit was awarded on the transcript the first time the course was taken, the student will not receive credit when the course is repeated.

Students should also be aware that certain graduate schools will count both grades in the average.

Academic Standing and Progress

Students are expected to maintain a status of academic good standing. The Gallatin School reviews student records throughout the academic year to identify those students who may be falling below the academic standards set by the School. Students with unsatisfactory records may be asked to meet with one or more School officials to discuss their academic progress and to determine whether, and under what circumstances, they may continue in the School. 

Academic Good Standing

Graduate students are considered to be in academic good standing when their current and cumulative grade point averages are 3.0 (B average) or above and if they have not accumulated an excessive number of incomplete grades. Students must maintain satisfactory progress toward their degree by earning a passing grade in a minimum of 80 percent of the courses in which they are enrolled each academic year (fall, spring and summer semesters). Students newly admitted are presumed to be in academic good standing, unless they were admitted on a probationary status.

Students whose grade point average or accumulation of incomplete grades suggests potential problems may receive an informal letter cautioning them about their situation and advising them to speak with their adviser.


Students with unsatisfactory academic records are placed on probation under the following circumstances: if the current grade point average falls below 3.0, if the cumulative grade point average falls below 3.0, or if the student accumulates 8 or more credits of incomplete. Students who have an excessive number of withdrawals may also be placed on probation.

When a student is placed on probation, a letter is sent to the student, the student’s adviser and the Office of the University Registrar.This letter will specify the period of time the student has been given to improve their academic standing.

The student may be required to submit a statement explaining their poor academic performance and stating their plans to reverse the decline in grades. In some cases, the School may summon the student to appear in person.

While the student is on probation, certain conditions and restrictions may be placed on their academic program. For example, the student may be prohibited from taking a course outside of NYU or registering for independent studies, tutorials, internships or private lessons. The committee may also limit the maximum number of credits per term for which the student can register.

Students on probation cannot participate in extracurricular activities, hold office in any University club or organization or represent the University in any athletic or nonathletic event.

A Dean’s Hold is placed on all registration activity for students on probation. The Dean’s Hold may be removed only after a probation interview. The probation letter will inform the student of how to schedule this interview.

Academic Dismissal

If a student fails to meet the terms and conditions of probation, they may be dismissed from the University. Students who are dismissed from the School for poor academic performance will be informed in writing by registered mail. The School will also notify the Office of the University Registrar, Housing and Residential Life, the Office of Graduate Admissions and the student’s adviser. Students who have paid tuition for the next term at the time of their dismissal will receive a full refund of tuition and fees.


A student may appeal the School’s decision of academic dismissal if the student believes their dismissal was the result of an administrative error or if the student can offer compelling reasons for their academic standing. The student must request an appeal within 15 days from the date of the dismissal decision. This request must include a personal statement explaining the student’s poor academic performance and showing the compelling reasons why the student should not be dismissed. The student may be asked to meet in person with School officials. The decision reached by the School in response to an appeal is binding.


Students entering Gallatin must enroll in courses on campus at NYU/New York in the first semester. Studying remotely is not an option in the first semester. All students are expected to remain enrolled in each fall and spring semester until graduation by registering for NYU courses.  In some instances a student may need to request an official leave of absence for a fall or spring semester. Graduate students must complete all degree requirements within a period of 6 years from the first semester of matriculation at Gallatin.

The programs and courses offered at the Gallatin School are designed for students who attend courses during the day or the evening, on a full-time or part-time basis. The Gallatin MA Program defines full-time status as enrollment in a minimum of 12 credits in one semester, and half-time status as enrollment in a minimum of 6 credits in one semester (the two summer sessions combined are regarded as one semester). For the purposes of immigration and federal aid eligibility (student loans), NYU considers full-time status as enrollment in a minimum of 9 credits in one semester, and half-time status as enrollment in a minimum of 4.5 credits in one semester (the two summer sessions combined are regarded as one semester).


Although the Gallatin administration does not supervise attendance of classes, it supports the standards imposed by instructors. Students who, in the judgment of the instructor, have not substantially met the requirements of the course or who have been excessively absent maybe given a final grade of F.

For university policy concerning religious holidays, please refer to the University Calendar Policy on Religious Holidays.

Leaves of Absence

A student may apply for a Leave of Absence by contacting the Office of Student Affairs, (212) 998-1542 or

A Leave of Absence may be granted for a personal, medical or military reason, and it is generally granted for no longer than two semesters. When a Leave is permitted, the student is not required to apply for readmission as long as the student returns to the school within the specified time. While on Leave the student is required to meet any NYU financial aid and housing deadlines. If a student is on Official Warning or Academic Probation when a Leave is granted, the student returns to the school with same academic status. 

Students should consult the University’s Student Leave Policy.


Withdrawal Policy

Students who wish to withdraw from all of their courses for the semester, students who wish to withdraw completely from Gallatin, and students who must withdraw for medical reasons or other extenuating circumstances must follow a formal process which entails:

  1. sending an email to the Administrative Director of the MA Program,
  2. submitting a Term Withdrawal form on Albert, and
  3. filling out a Gallatin specific Term Withdrawal form or Leave of Absence form and submitting it (completed) to Gallatin's Office of Student Affairs.

Please note that this process is not complete until the student receives guidance and further instructions from the Gallatin Office of Student Affairs. Students must be aware that merely ceasing to attend a class does not constitute an official withdrawal, nor does notification to the instructor, nor does simply filing a Term Withdrawal form. Without receiving final approval for a Term Withdrawal from the Gallatin Office of Student Affairs, students will not be dropped from their courses and are in danger of receiving grades of F.

Students who plan to remain enrolled in classes but who wish to drop one or more courses should refer to Dropping Courses.

Dropping or withdrawing from courses will be subject to the University refund schedule.

How Withdrawing Affects Student Records

Until the last day of the second week of classes for the fall and spring semesters, and until the third day of classes for the six-week summer sessions, dropped courses do not appear on the student’s transcript. Courses dropped during the third through the ninth week of classes for the fall and spring semesters, and from the fourth day of classes through the last day of the fourth week of classes for the six-week summer sessions, are recorded with a grade of “W” (Withdrawal), which cannot be removed from the official record.After the ninth week of classes for the fall and spring semesters and the last day of the fourth week of classes for the six-week summer sessions, students may not withdraw from a course. For more information about the grade of “W,” see Withdrawal.

Financial Aid Considerations for Withdrawing

Students receiving financial aid are expected to maintain satisfactory academic progress toward degree requirements. Because withdrawing from courses could negatively affect satisfactory academic progress, students should consult with the Office of Financial Aid before withdrawing from courses.

International Student Considerations for Withdrawing

International students are required to be registered for full-time course work (see Full-Time/Part-Time Status). Because withdrawing from courses could affect a student’s full-time status, all international students should consult with the Office of Global Services before withdrawing from courses.

Standards of Conduct and Disciplinary Measures

Academic Integrity

As a Gallatin student you belong to an interdisciplinary community of artists and scholars who value honest and open intellectual inquiry. This relationship depends on mutual respect, responsibility, and integrity. Failure to uphold these values will be subject to severe sanction in accordance with the Student Conduct and Grade Grievance Rules of the Gallatin School of Individualized Study.

The following are examples of behaviors that compromise the academic integrity of the Gallatin School.  The list is not exhaustive.

  • Plagiarism – using a phrase, sentence, passage, image, graph, table, sound recording, art work, or any other type of creative or intellectual material from another work without proper citation; paraphrasing words or ideas from another work without attribution; reporting as your own research or knowledge any data or idea gathered, reported, or developed by another person; submitting as your own work anything produced by another. Plagiarism does not only apply to written or recorded work, but also to intellectual property such as computer programs, oral presentations, and artistic work including choreography, stage blocking, and music.
  • Use of Artificial Intelligence Tools – submitting work containing any content generated by advanced automated tools (artificial intelligence or machine learning tools such as ChatGPT or Dall-E 2) when not explicitly permitted to do so by the course instructor.
  • Doubling or Recycling – submitting the same or substantially similar work in multiple courses, either in the same semester or in a different semester, without the express approval of all instructors.
  • Cheating – bringing or accessing unauthorized materials during an examination (e.g., notes, books, or other information accessed via cell phones, computers, or any other means); submitting answers on an exam that were obtained from the work of another person or providing answers or assistance to others during an exam when not explicitly permitted by the instructor; when submitting evaluations of group members’ work for an assigned group project, misrepresenting the work that was performed by another group member; altering or forging academic documents, including but not limited to admissions materials, academic records, grade reports, add/drop forms, course registration forms, etc.
  • Illicit Collaboration – submitting work done in collaboration with others without the express permission of the instructor or without acknowledging such collaboration.

Note that plagiarism and other violations of academic integrity are matters of fact and not intention, and apply to all material submitted as a Gallatin student.  In other words, regardless of whether they are deliberate or accidental, all violations are subject to potential disciplinary action.  In all cases and when in doubt, students should consult with their instructor regarding acceptable forms of documentation and citation, collaboration, and exam preparation.

In accordance with the University Policy on Student Conduct, Gallatin reserves the right to review and act upon violations of rules of conduct or non-academic policies of the University and/or to refer such matters to NYU’s Office of Community Standards. Where a student’s conduct on campus constitutes violations of both University rules and public law, he may be subject to both University discipline and public sanctions.

Student Conduct & Grade Grievance Rules


The Student Conduct and Grade Grievance Committee of the Gallatin School of Individualized Study (hereafter the Committee) has jurisdiction over allegations of academic misconduct concerning any student enrolled in any Gallatin course, individualized project, or degree requirement. This jurisdiction may include, without limitation, any violation of Gallatin’s Statement on Academic Integrity. Additionally, the Committee has jurisdiction over grievances concerning the final grade of any student enrolled in any Gallatin course or individualized project, regardless of the student’s home school.

A Gallatin student accused of academic misconduct in a non-Gallatin course or individualized project, or who wants to grieve a grade in a non-Gallatin course, is subject to the policies and disciplinary procedures of the school or college offering the course. However, only the Gallatin School may suspend, dismiss, or expel a Gallatin student because of academic misconduct When Gallatin’s Associate Dean of Students is informed by a colleague at another school that a Gallatin student has been found to have violated the academic conduct policies of that other school, the Gallatin Associate Dean of Students will initiate the procedure described in Section 5a of this document: that is, a notice will be placed in the student’s file; if the matter is a second offense, Gallatin disciplinary proceedings will be initiated.

A Gallatin student who is alleged to have engaged in non-academic misconduct in violation of the University Student Conduct Policy is subject to adjudication through protocols developed and administered by the University’s Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards. If a Gallatin student is determined to have committed a violation of the University Student Conduct Policy that is serious enough to warrant suspension, dismissal, or expulsion, the student may appeal that determination to Gallatin’s Dean for a final decision, following the procedures set forth by the Office of Student Conduct.

If questions of jurisdiction arise in any particular case, they shall be referred for decision to the Office of Legal Counsel of the University.


The adjudication of student academic misconduct and grade grievances is the responsibility of the faculty of the Gallatin School of Individualized Study. In the exercise of this authority, the faculty hereby delegates its authority to the Committee acting pursuant to rules and regulations hereby prescribed, or as subsequently amended.

Composition of the Committee

Student Conduct and Grade Grievance Committee: The membership of the Committee shall consist of three full-time members of the Gallatin faculty and two students, one an undergraduate and one a graduate student.

  1. The Chairperson of the Committee will be the Chairperson of the Advisement & Policies Committee (A&P).
  2. The remaining two faculty members of the Committee shall be selected by and from among the Advisement & Policies Committee of the Gallatin faculty by majority vote at the beginning of each academic year. Faculty members of the Committee will serve for two years, or until their terms in A&P ends, whichever comes first. Faculty members of the Committee will be eligible for reelection at the ends of their terms.
  3. The student members of the Committee shall be appointed by the Associate Dean of Students at the beginning of each academic year. Each student member will serve a term of one year, and will be eligible for reappointment at the expiration of that term (so long as she will continue to be a matriculated student for the duration of that academic year).

Winter/Summer Proceedings: In the event that the Committee is called to convene during the winter or summer sessions, and should any of the original members – faculty or student – be unavailable, the Associate Dean of Faculty may appoint ad hoc members of the faculty and student body, to replace any unavailable member, and to serve for the duration of the case(s) under review. Appointed ad hoc members should agree to be available for the semester following the winter/summer session in the event proceedings extend accordingly. In the event new cases emerge while ad hoc winter/summer committees are convened beyond the winter/summer session, the new cases shall be overseen by the formally constituted standing Committee, even if these members are also part of the ad hoc committee.

Disciplinary Appeals Panel: Once the Committee is constituted each fall, the Dean will appoint an Appeals Panel which will hear appeals to the decisions of the Committee concerning disciplinary cases. The Appeals panel shall consist of three members, none of whom may serve on the Disciplinary and Grievance Committee: the Associate Dean of Faculty and Academic Affairs, the Chair of the Curriculum Committee, and the Graduate Program Director.

Conflicts of Interest: A faculty member of either the Committee or the Appeals Panel is ineligible to serve if the individual is: a past complainant against the student undergoing the disciplinary review, the student’s primary academic adviser, or the student’s current instructor. In such a case, the Chairperson or the Associate Dean of Faculty will name an ad-hoc replacement to be drawn from the faculty. A student member of the Committee is ineligible to serve if the member has some sort of personal relationship with or close connection to the student undergoing disciplinary review or if the student is currently an advisee of or enrolled in a course with the faculty complainant. In such a case, the Chairperson or the Associate Dean of Students will name an adhoc replacement to be drawn from the current student body.

Procedure for Student Grading Grievances

  1. Complaint: In the case where a student believes that an error has been made in calculating a grade in a Gallatin course, the student should first consult with the instructor who assigned the grade to discuss the grading requirements for the course and how the grade was determined. If the student wishes to appeal the grade further, a formal written appeal should be submitted to the Associate Dean of Students. In all cases, students are expected to act within the semester following the course to appeal a grade since faculty may not be available to review a complaint in future semesters or years. For fall and January term courses, students must appeal no later than the following spring. For spring and summer courses, students must appeal no later than the following fall. Please note that since transcripts cannot be altered for any reason after a student has graduated, it is not possible to appeal a grade after graduation. 
  2. Review: Upon receipt of a formal complaint, the Associate Dean of Students will attempt to mediate a resolution between student and instructor. This mediation may involve private discussion with both the instructor and student separately, or meeting with both parties together. If the Associate Dean is unable to mediate a resolution of the grievance, an independent review of the grade will be undertaken by the Committee. All of the student’s work will be reviewed to clarify how the grade was determined and to ensure that the instructor’s grading for the course has been consistent.
  3. Grounds: The Committee will normally rule only on matters of technical error (calculating the grade incorrectly, etc.) or unfairness (the instructor has applied inconsistent standards to this student, etc.). The Committee is not empowered to change a grade on the grounds of an assessment of the quality of the student's work that is different from that of the instructor.
  4. Appeals: If a case goes to the Committee for a review, all parties agree that the decision of the Committee in matters related to a Gallatin course grade is final.

Procedure for Student Discipline

  1. Notice: A faculty member who suspects a student of plagiarism, cheating, or another academic integrity violation must report the incident to the Associate Dean of Students, who will determine whether a previous complaint against that student exists. If no prior report exists, the Associate Dean may counsel the faculty member to resolve the matter independently by advising the student on the conventions and expectations of academic integrity, and, if warranted, by assessing a penalty (e.g., failure for an exam, paper, or assignment, failure for the course). The faculty member may also present the evidence of suspected cheating, plagiarism, or other violation to the Associate Dean of Students for consultation. The faculty member will submit a report on the incident to the Associate Dean of Students, who will place it in the student’s file. The Associate Dean of Students will notify the student within fifteen days of initial notice that a record has been included in her file, and that a second charge will trigger a formal disciplinary review. The Associate Dean of Students will keep a record of reported instances of academic integrity violations.
  2. Complaint: If the faculty member and student cannot reach agreement on the facts and penalty, or if the faculty member and Associate Dean of Students believe that the violation is of sufficient gravity to warrant more official treatment, the faculty member will submit a formal, written complaint to the Committee Chairperson. In all cases, a second charge of academic misconduct at any point in the student’s academic career, regardless of the school or entity offering the course or academic project in question, will automatically trigger a formal review. Moreover, any member of the faculty, staff, administration or student body may file with the Committee a complaint against a student alleging a violation of Gallatin’s Statement on Academic Integrity. The complaint must be in writing, setting forth briefly the nature of the alleged infraction and the nature of the evidence. A copy of the complaint will be filed with the Associate Dean of Students.
  3. Review: Upon receipt of a formal complaint, the Chairperson of the Committee and the Associate Dean of Students will make a preliminary investigation to determine whether or not sufficient evidence exists to warrant proceeding with a disciplinary hearing. This may include reviewing and soliciting evidence, meeting with the student, and meeting with the complainant. They also may choose to mediate the issue between the complainant and the student, reaching a mutually agreeable resolution that may include failing the assignment, failing the course, or levying any of the sanctions on Section 9. If that occurs, the Associate Dean of Students will submit a report on the incident to the student, whose signature on the report will constitute formal agreement to the terms of the resolution. The report will form part of the student’s file, and should specify that any further violation will trigger an automatic hearing. If, however, there is not sufficient evidence to warrant a hearing, the Chairperson and Associate Dean of Students will notify the complainant and the student, and the complaint will be dismissed, with a record of the official action to remain in the student file as specified in Section 10. Any academic violation that merits consideration of suspension, dismissal, or expulsion will trigger a hearing by the full disciplinary Committee.
  4. Hearing: If, on the other hand, the Chairperson and Associate Dean of Students determine that there is sufficient evidence to warrant proceeding with a disciplinary hearing, or if the student rejects the terms of a mediated resolution, the Chairperson and Associate Dean of Students will notify the student and the complainant, and then will notify the members of the Committee to meet as a hearing panel at a time and place specified to hear the evidence of the alleged infraction of discipline, as specified in Section 6. No more than one month shall pass before between notice and hearing. All members of the Committee must attend the hearing. Once a hearing has been triggered, the student’s record will be placed on Dean’s Hold, and will remain so until the process has ended or a resolution been reached.
  5. The Associate Dean of Students may attempt to reach an informal resolution between the complainant and the student up until the commencement of the hearing.
  6. In a case in which a non-Gallatin student faces charges of academic misconduct in a Gallatin course, Gallatin’s Associate Dean of Students will inform the Associate Dean of Students at the student’s home school of the matter. This may occur after the matter has been resolved. However, if the case involves a hearing, the Associate Dean of Students at the student’s home school will be notified of the matter prior to the commencement of the hearing.


The hearing shall be conducted according to the following procedures:

  1. The Chairperson shall instruct everyone participating in the disciplinary proceeding that all testimony, evidence and related matters shall be kept private. The Associate Dean of Students shall be present at the hearing as witness at-large.
  2. Prior to the hearing, the Chairperson will prepare the case for presentation to the hearing panel and request the presence of all witnesses for the complainant and for the student. The student has the right to a preliminary meeting with the Chairperson to review the charges and the procedures. If the student requests that supporting witnesses be summoned, the student must furnish the Chairperson with the names and contact information of the witnesses with sufficient notice, in order to afford enough time to request their presence. The hearing panel may choose to limit the number of witnesses.
  3. The Chairperson shall make every reasonable effort to notify the student of the hearing, to find a mutually agreeable time to hold the hearing, and then to encourage the student to appear at the preliminary meeting, and to appear at the scheduled hearing. However, in the event a student fails to respond to these efforts, the disciplinary hearing will take place at a scheduled time and place convenient for the committee members.
  4. Once the hearing begins, the entire proceeding is audio-recorded. The audio recording will remain under the jurisdiction of the Associate Dean of Students until the student graduates, withdraws or is dismissed or expelled from the University, at which time the audio-recording will be destroyed. If the charges are not sustained, the recording shall be destroyed immediately.
  5. At the commencement of the hearing, the Chairperson shall read the charge in the presence of the student and the panel, and request whether the student admits or does not admit to the charges. If the student does not admit to the charges, it is not to be construed to be more than a demand on the part of the student that the case be proven against her, and no implication as to the veracity of the student may be inferred from her failure to admit to the charges. In the conduct of the hearing, the Chairperson will rule on all questions of relevancy of the evidence; she may elect to call for a vote of the whole panel on specific questions of relevancy. The hearing shall not be governed by formal rules of evidence; statements or documents that would be inadmissible in a court of law may be admitted by the Committee.
  6. The hearing is an administrative procedure of a summary character. If the student exercises the right to be accompanied by counsel, the Committee must be notified at least fifteen days in advance of the hearing so that it can draw on NYU Counsel.
  7. The Chairperson and the panel shall conduct the examination of any witnesses and the student may also call and examine witnesses. The hearing panel shall control the conduct of the hearing proceedings.
  8. When the hearing is concluded, the hearing panel shall meet in closed session and shall vote, first on the question of whether the student has committed the alleged disciplinary infraction. If the decision is affirmative, the panel shall then decide on a sanction or punishment (see Section 9). In both cases, a majority vote of the members of the Committee shall constitute a valid decision of the hearing panel.
  9. The Chairperson shall, as soon after the hearing as possible, prepare a report of the hearing and forward it to the Associate Dean of Students. The report shall include: the date, time and place of the hearing; the names of all persons present at the hearing; a short statement of the charges against the student; confirmation that the student was notified of the allegations and given an opportunity to respond; a summary of the findings of fact and conclusions made by the hearing panel; a statement of the decision of the hearing panel; a statement of the penalty imposed by the Committee.
  10. The Associate Dean of Students shall promptly communicate the hearing panel’s findings to the student using the the contact information provided by the student at the hearing or the address on the student’s permanent student record. Moreover, the Associate Dean of Students shall ensure that the Committee’s report is included in the student’s permanent record, unless the committee’s finding is for exoneration, in which case the file will be expunged from the student’s record.

Rights of the Student

In the course of these disciplinary proceedings, the student has the right:

  1. to be informed in writing of the charges against her and the name of the complainant;
  2. to meet with the Chairperson before the hearing to review all charges and procedures;
  3. to be confronted in open hearing with the complainant and all witnesses, as well as the right to question each witness in front of the hearing panel;
  4. to have the hearing panel request the presence of a reasonable number of witnesses on her behalf; the panel is not empowered to compel the attendance of witnesses;
  5. to consult with an advisor of her choosing, who may be an eligible faculty member of the Gallatin School or the University, to assist her in the preparation of the defense, if the faculty member consents to act in that role; no member of the Committee, Dean, Associate Dean, Assistant Dean or Director of Student Affairs of the Gallatin School may serve as an advisor in this capacity.


  1. A student who wishes to appeal the decision of the Committee shall follow these procedures:
    1. The student must submit a written Notice of Appeal, setting forth the grounds for the appeal, to the Chairperson of the Committee within fifteen calendar days after the Associate Dean of Student’s notification of the panel’s decision. The Notice of Appeal may be accompanied by additional materials in support of the student’s case.
    2. A decision of the hearing panel may be appealed only for the following reasons: any evidence of a material nature and/or witnesses unavailable at the time of the original hearing and now available which might have affected the hearing panel’s decision at that time; any procedural irregularity in the conduct of the hearing which was material and prejudicial to the student.
    3. An appeal will be heard by the Appeals Panel as constituted in Section 3. One of the faculty members on the panel shall serve as Chairperson. The panel will hear evidence and/or arguments of irregularities and review the record of the initial determination, including the recorded transcript of the original hearing. The panel, after hearing all the evidence and arguments, shall determine by majority vote whether to uphold or reverse the original decision. If the panel supports that decision, the sanctions remain in force. If the panel determines that the decision was made without the Committee’s hearing significant evidence, or that procedural irregularities occurred, then the panel shall remand the matter back to the Committee for further hearings. The panel shall not conduct a new hearing to determine whether or not the student has committed the alleged disciplinary infraction.
    4. Pending appeals to the Appeals Panel, the judgment of the Committee which heard the case in the first instance will be in effect. In any case in which a sanction of suspension, dismissal or expulsion has been imposed, the student may include in the Notice of Appeal a request to be permitted to attend classes while the appeal is pending; this request shall be acted upon promptly by the Chairperson of the Committee. If the Chairperson grants the request, it will be stipulated that while all course work can be completed, no course credits can be given if the original decision is upheld.
  2. A student who wishes to appeal a recommendation of suspension, dismissal, or expulsion made by the University’s Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards shall follow the procedures for appeal set out in the NYU Student Conduct Policy regarding appeals.

Disciplinary Sanctions

The Committee decision may include any one or more of the following disciplinary sanctions:

  1. Warning: notice to the student, orally or in writing, that continuation or repetition of the conduct found wrongful, or participation in similar conduct, shall be a cause for further disciplinary action.
  2. Censure: written reprimand for violation of a specified regulation, including the possibility of more severe disciplinary sanction in the event of conviction for another violation of a University regulation within a period of time stated in the reprimand;
  3. Disciplinary Probation: exclusion from participation in privileges or extracurricular University activities as set forth in the notice of disciplinary probation for a specified period of time; notification that a more severe disciplinary sanction may be imposed if the student commits a second disciplinary offense while on disciplinary probation;
  4. Restitution: reimbursement for damage to or misappropriation of property; reimbursement may take the form of appropriate service to repair or otherwise compensate for damages;
  5. Suspension: exclusion from classes and other privileges or extracurricular activities as set forth in the notice of suspension for a definite period of time;
  6. Dismissal: termination of student status for an indefinite period; the conditions for readmission, if any are permitted, shall be stated by the Committee in the order of dismissal;
  7. Expulsion: permanent termination of a student’s status.

If, as a result of any disciplinary action, the withdrawal of a student is required before the end of the term for which tuition has been paid, a refund will be made according to the standard refund schedule.

Record Keeping

The records, files and recordings of all disciplinary cases and proceedings shall be kept and maintained by the Associate Dean of Students.

Student File: The Associate Dean of Students will maintain a file of suspected but unproven incidents of plagiarism, cheating or other academic infractions. If, upon the student’s graduation from NYU, no additional reports or complaints have reached the Associate Dean of Students, those files will be destroyed.

Permanent File: If a disciplinary infraction has been determined, documentation will become permanent. The Associate Dean of Students will keep and maintain all relevant records regarding the infraction until the student has exhausted all appeals and has fully withdrawn, has been dismissed or expelled, or has graduated. Upon full withdrawal, dismissal, expulsion, or graduation, only the Committee’s final summary report will be kept in the student’s permanent file.

Redress of Grievances

Please consult the University's Student Grievance Procedure.

Petitions and Appeals

Students may petition to waive a rule or policy by submitting a Petition form, available at Gallatin’s Office of Academic Advising and Office of Student Services. Petitions are reviewed by the directors of the MA program. In any case in which a student wishes to appeal a petition decision, they may provide further information and request reconsideration of the decision.


Students interested in pursuing an internship must read the Internship Guidelines and consult with their faculty adviser to determine how an internship might fit into their academic program.

Number of Credits, Meeting Hours and Grading

Internships can be taken for one, two, three or four credits. The number of credits is determined by the number of hours worked at the placement each week over the course of the semester in addition to the number of academic requirements for each credit. 

A typical 4-credit internship requires approximately 12 hours/week of work in addition to reflection essays, a progress report, final analytical paper and supervisor’s performance evaluation. Internships for more than 4 credits are granted by special approval by the Director of Internships.

All graduate internships are graded pass/fail. The faculty adviser assigns the final grade, which is based on the meetings, the journal and the written work, as well as the supervisor’s performance evaluation.

Students should be reminded that because internships are credit-bearing non-classroom courses, tuition and fees for an internship course are generated in the same way as those for a classroom course. This means tuition and fees for an internship are based on the number of credits for the internship course.  

Timeline of Responsibilities

  • Proposal: Due before the semester begins
  • Site Confirmation Letter: Due before the semester begins
  • Learning Contract: Due by the end of the second week of classes
  • Reflection Essays: Submitted to the adviser periodically throughout the semester; the topics and number of essays are to be determined by the faculty adviser and depend on the number of internship credits. 
  • Progress Report: Due mid-semester
  • Final Paper: Due by the end of the semester (due date is set by the adviser)
  • Internship Performance Evaluation: To be filled out online by the student's internship supervisor.

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